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  • #3514

    Als Antwort auf: Unable to Connect

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lizapena04,

    Can you tell us your current firewall software name?

    Could you also please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    • Diese Antwort wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 9 Monaten von spacedesk Lea.

    Als Antwort auf: cannot detect sever ipad

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @game,

    What is current network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct) on your Windows 10 and iPad?

    Could you please check on your primary machine if spacedeskService is running?
    Just run services.msc, find spacedeskService and check the status.

    What is the current network profile on your primary machine? Is it Private or Public?

    If you are using wireless network, are both primary machine and iPad device connected on the same wifi network with the same network band (2.4Ghz or 5Ghz)?


    Hi @lea, I am using an Android tablet as the viewer device to provide a third screen. The version of the viewer is v0.9.77.

    The input seems to be generated by the Spacedesk driver. It is not coming from the hardware keyboard that is attached to my Windows 10 PC. As soon as I stop the Spacedesk driver on the Windows 10 machine the generation of the „\“ character ceases immediately and I can happily type on my keyboard as normal. The hardware keyboard is USB wired connection, not a wireless keyboard or software keyboard.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @dmitriy,

    There are various differences between our Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 spacedesk Driver.
    On Windows 8.1, there’s no more remote hardware keyboard support (only software keyboard in android). Aside from that the other available remote input supported is Mouse only.
    On Windows 10, spacedesk supports remote Mouse/Touch/Keyboard/Pen input.


    Primary machine is Windows 10 and secondary machine is Android Tablet.
    Installation and connection are successful. However, secondary machine can only mirror. There is „can not detect another display“ in the windows display setting. I want to have display 1 and 2 (extension). How can I fix this problem? Thank you.

    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 9 Monaten von Grund: Notify reply via email
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    Does not work the same writes. In windows 10, I remember asking for the installation of drivers, but in windows 8.1 for some reason it does not. There may be a problem that does not ask for the installation of drivers


    Als Antwort auf: Connected – Display Off


    Following your advice I updated both Spacedesk driver to v1.0.15 and Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 but the problem was not solved.
    Everytime i launch Spacedesk app on android client the blank screen „Connected – Display OFF“ appears.
    I noticed that the Spacedesk driver on primary machine detects the incoming connection, then it disconnects. I’m uploading the screenshots if this can be useful to you.
    I also relaunched the diagnostic tool and the result is attached below.
    Thank you so much for any suggestions.


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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @hankpham06,

    I have to use the Taskbar for using desktop mode.

    You mean, you want to also extend the task bar on the extended screen?
    Can you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @myriad
    spacedesk Pen input support is only available for Windows 10 primary machine.


    Als Antwort auf: Error during installation

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @watchbird,
    Please try try the Install/Uninstall troubleshooter program
    If spacedesk is not on the program list, just select “Not Listed” then paste the product code of current spacedesk version below.


    After that, please reboot then try again the installer.


    Als Antwort auf: Cloning

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @joahof,
    Could you please try with the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.15 and Windows 7 Viewer 0.9.32?


    Als Antwort auf: Connected – Display Off

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @titoaurelio,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Could you please try with our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.15 available on our website?


    If the same problem still persist, please try to update your Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 driver via

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @philippe-marlieroutlook-com,
    Thanks for sending the requested logs.

    So currently, spacedesk v1.0.14 is still present on your primary machine, correct?
    Could you please try the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.15 available on our website then let us know if you get the same installation issue.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lelekanet and @dmitriy,
    Thanks for sending the requested files.
    Could you please try to uninstall – reboot – reinstall spacedesk Driver v1.0.2 on your Windows 8.1 machine?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mikedemko,
    looks like a network connection issue.
    Please make sure that both primary and secondary machine are connected on the same local area network.
    If you have a third party firewall software, please make sure that spacedesk or C:\Windows\system32\spacedeskService.exe is included in the exception list for incoming and outgoing connection.
    For more details, please check Troubleshooting -> Network Connection chapter in spacedesk user manual.

    For further analysis, could you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)


    Thema: Cloning


    Ich möchte gerne mit meinem Surface Windows 10 meine Sachen auf dem Laptop Windows 10 steuern. Ich habe die Version 0.91 auf dem Laptop und auf dem Surface die sekundäre Version für Windows 7. Mit diesen funktioniert es perfekt.

    Ab Vesion 0.91 bis 1.05 funktioniert die Kalibrierung auf dem Tablet nicht mehr. Ich habe auch auf dem Surface die Sekundäre Version für Windows 10 probiert. Geht leider nicht.

    Danke für Ihre Hilfe


    Hello, I am currently having issues with the iOS version of spacedesk paired with Windows 8.1.

    The performance of the application is great; however, I am running into issues with its in-app pen option as it seems to not detect my Apple pen, although I have enabled the pen option for it in the settings.

    Although, the html5 viewer version of spacedesk seems to work with my Apple pen, but it is somewhat uncalibrated due to the cursor’s positioning.

    Thank you in advance.


    Dear tech support,
    I’m recently having the same issue: upon connecting, the client shows a black screen: „Connected – Display off“ – and the client won’t show the server desktop.
    In the server device manager the spacedesk Graphics adapter shows a warning mark (!).
    Server is a Windows 10 Shuttle DS57U mini pc. The client is a Chuwi Hipad pro tablet and everything has been working flawlessly so far.
    I’m uploading the zipped folder generated by the diagnostic tool.
    I really hope you can help me…
    Thank you in advance


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    I have been using space desk for some time but the last two days I can’t get my old windows 10 computer to connect to my work PC anymore. It just says Connected – Display Off. On the work computer (server) it shows the 3 locally connected displays and I can’t get the 4th one to show up anymore.

    Not sure why it just says Connected – Display off. Nothing I can do gets it working. I’m already on Extend.


    Als Antwort auf: andriod display resolution

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @glda19,
    Currently spacedesk display only supports up to 2 screen resolution.
    The native screen resolution of your android device and a custom resolution which you can change on the viewer app’s Settings -> Resolution -> Custom Resolution list menu (list includes all screen resolution between your native resolution and 320 x 240).
    Please check attached screenshot.

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    Hello. I have the same problem – „Error – spacedesk Keyboard / Mouse Driver unavailable“. But I have the same situation when connected via WiFi. The problem appeared after the last update of the application on Android.

    Android 11
    Windows 8.1 x64

    • Diese Antwort wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 9 Monaten von Lelekanet.
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    Als Antwort auf: Remote control using FRP

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @box,
    Can you further explain your setup?
    What is FRP?
    What is your primary machine’s operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    What is your secondary machine / viewer type (Android, iOS, Windows, HTML5)?
    Our viewer apps already has it’s own remote control settings, did you already tried that?


    I mapped port 28252 through FRP on the spacedesk server.But I can’t access it through spacedesk viewer.
    Do you need any other port mappings besides port 28252?
    My FRP configuration:
    type = tcp
    local_ip =
    local_port = 28252
    remote_port = 28252

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @chaos_02,

    Could you please try the following steps:
    1. Uninstall spacedesk Driver and reboot
    2. Run regedit
    3. Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
    4. Backup/Export the Windows reg folder
    5. Right click on Windows folder and select Permissions…
    6. Here check the Full Control permission for Your user under Allow option. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
    7. Delete these following registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
    8. Reboot
    9. Reinstall spacedesk then try again to connect


    Hello, I used windows10 64bit, it worked fine now I use windows 8.1 64bit and Android 4.2.2, I have a question why when I connect via usb I get an error Error – spacedesk Keyboard / Mouse Driver unavailable, I looked in the device manager in the Devices tab by connection and it seems there are no drivers, could you advise something on how to connect?

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    same thing, code 18, E0000234, Treiber ist für diese Plattform nicht vorgesehen.


    Als Antwort auf: Screen Mirror on Windows 11


    Yes, you are right that it’s an insider preview.

    Latest experiments I did with the 1.0.14 which was the latest available by the time of writing.
    I’m happy to check out 1.0.15 as well now and give a feedback afterwards.



    Als Antwort auf: Screen Mirror on Windows 11

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @reddighamburg,
    Testing the most recent spacedesk Driver on Windows 11 worked so far on our side.
    Both screen mirroring and extension should work.

    Since Windows 11 is not yet officially released, I assume your Windows 11 is still an Insider Preview version.
    And maybe it’s possible that it’s a Windows 11 bug.
    We will keep an eye on this issue and check if we can reproduce it on our side.

    By the way, did you already tried our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.15 on the web

    For further analysis, could you please run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click „Save All Information“, then attach the output file (dxdiag.txt) on your next reply.


    Als Antwort auf: ios 5.1

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @bhbloom,
    Unfortunately, spacedesk iOS viewer only support iOS version 9.3 and above.
    In your case, you can only use spacedesk HTML5 viewer using your iOS v5.1 device.
    Just open a web browser (e.g. Safari or Google Chrome) then go to and connect to the IP address of your primary machine.
    Keep in mind that this HTML5 VIEWER is much slower than our native apps on Android, iOS and Windows.
    This is due to technical limitation of HTML5/Javascript.


    ese es el archivo que no se me descarga me vendria bn que alguien me lo pasara gracias!!!

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mortimar,
    Can you please quickly try our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.15?
    Then let us know if the problem still persist.


    Als Antwort auf: Error during installation


    Yes I did have an older version installed (maybe at least 1 year older) without any problems. When I first tried the install of the latest version, it failed; I think that it failed trying to uninstall the older version. I then looked at your website and followed the instructions re removing various files. Even though I log on with Admin. privileges, Windows would not let me remove files from the Windows directory; so I was unable to complete the removal of certain files as per your instructions. I am unfamiliar with the Group policy set-up under the current version of Windows and could not find any way to increase my privileges to enable the removal of files from the Windows directory. The incomplete removal of the older version may well be causing the error when trying to install the latest version.



    Thema: ios 5.1


    Is there a version that will run on an ipad with ios5.1 operating system


    hello all,

    I updated from WIN10 server version 1.0.3 to 1.0.14 (64-bit).
    After that my taskbar was no longer automatically hiding. Disabling and enabling did not help neither a restart.

    I disabled the service, did a restart, then it was working until I started the service again.

    Now back on version 1.0.3 and everythings works as expected.

    Thanks for reading.

    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 9 Monaten von morTimar.

    I use a samsung tabled s6 light with android 11
    Why do i have only 2 screen resolutions
    1024*1200 and 2000 *1200
    and not the oder between 1024*1200 and 2000*1200


    I’m experiencing an issue with the latest version of Spacedesk under Windows 11.

    The issue appears to be windows 11 only, because while I still was on windows 10 all worked fine.

    I’m having a setup with 3 physical screens connected whereas „Display 3“ is the smallest one with HD resolution 1920×1080.
    I have been using spacedesk during HomeOffice times to mirror my meetings and calls to my Android Tab from this „Display 3“ to the spacedesk virtual screen, which is „Display 4“ when connected.

    Recently, since I updated to windows 11 developer preview, „Display 4“ only works as an additional device for extended desktop, but not in mirror mode.
    Whenever I try to mirror „Display 3“ to „Display 4“, the only thing that happens is that windows starts the usual 15 seconds countdown asking me if I want to keep the setting.

    Nothing is actually getting mirrored from „Display 3“ not even during these 15 seconds of preview and also when I confirm to keep the setting, it’s instantly getting reverted into 2 separate screens.

    As said, using it as an exteded screen and moving things to that screen works fine, but trying to mirror one of the physical screens fails, while it worked nicely on windows 10.

    Is there any advice? Did anyone get mirroring to work on windows 11? Or it it just a bug in the software where I need to be patient and wait for a fix?



    Yes Chrome DOES NOT crash when sharing any window/screen while HDR is ON without spacedesk.

    Here’s a video demonstrating the problem (can be reproduced 100% on my system):


    just done that, still unplugged even when trying to switch to display extend mode.

    Device Manager says

    Dieses Gerät ist nicht richtig konfiguriert. (Code 1)

    Treiber ist für diese Plattform nicht vorgesehen.

    Klicken Sie auf „Treiber aktualisieren“, um einen Treiber für dieses Gerät zu finden.

    Treiber ist für diese Plattform nicht vorgesehen.
    in Installation error property in Details of Display Device.

    same (new) files as requested before are attached.

    I do have a Valve Index VR Headset attached to my RX480 card, could that be a problem?

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    Als Antwort auf: Connected display – off

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @kroshold,

    Thanks for the feedback.
    1. Do you have Nvidia ShadowPlay/screen recording/instant replay or Game Overlay settings enabled?
    If yes, please disable it then switch server OFF-> ON then try again to reconnect.

    2. If #1, did not help, please try to reinstall spacedesk Driver v1.0.14 then try again to connect.

    If problem still persist, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    Als Antwort auf: Won’t open on iPad

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @gpsdmsj1,
    I assume, spacedesk is currently on extension mode.
    Do you intend to use spacedesk for desktop duplication/mirroring or extension?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @peltierdevice,

    To further analyze this issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    Als Antwort auf: Spacedesk + Citrix issues

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @notaro75,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    We never tested spacedesk with Citrix Workspace. We cannot easily troubleshoot it since the app is not a free software.
    As for the disconnection, I assume the spacedesk viewers are connected over wifi network, right?
    If that’s the case, one of the possible reason is maybe there’s a network drop that causes a disconnection?
    Is your network stable/reliable?
    Can you maybe try connecting over a wired network, e.g. USB tethering? Then check if you still experience the disconnection from time to time.

    By the way, do you have auto-reconnect enabled on your spacedesk viewer app settings? maybe that might help too?
    You mentioned that you have v0.9.87 driver version, can you maybe try our most recent spacedesk driver v1.0.14?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @isa-ldsk,
    To further analyze this issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @soli,
    1+2+3: To setup spacedesk you should have one primary machine and one (or more) secondary machine.
    On primary machine you have to install the spacedesk Driver/Server.
    On secondary machine, spacedesk Viewer app should be installed. If you have the 12 native monitors attached to it, then you can setup 12 viewer app instance on each monitors and connect it all to your primary machine.
    You can easily setup the Videowall using the Video Wall Engine user interface.
    For more details please check the spacedesk user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

    4. Current spacedesk BETA version is free to use until it expire on Dec.31, 2021.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @chaos_02,
    Thanks for the screenshot.
    Could you please try to uninstall spacedesk completely, then reboot your primary machine.
    After reboot please install the latest spacedesk Driver v1.0.14 from our website


    Als Antwort auf: Suddenly disconnect


    I have the same issue after about 10 mins. I have to restart SD on both displays to reconnect.


    I updated the Nvidia Driver to 471.96, restarted the PC twice, but it still crashes when HDR is ON.


    I discovered this bug when I was presenting to my class 2 days ago, which was unfortunate.

    Note: This only happens when HDR Display is ON

    To reproduce:
    1. Connect phone to PC via USB
    2. Enable Spacedesk via LAN IP
    3. Open Google Meet & Microsoft Powerpoint
    4. Present Screen using Powerpoint (using spacedesk monitor as presentation screen)
    5. Chrome crashes all the time

    Chrome does not crash when HDR Display is OFF.

    PC Specs:
    Windows 10 Pro X64 – 21H2 19044.1237
    Nvidia GTX 1650 Super – Driver Version 456.71
    Spacedesk Driver Version: 1.0.14

    Phone Specs:
    Oneplus 7T – Android 11
    Spacedesk App Version: 0.9.77

    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 9 Monaten von ej8989.

    Or, how 3 hours can slide past when you are working hard, but having to wait 10 minutes on the side of the road for someone seems like forever.


    I’m using spacedesk with the following setup: native laptop screen (Windows 10 Enterprise 1909, Spacedesk Server 0.9.87) + 2 additional screens via Display Port + 1 iPad Mini (old tablet running IOS 9.3.5, using Spacedesk for IOS updated to last available version on App Store) + 1 Samsung Tablet (old one running Android 4.4.2, using spadedesk for Android updated to latest version through Google Play). I often use some app via Citrix Workspace, and spacedesk doesn’t seem to like this very much: from time to time I experience disconnections of secondary spacedesk screens – not sure why, and to be able to reconnect them I need to close any open instance of my Citrix apps, or I’ll simply keep seeing all my screens flashing with spacedesk continously connecting and disconnecting screens.

    Anybody has any suggestion on possible causes and solutions?


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