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Topic: Wrong touch positioning
Hello. I,m trying to use spacedesk app on my Poco m3 pro. Device resolution of 1080*2400.
I’m not able to reach taskbar area while touching at very bottom of screen. Remote touches appears to be a bit higher than my physical touches: lower the touch bigger the offset. I’m attaching video demonstrating the issue. Please, note, that my real touches are also visible in the video, so you can see growing offsetTopic: tablets keep disconnecting
I am new to using this app but I think it is a great idea.
I have 3 tablets I am trying to connect and have them setup.
2 Samsung TAB E and 1 IpadI can extend the desktop to all 3 but they disconnect after a few minutes.
Attached is the diagnostic file as suggested in the support forum.
My PC is on a wired network and does not have a wireless card.
Are you able to advise on what I could do to make the connection stable. The wifi signal I have is strong and never have any issue with disconnecting.
Topic: Windows 11 viewer
My primary will be my desktop PC running Windows 10. My viewer is a laptop running windows 11. Will this work?
The viewer download software doesn’t mention compatibility with Windows 11.I am unable to get the correct 4:3 aspect ratio when using spacedesk on my iphone 13 pro max in windows 10. If I set 640×480 resolution it stretches the entire screen. It doen’t matter if I tick both set custom resolution and native iphone resolution or just tick custom resolution with 640×480 selected it still stretches. Any help anyone can provide would be great. Also, even if I select the correct resolution in my pc display settings it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Thanks!
I tried to download SPACEDESK VIEWER SOFTWARE FOR SECONDARY MACHINE (CLIENT) For Windows 10 – Current version: Beta v0.0.23.0, but it cannot be downloaded from the microfot site (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/spacedesk/9nblggh4trm4?activetab=pivot:overviewtab), nothing happens when you click the “get” option.
Does anyone have the same issue?
Thanks!Topic: Can’t detect server
Hi dear,
I’m facing the same problem. I’m using Window 10, system X64 computer. My viewer is IPAD Air2.
After I entered the IP manually, “IP validation in process” would last for 1~3 minutes, and then the notification was disappeared. I’ve tried several times, but failed to connect with my computer.
I don’t know how to get the diagnostic… Just wondering if I could get some help here?!!!
Gd morning friends,
I hace a Dell XPS 17 with Nvidia and when conected my tablet samsung s7 as a second monitor only can use for 2 min maximun i display error, please find attached a pic, thanks
I wanted to use my android stylus pen in Windows via using my touch tablet(vastking kingpad k10pro). So almost as if it were a graphics tablet. However, I had to find out that the pen input is the same as for the computer mouse. How can I change that the pen and my fingers are registered separately in Windows.
You can see in my picture on the right pen and mouse overlap at the same time. In Windows, however, the use of the pen as a mouse is already deactivated. I think it isnt a problem from Windows or my pen but a problem of spacedesk and how the peninput data is transferred to windows.Hi I have 2 LEnovo laptops running on a LAN cable network with Spacedesk.
The app is working well. I use Spacedesk to make an extension screen on my primary laptop screen.
However I cannot set the screen brightness of the secondary laptop viewer screen.
If I go to the active connection link I only get the statistics tab, I don’t see the tab that will allow me to adjust the display on the client/slave screen.
I am running windows 10 on both machines.
Any help will be much appreciated, Thanks!
I put different background pictures for primary and secondary monitors (server and viewer). Before the update to server 1.0.37, the viewer monitor would remember the picture after I disconnect and reconnect. Since the update, it doesn’t remember and uses the same picture as the primary monitor. I can still change it, but it will revert to the old one after a reconnect.
Server: Windows 10, v1.0.37
Viewer: Windows 10, v0.0.23.0Router1 IP :, which is use for internet connecting and DHCP server.
router2 IP:, use as a gateway for some devices only, DHCP OFF.
and running a server on PC with IP 192.168.2.xwhen i open the app on table, the app can only found the router2’s IP,
even i input my laptop ip, also can’t working properly, with showing IP-validation only.anyone can help with this issue?
I cannot figure out the display settings (in the video wall console) for my video wall. Please see attached video wall diagram with measurements etc.
Can you please help with the exact display settings I need to be putting into the spacedesk video wall console to effect a seamless display.
I want to display 1 image spread over the three monitors.Thanks in advance!
I tried spacedesk with my Android Phone today, but I´m having an issue in which that happens when I´m playing games om my main screen. When I alt+tab to see another thing while the game is open, my PC crashes for around 10 seconds, becomes all black, my phone disconnects and then my PC continues.
Also, this only happened once, but there was a time that my PC completly froze and started beeping when I alt+tab’ed and required an hard rebootSpecs:
-NVidia GTX 1660 Super
-I have a three monitor setup