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  • #27579
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @donglee0612,

    did you wait for the “Save All Information” button to finish?
    This will show the generated folder.


    i also found out in the diagnostic logs, that it still showed oculus was being tracked and used even though no process is found, and in addtion, at the end of the log of “Debugview” it was saying “L5ProtocolFlowControl::WaitForAcknowledge failed!
    L5CommServiceDesktop::FlowControlWait failed!
    00003594 13:03:12 [4660]
    00003595 13:03:12 [4660] All policies are allowed
    Populating UpdatePolicy AllowList
    00003592 13:03:12 [4660] SKU MDM licensing allow list string from SLAPI:


    I have tried all the possible USB control options including File Transfer. There are ‘File Transfer’, ‘USB tethering’, ‘MIDI’, ‘PTP’, and ‘Smart Connect’.
    I tried the exact same steps for the diagnostic collection and attached here.
    I couldn’t find certain generated folder with that name format; therefore I have submitted the log file that has been downloaded with debug view zip files.
    I also included entire downloaded files from diagnostic collection via following dropbox link.


    I have never used the oculus service when using spacedesk, it must be running in the background. i disabled it and rebooted, after 10 minutes it freezed again. I glance multiple times to see when it will crash.

    • 該回覆由 Juventino 於 2 months, 1 weeks ago 修改。
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @donglee0612 & @xlab,

    please make sure that “File Transfer” is the selected option on your Android device when using USB.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @donglee0612,

    please follow the diagnostic collection steps (screenshot attached) in the spacedesk Driver Console
    and send us the generated folder e.g. YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmSS-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics.

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    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @wmartin573,

    the spacedesk iOS viewer app is free to download from the App Store.

    As per the discussion from the Apple community, this might point to a pending balance, subscription, or billing issue.


    1. Yes (and just stays on the last frame forever until usb disconnected manually)
    2. No (after a few seconds after it freezes, the display disconnects but still shows the last frame on the tablet)
    3. No
    4. Yes


    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @juventino,

    does the issue always happen?
    Did the primary display freeze too?
    Did spacedesk recover?
    Have you tried a different USB cable?

    To further analyze the issue, please send us the diagnostics.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the collection steps and send us the generated folder (zipped/compressed).
    In case the folder size exceeds 512KB, upload it in Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc. and send us a download link.


    The usb method of using space desk works for a maximum for 10 minutes and then just freezes for no apparent reason, even when clean crisp quality at 60fps and no lag, so then i have to resort to Wi-Fi mode which increased lag and input delay but works flawlessly without freezes (only crashes when intensive programs are running on Wi-Fi and usb), i cant find any other alternative to this sort of software and i just want this fixed for me.


    I have iPad 2021. When I plug it to laptop by any connection way there are very big freezes. I tried all settings changes but didn’t get any result. Is there any way to tune application for good and stable work?

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @xlab,

    When the current version expires, spacedesk will still be able to connect but the image will be in black and white. A free version with extended expiry date will be released before December 31, 2024.

    To further analyze the non-working USB cable connection,
    please send us the diagnostics.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the collection steps and send us the zipped folder.
    In case the folder size exceeds 512KB, upload it in Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc. and send us a download link.

    PS: This issue has been split from the other thread “Spacedesk not installing”

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @xlab,

    based on the traces, it seems that it’s not only spacedesk that was having install/uninstall issue.
    The marker “<ins>” appeared in several install/uninstall and did not continue:
    – Device Installation Restrictions Policy Check
    – Microsoft Bluetooth driver
    – Realtek WiFi 6 adapter

    Have you tried a clean boot?

    PS: Non-working USB topic has been split from this thread.


    Ok so i retried installing it today, and it did work, however i did install the previous version(2.1.20), and even still the usb mode is not working, for now it works wirelessly however it would be great if the usb issue could be addressed as that is better in terms of speed etc., Also it says expiry of free version is Dec 31st 2024, what happens after that date?


    Sorry for the late reply.

    The other applications seem to be running at their usual 100+ fps even after I dragged them to the viewer while the viewer still runs at a very low fps. So even though my game says its running at 100+ fps, I can only see around 10 fps on my viewer.

    • 該回覆由 Blethz 於 2 months, 2 weeks ago 修改。
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @ivypolaris,

    does it always work with 30 fps?

    Please send us the diagnostics to further analyze the problem.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the collection steps and send us the zipped folder.
    In case the folder size exceeds 512KB, upload it in Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc. and send us a download link.


    For some more info:
    My pc is running an Nvdia GTX 650 and the latest version of Windows 10
    My tablet is an Honor Pad X9

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @xlab,

    could you please try the following?
    – open the MSI installer from a different drive
    – the default destination folder path is the Program Files, please change it to a different drive

    If the suggestions above did not help, generate the MSI trace. Steps:
    1. Download the here:
    2. Extract the zip file.
    3. Copy the spacedesk MSI installer inside the extracted folder then click the get_trace.bat
    4. The script will prompt you to enter the MSI file name then press enter.
    5. Once the issue is reproduced, please send the spacedeskmsi_trace.txt generated inside the folder.

    get_trace.bat executes the Windows msiexec command as documented in Microsoft:

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @monty1957,
    Please make sure that you install the latest spacedesk Driver version.
    You can download it from our website here –

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @qtei101,

    thank you for the feedback.
    We will now close this topic.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @naketj98,

    if you have HDR or 10-bit pixel format enabled, please disable it in Windows display settings or in the graphics adapter (e.g. Nvidia or AMD) control panel.
    Both features are not supported by spacedesk.
    For further details, please refer to our user manual topic “Windows 11/10 Known Issues and Unsupported Features” (

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @qtei101,

    we released spacedesk Driver v2.1.21.
    Please let us know if it fixes the issue.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @qtei101,

    we are currently investigating the issue.
    We will let you know once it is fixed and released.


    回覆至: CVE in SpaceDesk

    spacedesk Marcel

    For all those people who are thinking that I treated him too harshly:

    1. Above he falsely claimed that he DID register CVEs (not true – he didn’t).
    2. Above he contradicts his own previous post. He says that he ONLY WANTS to register these CVEs.
    3. Above he confuses people about (ACE) vulnerabilities when none have ever been discovered.
    4. Worse: Wants to CVE register ACE vulnerabilities without any indicator for their existence.
    5. Worst: He connects password protection to non existing ACE vulnerability issues.
    Can anybody see any good intentions here?

    PS: If you think this is already bad, then you haven’t read his emails yet…


    I changed the resolution to 3840×2160 by myself.

    1, connect the TV by adb
    adb connect
    adb shell
    2, modify resolution by command wm
    wm size 3840×2160
    3 run app on TV

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    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for your quick response!
    The Android viewer app can’t discover the spacedesk primary machine of the issued laptop. However, if I change the primary machine to the other laptop I mentioned, this one’s found.
    Yes, I tried switching the Driver OFF and ON again several times without showing any difference.
    Here’s the diagnostics:
    I tried to connect the viewer via primary machine (both IP address and name) and manually to the IP of the two available Network adapters that are shown in my console (Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9560 160MHz & Check Point Virtual Network Adapter For Endpoint VPN) as well as via USB Cable Driver Android without any success.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @harald,

    can the Android viewer app discover the spacedesk primary machine?
    Have you tried to switch spacedesk Driver to OFF then ON in the spacedesk Driver Console?
    In case it did not help, please send us the diagnostics to further analyze the problem.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the collection steps and send us the zipped folder.
    In case the folder exceeds 512KB, upload it in Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc. and send us a download link.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @orenyt,

    did spacedesk connect properly?
    Was it only keyboard that was not working?
    If you are using the spacedesk Android viewer app, have you tried to connect by USB cable and check if the keyboard feature is working? (To connect by USB cable, enable “USB Cable Android” in spacedesk Driver Console

    To further analyze the problem, please send us the diagnostics.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the collection steps and send us the zipped folder.
    In case the folder exceeds 512KB, upload it in Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc. and send us a download link.


    The resolution is still 1920×1080.
    Is there a possibility that apps works at FHD mode and external input(HDMI) and codec of video work at 4k mode?

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    It started to display a pop-up about viewer licensed for private non-commercial view on my pc and also on my devices Long Time ago (As Show in the Screenshot).

    This started showing as what I Remember when I was disconnecting and reconnecting every time (At that time I had slow Internet (30Mbps Download/10Mbps Upload) And I was adjusting the settings. (So I don’t Make my Internet Super Slow).
    And Also I Installed the program on 3 devices (My tablet/Phone/TV) To see which devices I will prefer that now is on my Tablet And TV (Because It’s useful to connect my PC to the TV “Wireless” Instead running a long HDMI Cable From other side the room to my tv).

    Is there a way to appeal of fix this problem?

    Thank you.

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    I’m using a Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti, with the goal of encoding with as little visual loss of quality (which I still notice with all the settings set to their maximum). This runs over a 5 Gbps USB link, directly connected to the GPU.
    I’m looking to reduce CPU load to improve the performance of other software, as it is highly CPU-bound.


    Is there any way to increase color, contrast and so on?
    I tried to tweak in NVIDIA, but there’s only main display.
    Also In Windows 11 display settings ‘night color’ option works for only primary display.


    回覆至: Impossible rotation!


    To resolve the display issue you’re encountering while projecting on your Acer ONE 10 using spacedesk, start by ensuring that both your primary device and the Acer ONE 10 have the latest display drivers and software updates, including the most recent version of spacedesk. Next, adjust the resolution settings on your primary device to match the native resolution of your Acer ONE 10. Ensure that the aspect ratio on both devices is the same to prevent any stretching; this can usually be managed in the display settings by maintaining the aspect ratio option. Additionally, calibrate the display settings by exploring scaling options under “Scale and layout” in the display settings on your primary device. Check the orientation settings to ensure they are set correctly, opting for landscape or portrait mode as needed. Disconnect and reconnect the Acer ONE 10 from spacedesk, restarting both devices to reset the connection. If these steps do not resolve the issue, consider using third-party software like DisplayFusion to better manage the multiple displays and their resolutions. By following these steps, you should be able to eliminate the stretching and resolution problems and achieve a proper display on your Acer ONE 10.


    回覆至: Impossible rotation!


    Hi nicole,
    thank you for the prompt response and for your help!

    The native resolution in windows viewer is 1280×800.
    Now it looks straight, but still stretched…

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    I’m trying to project on an Acer ONE 10; the version of my primary spacedesk is: 2.1.20, and of the viewer: Universal Windows app v0.0.33.0.

    I tried to rotate from display settings in the primary and in the viewer, but it never looks good…
    it´s stretched, like it was something of the resolution (which I also tried to change with no results). I need help!

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    回覆至: green screen

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mnwnm
    It seems that you have an AMD Radeon graphics adapter.
    Please try to disable the 10-bit Pixel Format in the AMD Radeon Software settings.
    Just open the Radeon Software window, click the Settings icon on the top right side, then “Graphics” -> “Advanced” -> disable the “10-bit Pixel Format” then reboot your primary machine to apply the changes.


    回覆至: causing bsod

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @warrret,

    Two answers to two questions:

    1. Blue Screen
    The dump analysis on your Blue Screen does not point to any specific driver nor can it be identified by us.
    It could have any reason under the sun.

    2. USB problem
    Please check if you have USB debugging (in developer option) enabled with USB preference set to “Charging only” or “No Data Transfer”.
    If this is the case, make sure to select the USB preference/settings in your Android device to “File Transfer” mode.


    I have a slight problem using spacedesk. I wanted to use it to display discord on my tablet to see my gf who I am often talking to. I often play games that need a use of my 4060rtx that is inside my laptop, but spacedesk disable/unallow the usage of it. I cannot change to it manually, and it only uses integrated graphics card, which in games like tarkov is insufficient. I turned off Nvidia display, but it still didn’t change anything.
    I connect to my tablet via USB. My tablet is Huawei Media Pad 8 and Laptop is Dell G16
    I would be glad if there is someone who can help me with that.


    I can’t send the log because I gave the tablet to my friend to check the issue (which i doubt he will solve), and i also re-installed spacedesk because i thought maybe the it would solve the issue, so need to wait until i get the tablet back.

    If you give me email, i’ll send you the video showing the situation.

    In text, here is how it is

    1. Used different cables, that worked fine with other tablet i used to use spacedesk (Legion Y700 2023)

    2. Tried in two different desktops, Legion Y700 worked perfect in both desktops. Levono Pad 2024 rebooted in both desktop

    3. Wifi version works fine with Levono Pad 2024 (but i want to use the cable connection badly.

    Please let me know what you can find from this information.

    I haven’t seen anything like this before also.. and i can’t figure out what to do.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @djkimki,

    there were no other reports like this before.
    Have you tried using a different USB cable?

    For further analysis, please send us the diagnostics of this USB cable connection issue.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the steps to get the diagnostics logs and attach the compressed folder into your next reply.
    In case the folder exceeds the 512KB file size limit, please upload it and send us the download link.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @buddman014,

    thank you for the feedback. We will check this.
    Is this iTunes from the Apple website or Microsoft Store?
    Have you tried to download and install the alternative software app “Apple Devices” from Microsoft Store?


    So I have two Lenovo Tablets
    Legion Y700 2023
    Lenovo Pad 2024 11-inch

    I’ve been using the Legion Y700 with USB connection to my PC with no Problem,

    I recently bought Lenovo Pad 2024, and since it has a bigger screen, i decided to change to Lenovo Pad

    for something weird reason, whenever i connect the USB cable, my tablet will non-stop reboot..
    it is 100% due to spacedesk, because the moment i turn off the spacedesk driver, it will stop rebooting, and when i turn the driver back on, it will reboot again immediate (continue to reboot like every 5 seconds)

    I’ve been using the spacedesk with Y700, so obvious none of the setting are wrong…

    I have been around the internet to check if anyone is facing similar issue, but I cannot find any..

    Please help me


    I have an iPad Air 5th Gen and tried to connect with a Windows 10 Host using a USB-C cable. The iPad app would never connect.

    All prerequisites were met. The spacedesk driver version is the latest 2.1.20. iTunes was downloaded so that the “Apple Mobile Device Support” Dependency was installed. The “USB Cable iOS” setting is checked. I confirmed the application works using a wireless connection.

    I ended up figuring out how to make it work when I installed a competing product called EasyCanvas. The EasyCanvas installer packages older versions of “Apple Mobile Device Support” as well as the 64 bit version and 32 bit version of “Apple Application Support”. With these installed, the USB connection succeeds and the spacedesk application works as intended.

    In my testing, only the older version of “Apple Mobile Device Support” was necessary to have installed to have the USB connection work successfully. I ended up leaving the two “Apple Application Support” versions installed because I figured it could not hurt.

    The version of “Apple Mobile Device Support” that worked is The version that came packaged with the iTunes installer was


    回覆至: causing bsod


    Hi, thanks for your answer

    My graphics driver is up to date, but I cant seem to find the setting to enable native USB connection.

    I have tried attaching the zip file, but it is too big, so instead I have uploaded it to mediafire. Here is the link

    • 該回覆由 Warrret 於 3 months, 2 weeks ago 修改。

    Hi, I am a media artist working in Korea.

    Currently, I am using 5 iPhones connected to my PC with USB 3.2 cable. And I want to output sound from each iPhone separately. But I can only see the video on the screen and no sound is output.

    Is it because the Spacesk feature does not support sound output from iPhones? Or am I not using the feature correctly?

    Any answers would be appreciated.

    Related Information
    spacedesk 2.1.19
    PC: lenovo M70q Gen4 Tiny
    Device(Monitor): iphone SE2


    回覆至: causing bsod

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @warrret,

    Please check these possible known reasons for BSOD with spacedesk:

    1. If you have an old Nvidia graphics driver version (specifically v461.09 – release date: 2021.1.7), please make sure to update it to a more recent version which is available on their official website or via Nvidia GeForce Experience.

    2. If you are using USB tethering connection, the USB driver used by USB tethering network causes a BSOD crash in some cases.
    Please use native USB cable connection instead, you can enable it via spacedesk Driver Console.

    For more info check the chapter Windows 10 crash with BSOD chapter in the spacedesk documentation –

    If the suggestions above did not help, please send us the diagnostic files for further analysis.
    Just run the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Save All Information button (in the prompt please click Yes to restart the console app as administrator to collect any possible dump file for the BSOD).
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    for clarification of the spacedesk viewer app settings:
    if only “Use native android device resolution” option is checked
    “Use custom resolution” option is unchecked,
    then the resolution is only 1920×1080?
    Yes. the resolution is only 1920×1080.

    What is the model and Android version of the smart TV?
    The model is SUPER3-X50 of LeTV. The model is made in China.
    The Android version is 5.0.1.
    []: [tv]
    []: [1534908690]
    []: [Wed Aug 22 11:31:30 CST 2018]
    []: [aosp_guava-user 5.0.1 V2301RCN02C060072B08221N 180822.113025 release-keys]
    []: [V2301RCN02C060072B08221N release-keys]
    []: [Letv/X3-50/X3_50:5.0.1/V2301RCN02C060072B08221N/180822.113025:user/release-keys]
    []: [tv-k8s-11c2adc2c1c868]
    []: [V2301RCN02C060072B08221N]
    []: [guava]
    []: [5.0.1/V2301RCN02C060072B08221N/180822.113025:user/release-keys]
    []: [release-keys]
    []: [user]
    []: [letv]
    []: [REL]
    []: []
    []: [REL]
    []: [180822.113025]
    []: [5.0.1]
    []: [21]
    []: [2016-03-01]

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    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @jsmasterson,

    I assume that you’ve already checked that the USB cables are good, but I still want to ask,
    are the cables not broken? Does the usual functionalities e.g. file transfer work properly?

    Is USB Debugging disabled in Developer Options of the L7 Pritom tablets?

    Could you please check if the lag already happens with ONE USB cable connection of L7 Pritom tablet?
    If it does NOT happen, connect the second L7 Pritom tablet by USB cable.
    If it does happen,
    – open Task Manager. Are the CPU, GPU, and Memory usages too high?
    – please send us again the diagnostics. The previous diagnostics did not contain the spacedesk driver logs. If the folder exceeds 512KB, please upload it in Google Drive/One Drive/Dropbox/or any similar app and send us the download link.

    Looking forward to your feedback.

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