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  • #27212
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @djkimki,

    thank you for the information.
    Is the Lenovo Pad 2024 software updated?
    You may send the video to with the email subject “Forum support: Help! USB Connection reboots my tablet”.
    Once you have the tablet and if the problem still persists, please send the diagnostics.


    I can’t send the log because I gave the tablet to my friend to check the issue (which i doubt he will solve), and i also re-installed spacedesk because i thought maybe the it would solve the issue, so need to wait until i get the tablet back.

    If you give me email, i’ll send you the video showing the situation.

    In text, here is how it is

    1. Used different cables, that worked fine with other tablet i used to use spacedesk (Legion Y700 2023)

    2. Tried in two different desktops, Legion Y700 worked perfect in both desktops. Levono Pad 2024 rebooted in both desktop

    3. Wifi version works fine with Levono Pad 2024 (but i want to use the cable connection badly.

    Please let me know what you can find from this information.

    I haven’t seen anything like this before also.. and i can’t figure out what to do.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @djkimki,

    there were no other reports like this before.
    Have you tried using a different USB cable?

    For further analysis, please send us the diagnostics of this USB cable connection issue.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the steps to get the diagnostics logs and attach the compressed folder into your next reply.
    In case the folder exceeds the 512KB file size limit, please upload it and send us the download link.


    So I have two Lenovo Tablets
    Legion Y700 2023
    Lenovo Pad 2024 11-inch

    I’ve been using the Legion Y700 with USB connection to my PC with no Problem,

    I recently bought Lenovo Pad 2024, and since it has a bigger screen, i decided to change to Lenovo Pad

    for something weird reason, whenever i connect the USB cable, my tablet will non-stop reboot..
    it is 100% due to spacedesk, because the moment i turn off the spacedesk driver, it will stop rebooting, and when i turn the driver back on, it will reboot again immediate (continue to reboot like every 5 seconds)

    I’ve been using the spacedesk with Y700, so obvious none of the setting are wrong…

    I have been around the internet to check if anyone is facing similar issue, but I cannot find any..

    Please help me


    I have an iPad Air 5th Gen and tried to connect with a Windows 10 Host using a USB-C cable. The iPad app would never connect.

    All prerequisites were met. The spacedesk driver version is the latest 2.1.20. iTunes was downloaded so that the “Apple Mobile Device Support” Dependency was installed. The “USB Cable iOS” setting is checked. I confirmed the application works using a wireless connection.

    I ended up figuring out how to make it work when I installed a competing product called EasyCanvas. The EasyCanvas installer packages older versions of “Apple Mobile Device Support” as well as the 64 bit version and 32 bit version of “Apple Application Support”. With these installed, the USB connection succeeds and the spacedesk application works as intended.

    In my testing, only the older version of “Apple Mobile Device Support” was necessary to have installed to have the USB connection work successfully. I ended up leaving the two “Apple Application Support” versions installed because I figured it could not hurt.

    The version of “Apple Mobile Device Support” that worked is The version that came packaged with the iTunes installer was


    In reply to: causing bsod


    Hi, thanks for your answer

    My graphics driver is up to date, but I cant seem to find the setting to enable native USB connection.

    I have tried attaching the zip file, but it is too big, so instead I have uploaded it to mediafire. Here is the link

    • This reply was modified 6 days, 8 hours ago by Warrret.
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @p424top,

    Audio feature is currently not yet supported when connecting spacedesk iOS viewer via USB cable.


    Hi, I am a media artist working in Korea.

    Currently, I am using 5 iPhones connected to my PC with USB 3.2 cable. And I want to output sound from each iPhone separately. But I can only see the video on the screen and no sound is output.

    Is it because the Spacesk feature does not support sound output from iPhones? Or am I not using the feature correctly?

    Any answers would be appreciated.

    Related Information
    spacedesk 2.1.19
    PC: lenovo M70q Gen4 Tiny
    Device(Monitor): iphone SE2


    In reply to: causing bsod

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @warrret,

    Please check these possible known reasons for BSOD with spacedesk:

    1. If you have an old Nvidia graphics driver version (specifically v461.09 – release date: 2021.1.7), please make sure to update it to a more recent version which is available on their official website or via Nvidia GeForce Experience.

    2. If you are using USB tethering connection, the USB driver used by USB tethering network causes a BSOD crash in some cases.
    Please use native USB cable connection instead, you can enable it via spacedesk Driver Console.

    For more info check the chapter Windows 10 crash with BSOD chapter in the spacedesk documentation –

    If the suggestions above did not help, please send us the diagnostic files for further analysis.
    Just run the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Save All Information button (in the prompt please click Yes to restart the console app as administrator to collect any possible dump file for the BSOD).
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    for clarification of the spacedesk viewer app settings:
    if only “Use native android device resolution” option is checked
    “Use custom resolution” option is unchecked,
    then the resolution is only 1920×1080?
    Yes. the resolution is only 1920×1080.

    What is the model and Android version of the smart TV?
    The model is SUPER3-X50 of LeTV. The model is made in China.
    The Android version is 5.0.1.
    []: [tv]
    []: [1534908690]
    []: [Wed Aug 22 11:31:30 CST 2018]
    []: [aosp_guava-user 5.0.1 V2301RCN02C060072B08221N 180822.113025 release-keys]
    []: [V2301RCN02C060072B08221N release-keys]
    []: [Letv/X3-50/X3_50:5.0.1/V2301RCN02C060072B08221N/180822.113025:user/release-keys]
    []: [tv-k8s-11c2adc2c1c868]
    []: [V2301RCN02C060072B08221N]
    []: [guava]
    []: [5.0.1/V2301RCN02C060072B08221N/180822.113025:user/release-keys]
    []: [release-keys]
    []: [user]
    []: [letv]
    []: [REL]
    []: []
    []: [REL]
    []: [180822.113025]
    []: [5.0.1]
    []: [21]
    []: [2016-03-01]

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    In reply to: USB CONNECTION LAG

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @jsmasterson,

    I assume that you’ve already checked that the USB cables are good, but I still want to ask,
    are the cables not broken? Does the usual functionalities e.g. file transfer work properly?

    Is USB Debugging disabled in Developer Options of the L7 Pritom tablets?

    Could you please check if the lag already happens with ONE USB cable connection of L7 Pritom tablet?
    If it does NOT happen, connect the second L7 Pritom tablet by USB cable.
    If it does happen,
    – open Task Manager. Are the CPU, GPU, and Memory usages too high?
    – please send us again the diagnostics. The previous diagnostics did not contain the spacedesk driver logs. If the folder exceeds 512KB, please upload it in Google Drive/One Drive/Dropbox/or any similar app and send us the download link.

    Looking forward to your feedback.


    In reply to: USB CONNECTION LAG


    Hi Nicole, sorry If I sounded like an asshole.
    it is with both L7 Pritoms, Its seriously is the weirdest thing,
    I have one 8 inch Tablet in the middle (L8) and 2 peripheral 7 inchers (L7’s)

    __________________| |_____________________
    | | | |
    | (L7) | (L8) | (L7) |
    | | | |
    |_________________| |____________________|

    With a 16g Ram Mini PC with x4 3.2 USB posts on the back

    Micro portable desktop so to speak.

    Middle screen works fabulously
    the 2 smaller ones…. 5 second lag time.
    SO frustrating…… the L7’s have 2g + 2G RAM expandable, with a high speed USBc interface.
    The middle 8 inch is actually less powerful than the outside 2.

    What did the Diog Log say…… whats the transpher speed. and where is being choked up???

    It works for 10 seconds perfectally then, crashes to a crawl, but doesn’t disconnect

    Please help because running the Hotspot on the mini PC kills the battery like in an hour.


    Hey yall!

    I’ve been using SpaceDesk for a long time now, I made a lego slide-on for my TV that blocks the flickering X symbol BUT I recently found out how I can get rid of it but it’s pretty weird.

    Quick why it works: The X to close button on the top right only shows on the display that the screenshare was started on.

    How to fix it:

    1: Start the Spacedesk Viewer application on a different monitor than the one you want the screen to be on. (1)
    2: Drag the connected SpaceDesk viewer to the monitor you actually wanna have it on.
    3: fullscreen the app there.

    (*1): If you have a resolution within the “Other screen resolutions” for a weird aspect ratio screen like your phone, make sure the screen you start the spacedesk viewer app on has the same resolution as the screen you want the second monitor to be.

    If you have questions ask them below or add me on Discord by the same username.

    I personally use Spacedesk atm to both connect to my Steamdeck while it’s docked, but I also now just have my TV connected to my Steamdeck dock by default and stream a second screen for my main rig on my Steamdeck.
    It took a few times for me getting annoyed by the flickering X button and having made a slideon for the TV that I found out how it actually dissapeared

    • This topic was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by Rackneh.

    1) Windows 11
    2) Iperf. Android server without parameters, Windows client with parameter to push the limits of my connection (I’m not sure this is necessary, but: –bandwidth 1000M)
    3) When on wireless, I am using Router, it can limit my connection. So… After iperf I haven’t seen any noticeable performance gain. Probably should try with Direct wireless connection.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @averageuser,

    thank you for the feedback. Follow-up questions:
    1. What is the Windows OS version?
    2. Did you set other iperf parameters on Windows or Android?
    3. Did you also try this trick with the wireless connection? Did it gain performance?

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @averageuser,

    thank you for reporting this issue.
    spacedesk has not been tested on USB 4.
    Could you please update to spacedesk Driver v2.1.20 and send us the diagnostics?
    Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics and follow the Diagnostics Collection steps.
    Please send us the compressed folder on your next reply.
    In case the file exceeds 512KB, please upload to Google Drive/One Drive/Dropbox/any similar app and send us the download link.
    Looking forward to your feedback.


    In reply to: REMOTE ACCESS HELP???

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jsmasterson,

    Multiple connection issue can be caused by any of the following:
    1. In case you are connecting via spacedesk HTML5 Viewer, then only one spacedesk connection is allowed.

    2. If you are using 2 or more identical Android or iOS device, it’s possible that all devices have the same device identification.
    On your Android or iOS device, go to spacedesk viewer app settings (of each device) and clear the app data before connecting to spacedesk server.

    If it’s not any of the reasons above, could you please send us the diagnostic info on your primary machine.
    Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics.
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
    – try to connect all the spacedesk Viewer apps and reproduce the multiple connection problem
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
    – click “Save All Information” (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    Type-C cables of 2.0, 3.x, 4 versions
    Tablet with USB type-c v3.2

    Was using Spacedesk with usb 2.0 type-c cable – worked pretty well.
    Plugged usb 4 – Windows said “Device not recognized…” when USB Cable driver is ON. Spacedesk is not launching USB Session.
    When disabling USB Cable driver – default Windows connection works normally (can transfer files), so there is no real problem with my cables and devices. And sorry, but I need to say, that the analogue program for virtual display works with USB v3.2, so no real problems at my side.
    Tried USB v3.2 capable cable – same as v4 error.
    Can use Spacedesk and USB 4 only when plugging USB v4 into USB 2.0 adapter.

    Have Spacedesk been tested with USB versions, better than 2.0? Can you say that type-c USB v3.2 connection must work with software?

    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by AverageUser.

    HEY…..Iv tried everything literally everything…
    an Im over my head in graphics settings

    Can I give yall remote access to see what the deal is with my Tri-display?

    I’ve been in BIOS and have tried allocating more DVM, optimizations, application priority, new 3.1 cables… Im stumped why 1 would work flawlessly….and not the other 2

    Id love for this to work.

    Thanks for your help




    native USB is great, but when using Spacedesk with Tablet, I cannot utilize USB connection in a proper way.
    I need to use a USB Hub, which disables type-c input for data (only charging), but offers a type-a for data.
    That’s why me is using Ethernet OTG.
    After “warming up” of the Ethernet connection described in my prev response performance, is same great as with native USB.
    I think, that you should test this scenario, cause it’s working pretty well, just required one fix for now. And some of the users may benefit from it. Like, my PC has not much of high speed USB ports to use with Android, but there is powerful 2.5Gbit Ethernet vacant for connection.

    Thanks for the answer and your wonderful app, I hope there will be improvements!

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by AverageUser.

    Hi Everyone,
    I’ve been using Spacedesk successfully for the last 6 months or so . . . and then suddenly it just stopped working entirely. I have:
    – uninstalled and reinstalled spacedesk from min Win 10 PC.
    – Cleared cache and data from my android tablets
    – tried to connect via hostname (unsuccessfully)
    – tried to connect via IP address (unsuccessfully)
    – removed permissions on Windows Defender (firewall)
    – re-added firewall permissions
    – verified static IP addresses for my PC and android devices

    Nothing seems to work. I’m wondering if there was a Windows Update or something that might be causing this conflict because, prior to 2 days ago, the solution has been working nicely for me. I can’t seem to figure this out.

    Any ideas?


    Tried to connect Android Tablet with OTG Ethernet adapter to my Windows PC directly.

    Gigabit Ethernet to USB Adapter is working correctly (tested)
    Ethernet Cable is working correctly (tested)
    PC Ethernet port is working correctly (tested)

    Tablet to Router to PC is working great, but limited by Router.

    SLOWEST Speed after connection! 16 Mbit is MAX what I have ever seen.

    But! I have a strange semi SOLUTION:
    If I start iperf server on Tablet, then launch iperf client from Windows (just to push limits of connection) this iperf session goes very well! Speed is over 300 Mbit (x20 increase).
    After this “warming up” iperf transmission Spacedesk starts to work like a charm! Connection is fast as when iperf was doing benchmark.
    So, every time after I unplug network adapter and want to make Spacedesk session by Android – Windows over Ethernet, I must launch a single iperf benchmark.

    Do I need special Ethernet configuration to overcome this problem?
    Can Spacedesk team somehow solve this? // Temporarily, I think about: Spacedesk connects and doing fast benchmark of the MAX speed of connection to “warm it up”.


    I’m also looking forward to this feature. Here’s my current setup:
    – 13″ iPad Pro M4 (2024)
    – USB connection
    – 1280×960 resolution @ 60Hz

    It’s running perfectly smooth; love it! I have tried Duet, Luna Display, Chrome Remote Desktop… this one is by far the best.

    But, I use Universal Control to let my MacBook Pro’s mouse and keyboard move over to control the iPad. I can control SpaceDesk app that way, but cannot interact with the Windows host at all… I have to use a separate mouse and keyboard currently.

    That feature addition would be incredible; if spacedesk charged for it, I would pay.


    And i have a question ,expiry of Dec 31 /2024. is this mean after one year ,this software isn’t free to use ?

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    I use android emulator to make third monitor on my PC. Now I get to know about windows viewer, but I can’t connect to localhost (,,, I tried all this IP).

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @blaastg,

    For a 2×2 Videowall setup, you have to set the correct Position(X;Y) of each viewer/client on the Videowall Client Settings page e.g.
    Viewer #1: X = 0, Y = 0
    Viewer #2: X = 1921, Y = 0
    Viewer #3: X = 0, Y = 1081
    Viewer #4: X = 1921, Y = 1081


    In reply to: Monitor Color

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @marco,
    Are you using an old version of spacedesk Driver on your primary machine?
    If yes, please update to the most recent version available on our download page –

    For more details about black and white screen, please check

    Black and White Image: EXPIRY of BETA VERSIONS!


    There are 4 identical Android TVs. The SpaceDesk server sees them, but does not collect them into one video wall. TV resolution 1920×1080, video wall 2×2, video wall resolution 3840×2160. I don’t understand what the problem could be. USB didn’t work at all, not 2.0 not 3.0. Windows sees a 3840×1920 screen, but the TV only displays the desktop, each TV gives the same picture.

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    I use Flight Simulator 2020 with 2 Lenovo tablets connected via USB. On the tablets I use the Garmin G1000 Cessna Pfd and Mfd.
    Everytime I click a button on the tablet, the mouse pointer also moves there. So if I want to click something in the sim I need to drag the mouse pointer through 2 tablets and one monitor back to my main window where my sim is running. Kind of annoying. Any help/hints are highly appreciated 👍
    I need only touch functionality on the tablets and the mouse pointer should stay in my main window!

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jamesson,
    Thanks for showing us the video.
    Can you please quickly try to toggle the Audio icon (disable-enable) and see if it will make any difference.
    If it did not help, please send us the debugview log of the spacedesk Viewer app, just follow the steps below:

    1. On your secondary machine where you run the spacedesk Viewer app, please download the DebugView app thru this link:
    2. Right-click -> Extract the contents of the, and run the Dbgview.exe as administrator.
    3. In the Capture tab, make sure to check the “Capture Win32”
    4. Run the spacedesk Viewer app and connect to your primary machine and try to toggle(disable-enable) the Audio icon in the settings menu bar.
    5. In the DebugView window, there should be spacedesk viewer traces starting with “SA [xxxx:xxxx]:SAxxxxx…..”
    Please save the DebugView traces into a log file, and make sure to change the format to .txt file before attaching it to your reply.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @dougw03,

    is this happening on latest spacedesk Driver v2.1.19 and latest spacedesk iOS viewer?
    Have you tried to toggle (uncheck->check) the Communication Interface “USB Cable iOS” check box in the spacedesk Driver Console?


    I am using a 2018 iPad Pro with a Windows 11 Machine connected via USB. Every now and then SpaceDesk cannot detect my Windows machine. IpadOS detects the machine because I get the prompt to enter my passcode. However SpaceDesk hangs on the connection page. I’ve tried force closing the app and unplug/replug USB but no luck. The only way to get SpaceDesk to detect the iPad is to power cycle my iPad. Any ideas?


    windows 11 pro 64bit

    When using a dark theme, using spacesesk causes pages that change themes, such as Task Manager, to fail to change to a dark theme, and to create a problem that appears to be a white theme.
    This problem will only return to its original state once the window has been turned off and on.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @christmas,

    based on the diagnostics info you previously sent, this USB Mobile Monitor Virtual Display is installed via LetsView.
    It doesn’t seem to conflict with our spacedesk USB feature.

    BUT, it could conflict if:
    1. LetsView’s ‘Control Android’ feature is being used as this requires USB Debugging enabled on your phone. If it is enabled, please turn it OFF in the Developer Options settings of your phone.

    2. There might be an old driver version of USB Mobile Monitor installed.
    Please check in Device Manager, View -> Devices by driver, if there is a usbmmu.inf listed (please see attached screenshot, DeviceManager_usbmmu.png, as an example).
    If it’s present, right click on it and select ‘Remove driver’.
    Check both ‘Uninstall this driver from any devices that currently use it.’ and ‘Attempt to force removal of this driver while it is still in use by devices.’ (please see attached screenshot DeviceManager_usbmmu_removal.png).

    Looking forward to your feedback.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @juandavid182,

    do you have splashtop installed on your machine and Android device?
    Please try to disable USB debugging on your Android device.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @christmas,

    Please update to spacedesk Driver v2.1.19.
    If the problem still persists, please send us again the diagnostic info (same steps mentioned above).

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @jstrong20,

    Please update to spacedesk Driver v2.1.19.

    If the problem still persists, please send us the diagnostic info via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View).
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
    – reproduce the issue by connecting the Android device
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
    – click “Save All Information”
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply
    OR upload to Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. and send us the link.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @hgknn, @kk_lag,

    potential fix for this issue has been released.
    Please update to spacedesk Driver v2.1.19.


    thank you very much for testing.
    We reverted v2.1.18 yesterday.
    Please try again with v2.1.19.

    Looking forward to your feedback.


    Thank you very much, this issue was solved in v2.1.18, my G304 and GPW 2 did not have the previous failure, by the way, in the previous version, when connecting my Logitech mouse and then plugging in the USB cable to the Android device, the Android device would not automatically jump to spacedesk, and now this issue has also been solved, thank you very much.


    rotating to 270 makes it a bit better, -270 is better than 270 but it’s still unusable. i’m trying different rotations, i’ll see if it works. but currently still no luck.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @amiga,

    for clarification of the spacedesk viewer app settings:
    if only “Use native android device resolution” option is checked
    “Use custom resolution” option is unchecked,
    then the resolution is only 1920×1080?

    What is the model and Android version of the smart TV?


    I have a smart TV, and the resolution of the screen is 3840×2160. The spacedesk viewer recognized its native resolution as 1920×1080. When I configure setting->resolution->choose custom resolution and modify it to 3840×2160, it prompts it can’t be bigger than the native resolution.
    I think that spacedesk viewer on TV can’t get the right resolution.
    What should I do now?


    I use Spacedesk to play text-based games on my tablet over my network. I have my second screen mirroring to my tablet using Spacedesk.

    I am having a issue with Spacedesk where the text doesn’t change to the new text properly on the tablet. Since only the textbox in the game is changing I think it might be a display change sensitivity issue.

    Here are some settings I use:
    Mode: Network
    PC Connection: Gigabit Ethernet
    Tablet Connection: Wi-fi 6 5Ghz
    Custom resolution: 1280 x 720
    Image quality: 100%
    Encoding color depth: High, YUV 4.4.4
    Custom FPS: 30
    Rendering Color Depth: 24 bit


    I am using Windows 11 and the Windows 11 viewer.

    I use Tailscale VPN to create a mesh network, but am only using Spacedesk locally between my main machine and laptop.

    The viewer correctly detects the server but is reporting the IP of another Tailscale node and not the node where the server is sitting.

    If I open the server settings, it lists the correct Tailscale IP that the server listens on and I can manually type in this IP to connect to the server from the viewer.

    This is an ok workaround but I constantly have to look up what the IP is. I have a terrible memory and always have to go to the server and check the IP.

    In the enclosed picture, you can see that the viewer reports as the IP the server exists on but this is incorrect. It is not even the local IP of the machine outwith the Tailscale network.

    The second IP is the manual connection I have to create.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi There,

    I’m experiencing a problem using an iPad Pro Gen3 as a SpaceDesk slave connecting to a Windows 11 Notebook PC in desktop extension mode. Typically, the iPad is being connected via a USB cable – but this problem also occurs over a WLAN connect too.

    The problem occurs when the iPad slave connects, the touchpad mouse on the Windows 11 Notebook server stops working. As soon as the iPad slave is disconnected, the notebook’s touchpad mouse operates normally again.

    (The notebook’s keyboard continues to work when the iPad slave is connected – only the mouse function is adversely affected.)

    I’ve noticed when the iPad slave is connected, SpaceDesk loads 2x new “Input Devices” on the Windows 11 notebook. These devices appear in the notebook’s control panel as:
    • HID Keyboard Device

    (See screen shot “2024-05-06 215323 – Devices with iPad Connected.png”.)

    These devices are NOT present when the Notebook PC is initially booted, and are disabled / removed when the iPad Slave is disconnected.

    (See screen shot “2024-05-06 214612 – Devices w-o iPad.png”.)

    It seems SpaceDesk loads these devices regardless of the “Input Devices” settings configured on the iPad slave. I’ve tried various settings on the iPad slave, including “Touchscreen” and “Keyboard” being enabled & disabled.

    (The iPad slave was configured with “Keyboard” disabled while capturing the screenshots provide – yet the HID Keyboard Device is still being loaded. This is not a concern to me for the moment as the Notebook PC’s keyboard operates correctly – but I do worry if loading this device could cause future problems.)

    The currently temporary work-around to this problem is to the enable “Touchscreen” on the iPad slave, and disable “Keyboard” and “Pen”. Then after the iPad slave connects, use the iPad touchscreen mouse control to open the Windows 11 control panel, and remove the DATRONICSOFT_SPACEDESK_MOUSE device via the hamburger menu to it’s right.

    (See screen shot “2024-05-06 215501 – Devices after Datronicsoft_Spacedesk_Mouse Deleted.png”.)

    Deleting this mouse device restores normal operation of the Notebook PC’s touchpad mouse straight away, and consistantly. It’s a “painful” operation because using the iPad touchscreen to control the Windows 11 notebook is clumsy – but at least it means SpaceDesk can be used.

    Overall I like using SpaceDesk to extend my Windows desktop to the iPad as a second screen – and can also see other use benefits for SpaceDesk. I’m an IT Consultant focused on large corporate solutions and would like to recommend SpaceDesk to several organisations which could result in 1,000’s of license sales – but I can’t make such a recommendation until this problem is fixed.

    Please advise how to permanently resolve this problem?

    Regards, OzeCam.


    iPad mini 6, ios 17.4.1 (as well as privious ios 16) usb tipe C connection with original and custom cables.
    WIFI Display works fine and neve crash, but it uses to much of network channel, so I can’t stream to twitch in high quality with WIFI display conection.
    USB conection fails in a couple of minutes after I start playing game(Helldivers2), without the game it also works fine.
    I checked all incompatible software, reinstalled apps on windows and iPad, tried different windows and game window settings. nothing helps to stop crashing. Even if the game works in background the iOS app gets closed in a few minutes.
    pc specs
    -Windows: -11pro 23H2
    -Graphics: -RTX4080s
    -CPU: -Ryzen 7800X3D

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by singlelair.

    When I run this app & connect to Android smartphone via USB Tethering, the connection is often suddenly lost and the Kernel Security Check Failure BSOD appears.
    I’m using this app since April 22 and this problem appears frequently.
    I look forward to the fix and the cause of the problem.

    My PC:
    Intel Core i3-4370
    Intel HD Graphics 4600
    ASRock H81m-HDS
    8Gb RAM
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2
    Spacedesk Windows 2.1.16
    Spacedesk Android 2.1.6


    maybe this? this is with one wired and 2 LAN style just to see the performance difference.
    It took me a year to do this because of the ChOp Chop chop ieness. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I DID IT RIGHT



    Im nnot surewhich is correct.

    This is with one wired and 2 LAN style or the other way round. It work pretty good honestly with the loacl area hotspot connection, i just want the wired to work ,cuz its stillkinda laggy

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @futuremain,

    Yes, it is possible to connect up to 4 spacedesk Viewer app using one account.
    In the Concurrent Access Licensing option, you should select the Business license: Upgrade 2-5 concurrent connections.

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