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  • #8400

    In reply to: Can’t Download

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @piecat,

    If spacedesk installer did not generate a spacedeskSetup.log, it means something is blocking our installer on your machine.
    You also mentioned that you also cannot install other apps like Voicemod, Overwolf, which proves our theory.

    Please try the Microsoft Troubleshooter program, it might fix the installation problem on your machine (not just with spacedesk but with other apps too).
    You can download it here:


    In reply to: Older iPad


    Thanks Lea,
    I got it and it works fine (IOS 10).

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @beastly10110,

    Can you further explain your spacedesk concern?
    What do you mean by “without windows activated”?

    For assistance, please also refer to the spacedesk user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/?


    In reply to: Can’t Download


    I use Windows 11 64bit. Since I upgraded to Windows 11 I can’t download such apps (like Voicemod, Overwolf…)

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @roger,

    spacedesk Android Viewer app only support higher than Android version 4.1.
    I guess your current Android version 4.1.2 is not supported.
    For more info, please check the system requirements chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.


    In reply to: Can’t Download

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @piecat,
    Thanks for sending the dxdiag file.
    What is the operating system of your primary machine? Is it Windows 10 or Windows 11? Is it 64bit?
    Please also send us the other requested logs.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @elias2000k,

    Is your primary machine Windows 10/11?
    If yes, please send us the diagnostic logs of this issue, just follow the steps below:
    – open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
    – click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
    – if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
    – try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the disconnect issue
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
    – click Save All Information button
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    I’m trying to install on a samsung 7.7 tablet with android version 4.1.2, but it doesn’t appear in the list of available devices.


    Immer wenn ich mein IPad mit mein Pc Verbinden will steht auf das IPad für ein Moment: “Disconnected – Display Off” und dann wir SpaceDesk beendet.
    Hab die Programme auf beiden Geräten Neu Installiert hat aber nichts gebracht.
    hat jemand ein Plan woran das liegen kann?
    Mein Laptop ist nicht mehr ganz der Jüngste…

    Hab ein :
    CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2675QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
    GPU:AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series
    RAM:12GB 1333MHz


    Whenever I want to connect my IPad to my PC, the IPad says for a moment: “Disconnected – Display Off” and then SpaceDesk is closed.
    I reinstalled the programs on both devices but it didn’t help.
    does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?
    My laptop isn’t that young anymore…

    have a :
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2675QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
    GPU: AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series
    RAM: 12GB 1333MHz


    Please provide quotation for business license – 1 client and 8 servers.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @agribble,

    Could you please check the following:
    1. Do you have VPN (Virtual Private Network) enabled?
    2. Is your wifi router settings has client/wireless isolation enabled?
    This setting prevents direct communication between connected devices/computers.
    3. Please check on your iPad Settings -> Privacy -> Local Network, if spacedesk is on the list and enabled?

    For assistance, please also check the Troubleshooting -> Network Connection chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.


    First, a huge THANK YOU to the smart folks at datatronicsoft for making and releasing this very cool tool! I am using it daily to give myself more screen real estate, and it (mostly, see below) works like a charm. I’m really impressed with the refresh and depth available when using a local network and higher-end tablet – graphics are very smooth!

    I have an Android tablet connected as a desktop extension using spacedesk, with the latest server-side driver software (v1.0.42) and latest Android app (v0.9.97) as of 6/17/2022. The desktop (Windows 11) has a wired connection to my lan/wan/wifi router, and the tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra / Android 12) is on wifi (although I did try connecting to lan while troubleshooting, and the issue remained).

    The tablet connects to the desktop with no problems, and the desktop is extended. There appear to be NO network issues, and no errors during connection. After connecting, I am able to use the extended desktop as normal, moving windows between monitors, maximizing, and getting a good view on the tablet WHILE I AM ACTIVELY WORKING IN WINDOWS DISPLAYED THERE.

    The problem presents itself after some idle time. If the view on the tablet (spacedesk client) is static for too long (several minutes), there will be a disconnect/reconnect cycle. The tablet will briefly disconnect, showing a black screen/bouncing text, and then reconnect, showing the extended desktop again. Most of the time, the main Windows desktop is not disturbed – Windows seems to believe that the extended desktop still exists, and it does not try to gather open windows back to active monitors. Sometimes the time between disconnect and reconnect is too long, and the extended desktop flashes (or does the Win 11 zoom in/out thing) and gets disrupted, then resets again on connect. Both scenarios are bad – I don’t want it disconnecting at all, even if it’s idle.

    I first tested different network connections, thinking perhaps there were traffic issues, but it persisted across different connection configurations.
    Then I started searching this forum, and found a few threads where the datatronicsoft rep asked whether the person’s screen had been active or idle. These were in older threads, and the rep usually recommended upgrading, but it got me thinking that perhaps screen activity was the issue (or perhaps screen activity, causing network activity, to keep network connections alive).
    There were also references to the “Disconnect Delay” setting in the Driver Console – there is no help for this setting (that I could find in app or docs) so I’m not entirely sure what it means – is it 1) grace period for server to not reset extended desktop when a client temporarily disconnects, because we’re expecting a reconnect, -OR- 2) timeout intended to actually disconnect an idle screen? I think it’s #1, but I would love to get the answer from a rep here. Regardless, I cannot set it to “0” – it just defaults back to “45” when the status is set back to “On”.

    I opened my NVIDIA control panel and went to the first item in the menu, which is “Adjust image settings with preview”. This has a constantly-rotating generated 3D image (the NVIDIA logo) so that you can see anticipated quality changes as you change settings. I made the window as small as possible while still displaying the rotating image, and put that window on my spacedesk extended monitor (the tablet). I have attached an image of the window here.

    After doing this, NO DISCONNECTS ALL DAY, regardless of whether any other data was static / idle on the screen.

    I don’t think the NVIDIA window is necessary – but I do think some portion of the screen that is constantly updating is required for the work-around. Something that displays a small animated GIF might do the trick.

    It is interesting to note that, since I have the clock displayed at the bottom of every monitor on the taskbar, that at least SOME pixels are getting updated every minute. But this doesn’t appear to be enough.

    I’m hoping someone from datatronicsoft can chime in on this, and:
    1. Answer the question on the exact operation of the “Disconnect Delay” setting, and
    2. I would request a “keep-alive” feature be added to either keep a little more traffic going between the client and server (if network port timeouts are the root cause) and/or force-redraw the screen or a portion every now and then (if that helps).
    I understand this sort of brute-forces the fix, and it’s not clear to me where in the chain the timeout is occurring – but since this was a question from datasoftinc reps in the past, I assume it is a know potential issue, and you may have more insight into root cause. If the fix is elusive, you could at least have a keep-alive feature for current users until a more nuanced fix was available.

    Thank you again for all of the work on this, and I’m looking forward to the new upcoming releases and product offerings!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @freakymood,

    Thanks for sending the dxdiag.
    Now I know that you have Windows 7 as primary machine.

    Microsoft does not support Windows 7 any more. Nor can spacedesk.
    However, spacedesk Windows 8.1 driver still can be installed and works on many Windows 7 machines. On others it does not.
    These cases, we cannot support neither fix any more and this includes the current issue on your side.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @davy33127,
    Unfortunately, *.rar attachment is not allowed, please attach the diagnostics as .zip file.


    voici ma sauvegarde


    Thank you, Lea

    I tried to do the same but still not working.
    Display setting has display my main(PC) screen as 1 and the tablet(Android) as 2, and I tried to arrange the display as well, but the Android tablet still take over my main screen. “Make this my main display” grayed out and selected, I can’t do anything with it.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    My phone: Android; My screen size 1520×720

    My dxdiag info and screen photo in Attachments.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @kekzz98,

    Can you please download the Microsoft Troubleshooter program here:

    Run the “MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab”, select Installing.
    After that, please try again with the spacedesk driver installer.


    A few days ago installed both software on PC as Server(V1.0.42) and on Android Tablet as Viewer(V0.9.97), worked fine the first day.

    Started the second day, my PC showed as a viewer on screen though the server software(Console) is on PC, and Android Tablet showed my pc’s desktop and everything as a server though the android software still a viewer.
    I would like to have the Control back on my PC as a server and Tablet as Viewer. How do I do that? I played around with the settings but nothing worked.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    1. DebugView Windows 10.LOG file.

    2. I can’t connect the same.
    DebugView Windows 7.LOG file.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by qowmq.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi, I’ve downloaded your up to my ipad air (4th gen), and for my laptop (windows 10).
    I have done everthing start from rebooting, deleting the other apps (xdisplay), and doawnloaded again your app and reboted and ext. AND in the buttom line its the same Error Code 2-5 | Error Info 0-5 | Connection time: 00:00:01 that appears.


    Root cause was my AP and Fire HD Tablet. Recently, I upgraded my Internet and changed NAT(AP), too.
    Much faster but failed to connect when I tried to use spacedesk app.

    I installed back old NAT(Asus AC1900) which was exclusive for tablet and it connected to new NAT.
    They(PC and tablet) worked nice as before. Maybe Fire HD WiFi wasn’t compatible with my new AP.
    So, the problem was to devices, not Spacedesk.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by WookiDooki.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @qowmq,
    Thank you very much for sending the dxdiag.

    1. Please send us the debug logs for the app crash using DebugView. Just follow the steps below:
    – download DebugView app here:
    – extract the files from the zipped folder
    – run the Dbgview.exe as Administrator
    – make sure to only check the Capture -> Capture Win32 and Capture Events
    – while DebugView is open, please run the spacedesk Windows 10 Viewer app and try to recreate the app crash issue
    – you should find some “SA [xxxx:xxxx] …” traces in the DebugView, please save the logs and send it to us

    2. Please also try with spacedesk Windows 7 Viewer app (desktop version 0.9.39) and check if you get the same app crash issue.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @tableter,
    I see.. so the installation worked? no more error message?

    As for the Panther Tab, make sure the Windows 10 tablet meets the system requirements before installing spacedesk.
    You can check the system requirements for spacedesk in our user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.


    Unfortunately nothing happens.
    I almost doubted myself then.

    Then I ran the procedure on my desktop PC: no problem
    After entering the name of the msi file, the installation begins immediately and
    the text file is saved. But unfortunately I don’t need that.

    I would like to install spacedesk on my CSL Tablet PC HD (Windows 10 Pro),
    so I can use an older Android tablet as a 2nd screen.
    That’s the only way you can do something outdoors.
    The Panther Tab brings the brightness not here.

    It may not be possible to install this on the Panther Tab,
    even though Windows 10 Pro 64bit is running on it and can be used like a desktop PC.

    Thank you for the patient help.


    Here is 1.0.40 log. It had much less stuttering/disconnected, but still had a problem.
    Second screen worked after touched it.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    1. that’s was opened already.
    2. Network profile is Public.


    Hello Lea,

    I followed the instructions exactly.
    After the script has started and the file name has been entered
    comes the WIndows Installer window.
    If you then press any key, the prompt closes and nothing happens. The log files are not there either.

    By the way, Windows does not block any app this time.

    I use this file:

    Seems more complicated…
    Thanks for the support

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @qowmq,

    Seems like a Windows Viewer app crash.. which spacedesk Windows Viewer did you use?
    spacedesk Viewer for Windows 10 from Microsoft Store? Or spacedesk Viewer for Windows 7 (desktop version 0.9.39)?

    For further analysis, could you please send us the dxdiag.txt of your PC (client)?
    Just run dxdiag.exe, then click “Save All Information”.


    Just installed the latest driver posted for win10 64 bit (beta) on two different servers, using two different android clients (fire tablet gen 3 and android 12 phone), both only take a touch tap once in a while, I can keep taping and only 1 out of 5 (sometimes) will hit. When I first log in it always gets the 1st tap but then goes bad after that, please advise



    My problem is very similar to this:
    My primary machine is stationary pc (win10 20H2) and laptop xiaomi TM1703 (win11 21H2). For secondary machine i use android (samsung sm-200). With pc everything works perfectly. But something strange is happening with the laptop. After the reboot, the tablet sees the laptop and connects to it without any problems. But after a minute and sixteen seconds (attached a screenshot), the connection is interrupted and the tablet no longer sees the laptop. Manual input ip shows endless loading

    I have read several forum pages and did everything according to your instructions. Change wi-fi, reinstall app, run services.msc, change public wi-fi to private and back, go to Windows Firewall settings and check spacedeskService is allowed and more

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @tableter,
    Thank you very much for sending the requested files.
    However, the spacedeskSetup.log file is missing.
    We have checked the file and unfortunately it does not contain spacedesk install traces.

    Could you please send the following additional files:
    – C:\Users\Public\spacedeskSetup.log file
    – C:\WINDOWS\inf\ file
    – spacedeskmsi_trace.txt (please follow the steps below on how to generate spacedeskmsi_trace.txt)

    To generate spacedeskmsi_trace.txt:
    – please download the here:
    – extract the zip file
    – copy the most recent spacedesk msi installer inside the folder, then click the get_trace.bat
    – the script will prompt you to enter the msi file name then press enter
    – it will run the spacedesk installer until you encounter the error
    – then send the spacedeskmsi_trace.txt generated inside the folder


    Hi, I have an issue using Spacedesk. My Primary Machine is Windows 11. I have two android tablets connected with USB tethering. It always recognizes one of the android tablets and can connect and run well. I previously used Windows 10 and one of your colleagues showed me how to get both tablets working simultaneously by changing the device priority in Windows network setting for the tethered devices and this solved my issue. Although had to be done every time I re-booted. However since then I have updated the software and moved to a Windows 11 Pro machine. Can you please give me the workaround for using the two android tablets as extra displays tethered by USB as its network settings menu is different to the previous os. I love the software and would happily pay for the App as a one off payment to continue to use this great application. Appreciate your hard work developing and providing a really useful resource. Many thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


    In reply to: Server problems


    Hi Lea!

    1. I found spacedeskService in services.msc but it was stuck in the process of stopping and could I could not start or stop it.

    2. The connection was more stable yesterday and I had a hard time catching the issue (it did happen still, but with hours between) but today the display is turned off after a few minutes. I’ve attached the requested zip file in this post.

    The android version is 7.1.1 and I am using reverse usb tethering for the internet connection.


    In reply to: Server problems

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @yarni,

    Thank you very much for reporting these issues.

    1. For the ON-OFF button, could you please try to run services.msc, then find spacedeskService and try to stop-start it (maybe a few times) and check if it’s also hanging.

    2. For the disconnection problem, could you please send us the diagnostic logs.
    Please follow the steps below:
    – Open spacedesk Console window -> Diagnostics
    – if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
    – try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the disconnect issue
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
    – click Save All Information button
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.

    By the way, can you also tell us your android tablet’s android version? Is it connected over WiFi network/UBS tethering/WiFi Hotspot?


    I am experiencing 2 problems.

    The first problem is that with the latest update (1.0.42), the on-off button for starting the spacedesk server only works once: I can activate the server once and then turn it off and then it will stay off despite sliding the spacedesk status button to ‘ON’. To get around this I have to open taskmanager and stop the spacedesk service. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling (64-bit windows 10) with the same results, and repairing crashes at the last step.

    The second problem is that my virtual display (android tablet) will be disconnected after some time (ca 10 minutes), displaying ‘connected – display OFF’, and I’m pretty sure the problem is connected to the spacedesk server on the primary machine, as restarting it lets the display connect again.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Yarni.

    Hallo zusammen,

    die Installation kann nicht durchgeführt werden.
    Es treten zwei Fehlermeldungen auf

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @sihunqu123,
    Current spacedesk does not support OverScan/UnderScan and it is not in our future feature list at the moment.
    Can you tell us more about ovserscan/underscan issue on your side (maybe send us a screenshot of this issue) ?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.

    I had 0.9.1071.0, installed 04/04/2021

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by conri99.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Renz

    Hi @conri99,

    May we know what version of spacedesk Driver you have on your machine prior to your update to 1.0.42?
    Also, for further analysis, could you please send us the following:
    – run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
    – spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
    – file located in C:\Windows\INF
    If spacedeskSetup.log’s file size is too large to send, you may omit it. Please save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply. Thank you very much!


    Hi @Spacedesk Lea,

    1.Can you discover the primary machine/server on your viewer app?
    Cannot detect any Primary Machine.

    2.Did you get the “Unable to connect” box upon clicking the primary machine/server?

    3.What is your secondary machine/Viewer app? Android/iOS/Windows?

    Actually the funny thing is, my table can connect to another PC but this one can’t. It so weird.
    Please help me to figure out and slove this problem, thanks a lot.



    Last update of Panda Adaptative Defense 360º ( version) removed local machine endpoint firewall settings (even with an admin account/password) set to allow SpaceDesk.

    Is there anything recommended specifically for this firewall to unblock SpaceDesk usage or it’s only a matter of setting the usual service and ports?

    Thanks in advance for any help I could provide to my sysadmnin on this,



    Hi Support Team,

    I would like to purchase the space desk display driver SDK for integrating with one of our products, could you please provide me with the steps and details to get it?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lokki,

    Can you please download the Microsoft Troubleshooter program here:

    Run the “MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab”, select Installing.
    After that, please try again with the spacedesk driver installer.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @Bulkhead,

    Did the client fail to reconnect to the host, either manually or automatic?
    Did you try to toggle OFF-ON the spacedesk status on our spacedesk Driver Console (found in the tray app or can be searched on the host machine), then reconnect the client?

    Our latest spacedesk Driver BETA v1.0.41 has a new handling of disconnection issues. Have you tried this version?


    Hello all. I have been using SpaceDesk for about three weeks and find it to be incredibly simple and very effective. I am running it with a Windows 10 (64bit) host and a Window 10 laptop (64bit). Both machines are connected to my network with a cable, not using wireless on either. The software installed easily and the client connects to the host as it should. All runs very smoothly for about 7 hours or so.

    After about 7 hours, the NIC on my host machine (very robust host w/2GB NIC) drops its netwrok connection. The laptop no longer communicates with the SpaceDesk host but retains network connectivity and can access the internet.

    The host however, drops the network entirely. I can resolve the issue by disabling the NIC and then re-enabling it.

    It can be problematic to drop the connection without warning particularly if I am on a video conference or call (VoiP).

    Can someone advise if there are settings I can adjust to prevent this from happening? For reference, I have adjusted the client settings to use the following:
    Compression: On
    Color Depth: High color
    Quality: 74
    Framerate: 30

    I don’t see much in the way of settings on the host.

    Thank you for your help!

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @nsyirah12,

    Please refer to the Troubleshooting chapter of our documentation and check the topic, “Cannot discover Primary Machine” (https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_490). If this does not help, please try to switch the network profile to Private.


    Hi, I’m ASUS P1801-T Android 4.2 tablet user.
    When touch positioning is absolute mode and screen is device specific resolution (my tablet’s resolution is 1920×1080), desktop screen is shown as full screen.
    But the Windows Task bar area is just same as tablet’s navigation bar area.
    When I touch the Windows Start button, the navigation bar is shown. I will never touch the windows start button.

    How do I resolve this issue?
    Does spacedesk have some settings to show navigation bar always and show Windows desktop in the screen excluded to navigation bar?


    In reply to: Cannot install

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @motto5476,

    Ah ok, my mistake. Product code is not needed if you selected “Not Listed”. Just press Installing -> Next -> Not Listed -> View detailed Information, then check if there’s a potential issue/s detected.
    Then try again with spacedesk installer.

    By the way, can you answer some of our questions here:
    1. Is this the first time you install spacedesk? Or you have previous version before?
    2. Are you using an Administrator user account?
    3. Were you able to install other msi installer aside from sppacedesk?
    Can you please also try some workarounds suggested here:

Viewing 50 results - 1,351 through 1,400 (of 2,165 total)