“Server” specs:
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
16GB memory
Dell S3220DGF 32″ 165 Hz 1440pClient specs:
Samsung Tab 4 7.0″ SM-T230NU
Android 4.4.2 (No option to update)
Running native app from the app store
Display setting 1280×800 (Native)Network infrastructure:
Unifi UFW
Unifi WiFi AP-AC_LiteSymptoms:
With Spacedesk operating as a secondary display for web browser, discord, etc. games on the main display experience extreme loss in average FPS and regular freezing / hitching. Completely uplayable. Closing Spacedesk resolves symptoms immediately.
in windows show follow error:
“Error – Duet display, splashtop, fresco logic, etc. Driver detected – incompatible display hook driver”in android show follow error:
“Disconnected by server error
Error code: 2-5
error info: 0-5”Dear all,
I am using Spacedesk to work with an Android tablet as a secondary screen, using RNDIS (USB tethering).
Everything works great, except that… when I disconnect the tablet from the computer, and reconnect it later, the Spacedesk client doesn’t list the server address anymore. Thus I cannot establish the connection. Even if I restart the Spacedesk client, or if I restart the Spacedesk service (on the server side), the server is not listed anymore. I am forced to restart the whole Windows 10 computer (server side), and when it is restarted, the server appears again in the spacedesk client ‘connect’ menu.
On some PC, this issue is here, on other PCs, the detection is done on the fly. I cannot understand why.
I was then wondering if I could manually force this detection by executing a Windows command or by understanding which Windows configuration point is missing on some PCs where the issue occurs. My guess is that the client detects the server IP address using the Windows network discovery functionnalities (Indeed, if these functionnalities are disabled, the client never lists the server IP).
So my question is : which event is precisely required to list the server name & IP address?
If you could help, I may then be able, after tablet gets disconnected, to automatically execute a command , or maybe restart a Windows service to force the detection again.Precision : I am working with the Spacedesk server 0.9.91 version, and I do not want to upgrade it, due to input issues in the latest versions.
Jeremymy android cant detect my primary which is win10, i also tried the html5 viewer and it didnt work, both used to work.
the only thing i can think of is me using (https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10) to change my windows settings to their recommended settings as well as installing (https://www.henrypp.org/product/simplewall), i tried disabling simplewall and uninstalling it but it didnt fix the problem, my guess is that shutup10 disabled something that spacedesk uses but i also tried resetting my setting and its still broken.can you help me by telling me if any of these actually removed something that spacedesk uses or are these irrelevant and something else is causing spacedesk to break
When using Spacedesk Viewer with 2 different USB Hubs/Docking Stations
1) J5Create Model: JCD543
2) Kensington SD4000The ethernet network port on both units will just suddenly stop working after about 10 minutes using Spacedesk Viewer. The port lights still indicate a connection but the connection is dropped and of course Spacedesk Viewer will tell me after a timeout that the connection has been lost.
When using the Laptop’s (Lenovo T14 Gen 2i) built in ethernet port OR the wifi connection of the laptop, I have no issues whatsoever. I don’t know if there is a conflict with the drivers (either Spacedesk or the hub drivers) or if there is just too much traffic going through the USB, but I cannot use Spacedesk with either docking station as I’ve tried both (at first thinking the ethernet port had gone bad in the hub).
My preferred setup was to use the docking station to connect one display + the ethernet connection and then use Spacedesk as a 2nd Display for the laptop.
Any ideas?
I’m trying to use my Samsung Note 10+ as an HDR grading monitor. Connecting it worked flawlessly, and I’ve already cranked all image quality settings. How though, do I enable the phone’s excellent HDR?
In the Windows settings it tells me it’s running 8bit SDR and there’s no option to enable HDR – though the phone is capable of HDR10+.Thanks for any leads.
My laptop (SONY-VAIO VGN-BZ12EN) cant detect my main computer. I tried everything. Please help.
Could you make it possible to disable or tweak the “Connected — Display OFF” message that comes on when the server machine turns off monitors to save power? Perhaps it could be implemented with a check box that you uncheck to not see the message or a text field that you could set to an empty string or black text? The reason is (1) that the message lights up the room if you are sleeping in the same room and (2) with OLED/AMOLED displays it may cause burn in. I searched the forum for posts on this. If it is possible to tweak or disable the message already please let me know.
On windows11
When I tried to update the software, I got an error and could not proceed.
I also tried uninstalling the software, but the same error prevented me from proceeding.
The software is also unusable now.Even if I choose 60 fps, the image is still low fps. How to fix this?
Hello. I’ve recently moved from duet display to spacedesk. I really love this app, but I’m having frequent bluescreen (Actually it is black screen because it is Windows 11)by Netio.sys error, such as “system thread exception not handled” or “irql not less or equal”. I searched them and read that they are driver issue, but the only driver I installed recently was spacedesk server app. Does anyone also have this issue?
Здравствуйте, уже 3 дня не могу исправить ошибку: spacedesk x10 Error – Duet Display, Splashtop, Fresco Logic, etc. Driver Detected- Incompatible Display Hook Driver! прошу мне помочь буду очень благодарен. Удалил все конфликтующие драйверы и VPN скачивал обновление драйверов GeForse game ready
After a vulnerability scan from a third-party company, they discovered (likely via Nessus) that the spacedeskService has weak permissions or is vulnerable to privilege escalation attacks.
spacedeskService – Everyone: Change Service Configuration (DC), Write DAC (WD), Write Owner (WO).
Can this be fixed?
Spacedesk Windows DRIVER 0.9.1098.0
Im using asus zenpad running Android 7.0
my main machine is windows 11 running with the latest drivers even space desk
it disconnects around 40 seconds and i get everytime this: Error Code: 2-5-6 Error Info: 0-5-8