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Thanks Christian,
1) same resolution on both: 2736*1824
2) W7 viewer initially started rotating in wrong directions, but after a while i figured out that if I disconnect once it is in Portrait – and manually flip orientation on server using Windows Display settings, then it will stay in Portrait. So that is GREAT. Obviously not ideal but it works once you figure it out.
3) Not sure what to do regarding the link you referred me to? The user with the issue in that thread stated that touch stared working after he removed W7 client and reinstalled W10 one from the Store. Obviously if I do that, I will lose the Portrait mode again.
Also, the Take Control instructions to “simply use your Surface tablet’s mouse and click inside the active spacedesk viewer. A dialog box will appear, click ‘Take Control’” do not work here – or do not work on W7 viewer. I get “Press ALT+shift to exit remote control” instead. So Im assuming that Remote Control is already active? Either way, touch works outside the Viewer, does nothing inside the Viewer.Thanks for your help!
installed the Client Viewer from Store on a Windows 11 arm64 Device.. Installed successfully but crashes (closes) directly at startup. Should this work on arm64 Windows?
Best Regards
Hi! I downloaded spacedesk a few days ago, and it worked perfectly fine until I started it up again yesterday. It refuses to find my primary machine no matter what I do. I think this happening because the Windows and iOS versions are different. I need Beta v1.64 for Windows.
I just wanted to update to the latest version, via the update feature in the console. after I clicked install, I followed the steps that should be. But, when entering a section like “you have a previous version, continue updating” the process seems to go smoothly, until the status “uninstalling spacedesk android control driver”, a notification appears.
The notification dialogs “An error occurred while uninstalling the spacedesk driver. The uninstallation will complete with an error. Please do this setup again. restart the machine and run it”
after that the installer application is stuck, not running anymore. i searched & followed the method on the official spacedesk web. it still runs like that. then i tried to repair/remove using the previous (.msi) installer (v1069). but, it has the same problem and stuck in the same status.
is there any other solution, I can’t use spacedesk at all.
Thank you.
Topic: No connection to iPad
I downloaded the Windows 10 SpaceDesk Driver Console Server program on my L13 Yoga ThinkPad and the corresponding app on my iPad. I’ve tried to connect the app to the server, but the app is not detecting a server. I’ve tried manually connecting through ISP, but I’ve had no success. Is there anything else I can try? I know that the wired connection for iOS is not ready yet.
Topic: Broken aspect ratio/rotation
I have downloaded the Spacedesk application from the Microsoft Store onto a spare RCA W101v2 2-in-1 Windows tablet. It seems like the aspect ratio or rotation is broken because the output onto the tablet is always stretched in the wrong ways. Setting the tablet’s display to landscape in the host’s Windows settings turns it sideways (portrait) on the tablet and squishes it the other way. Then, setting the tablet’s *OS orientation* to portrait after that, shows the desktop correctly with gigantic black bars on top and bottom.
When I took the screenshot, it had a portrait orientation, so I squished it to look like the output I saw on the display. The screenshot of just the settings is the configuration: Portrait host output, landscape tablet OS setting, native resolution on Spacedesk, and no other configuration. I have already tried resetting the Spacedesk settings.
Everything worked fine with the Windows 7 download from this website. This issue only exists on the application I got from the Microsoft store.
Edit: To clarify, the pictured settings window is the same exact one between both screenshots, just taken on different displays. (no settings were changed between when I took the first and second one)
I have an ideapad 11th gen, it’s fairly new and a new tablet s9 ultra i’m using usb connection to expand my laptop screen in order to reduce latency as much as possible, but it’s lagging in some scenarios when there’s too much info on the screen, i want to know if there’s a better way of connecting those two devices in order to achieve the best possible experience
Topic: Can’t connect my IPAD PRO
I’m trying to connect my work Windows laptop to my iPad Pro 11 but it’s not working.
In the Network Adapters settings on my work laptop, I can only see the virtual IP address. When I go into the WiFi settings, I find the real IP address for my laptop and input it on my iPad, but it doesn’t show up in the list of available devices on my iPad. It just says “IP validation progress..”, then it failed.
Even when I enter the physical IP address of my laptop, it still fails to connect. I’m guessing there might be some settings on my work laptop that are preventing the connection, but I’m not sure.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can get my iPad to successfully connect to and access my work laptop? Some guidance would really help me out since I’m stumped on what to try next.
When I try to update to spacedesk v1075 I asks me to provide spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v1036_BETA.msi to uninstall the old version.
I have recently cleaned up “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\”, since this is, you know, a temp directory and I thought nobody would pack important stuff into there. It seems winget is not thinking so. The missing file should be located at:C:\Users\Alter\AppData\Local\Temp\WinGet\Datronicsoft.SpacedeskDriver.Server.
I was not able to find a download link of older releases. Can you please provide one?Thanks in advance
Topic: Spacedesk for school
I am trying to get my school to use Spacedesk so that all Students can use there tablet as an second display. For this we need to make sure that:
1. Spacedesk and it´s settings can be distributed trough our network
2. Spacedesk is not able to use the lan/wifi conection (just usb)
3. Spacedesk settings are not editable by studentsAny ideas?
I am using a triple-display setup with surface pro and iPad along with my default PC monitor. I have my iPad in portrait mode and have two questions:
1. The “Connected – Display OFF” screen does not blank out the entire screen. It looks like this was only created for landscape mode. See picture here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UbugZ8UXNzQ6EuCX8
2. Can I set a timeout for this screen? This screen stays on and does not seem to be affected by disconnect display value setting. I want my iPad to go to sleep after I turn my host PC off/sleep.Thanks
I noticed that the Features / OS grid shows that on Android devices a mouse is NOT supported.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 10.1 inch tablet running Android 12 and I am using a Samsung S (Bluetooth) Action Mouse paired with this tablet.
So far in my limited tests, the mouse IS working! Hurray! I can control and interact with my desktop via the Windows Spacedesk driver on my Windows 10 desktop PC.
Spacedesk is particularly useful to support a remote touch screen application to control DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software.