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  • in reply to: Automatica server update #4699
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @partnerdisplay,
    Unfortunately it’s not possible.

    in reply to: computer died as soon as I wrote on iPad #4674
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @stern,
    Fix for the BSOD upon pen input (in iPad) is now available in the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.22, please try it.
    Looking forward to your feedback.

    in reply to: 软件下载问题 #4631
    spacedesk Lea

    We are only distributing spacedesk Viewer apps via stores.
    Aren’t there any app stores in China through which we could distribute?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    in reply to: USB connection (No Tethering) #4625
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @raya2,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Based on the debug view logs, spacedesk has detected an incompatible display driver present on your primary machine.
    Do you have either one of these software? Splashtop, Duet Display, Fresco Logic ?
    spacedesk cannot coexist with these products, please remove it, reboot then try again with spacedesk.

    in reply to: Surface Studio 2 Resolution (4500×3000) #4624
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @alimot,
    We just managed to reproduce the same problem on our side.
    We will first fix it in our Windows 7 Viewer app.
    It will be released on the website today or tomorrow (version 0.9.34).
    Then please try out and let us know if this work for you.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    in reply to: You need an older version #4430
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @leopq,
    Could you please run devmgmt.msc, click View tab -> Show hidden devices and View by Connections.
    Then check if you find any spacedesk devices, please right-click uninstall it, especially spacedesk virtual HID device.
    If there’s any devices underneath it, please delete them first before the spacedesk virtual HID device.

    If the above suggestion does not help, please go to and download the troubleshooter.
    If spacedesk is not on the program list, just select “Not Listed” then paste the product code of v0989 MSI below:
    spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v0989_BETA.msi: {5BDDEED1-A796-4811-BD50-811C680FF13B}

    in reply to: Connect multiple HTML5 clients #4429
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @michael-jilg,
    spacedesk does not support ARM based processor for primary machine and native viewer apps. You can only use HTML5 viewer for this platform.
    spacedesk only allows one HTML5 viewer connection at a time.

    in reply to: USB connection (No Tethering) #4428
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @raya2,
    To further analyze the disconnection issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    spacedesk Lea

    …maybe it’s a conflict between the task bar and Remote NDIS driver (network adapter for USB tethering)?

    in reply to: You need an older version #4410
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @leopq,
    The v0989 installer msi has an uninstall bug, please try to uninstall the older version of spacedesk manually.
    Please check the Manual Uninstall (Troubleshooting Only) steps in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

    in reply to: Screen resolution over 4k #4409
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @yamamotoy,
    spacedesk can support bigger than 4k resolution (e.g. 5120 x 2880), as long as the secondary machine has 5120 x 2880 native resolution main monitor then the spacedesk viewer can support it.

    in reply to: USB connection (No Tethering) #4406
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @raya2,
    Currently, spacedesk does not support native USB connection between Windows primary machine and Android viewer app.
    But you might want to try connection via Android Debug Bridge Cable.
    This connection requires you to download the Android SDK platform tools on your primary machine before you can setup an Android Debug Bridge Cable connection.

    Please check Android Debug Bridge Cable chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual.

    in reply to: SPACEDESK PARA MAC #4405
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ricardo-gonzalez you want to use your Macbook as second screen for your iMac?

    in reply to: failing to unistall/install Spacedesk Driver #4403
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @theonlymalu,

    Please try the Manual Uninstall (Troubleshooting Only) steps in our user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

    in reply to: error code 2-5 and connected-display off #4350
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @Rusmorr,
    I see..
    If it’s not the Fresco Logic, maybe try to check with other incompatible drivers:
    – run command prompt as Administrator
    – type these commands:
    sc query lci_proxykmd
    sc query lci_proxywddm
    sc query ddkmd
    sc query ddmgr
    – if one of these command returns a Running or Stopped status
    – just type sc delete [service_name]
    Then reboot your primary machine.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    in reply to: Local > IP Remote > Res > FPS > Sent > Received Bar #4339
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @doubleuedoubles,
    Are you using the spacedesk Windows viewer from Microsoft Store?
    You can click the “Hide Statistic” when you hover a mouse cursor at the top portion of the viewer app screen.

    If you are using the spacedesk Windows Viewer for Windows 7 (desktop version), you can click the View tab -> uncheck the Status bar.
    Please check the screenshots for assistance.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: error code 2-5 and connected-display off #4338
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @Rusmorr,
    Thanks for sending your diagnostic logs.
    The spacedesk has detected an incompatible software (splashtop/Duet Display/Fresco Logic) installed on your machine.

    If you’re having difficulties removing the incompatible software (Fresco Logic), please try to run the Command Prompt as administrator then type the commands below then reboot your primary machine and try again with spacedesk.
    sc stop FLxHCIv
    sc delete FLxHCIv

    in reply to: Choosing the secondary from the primary #4331
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jan683,
    This is not possible at the moment.
    The current design of spacedesk is to initiate the connection from the Viewer/Client side.

    in reply to: can not connect on win 11 #4328
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @temprax,
    If you have any of these software installed on your primary machine, please uninstall it then reboot before trying again with spacedesk.
    For assistance, please check Incompatible Display Hook Driver Detected chapter in our user manual

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    in reply to: Error 2-5. Incompatible Display Hook Driver #4327
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @cdal,
    Do you have the detected incompatible software (splashtop/Duet display, etc.) installed on your machine?
    If yes, please uninstall it then reboot your primary machine before trying again with spacedesk.

    For assistance, please check Incompatible Display Hook Driver Detected chapter in our user manual

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    in reply to: Applications wont move into secondary display. #4318
    spacedesk Lea

    Can you tell us what program is it?
    When exactly does it move back to primary display? As soon as you move it to secondary display?

    If possible, could you please provide a short video of this scenario?

    spacedesk Lea

    Thanks for the feedback. Is it only happening if there’s Google Meet & Microsoft Powerpoint involved?
    How about with other web browser (e.g. Edge, Firefox)? Is it crashing too? Or only Google Chrome?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @tobik59141,
    This is probably a network adapter priority of your machine.
    Could you please try the following:
    – Run ncpa.cpl to open the Network Connection window
    – In there you will see the WiFi adapter, right-click -> Properties, click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) -> Properties -> Advanced
    – Uncheck the “Automatic metric” and set the value to any value(e.g. 3), then click OK to finish it.
    Then do the same thing with your USB tethering network adapter (Remote NDIS adapter) and make sure it has higher metric value (e.g. 7).
    – Then try again with spacedesk and check your WiFi connection.
    Looking forward to your feedback.

    in reply to: Unable to connect #4311
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @nghia,
    Did you notice any error notification on primary machine?
    Do you maybe have splashtop software installed on your primary machine?
    If yes, just uninstall the “Virtual Display driver” on Splashtop Wired XDisplay Agent window -> Advanced option.

    For assistance, please also check troubleshooting chapters in our user manual

    in reply to: Spacedesk Error Code 2-5 #4310
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lenze30,
    Please update your spacedesk Driver to latest version 1.0.18 from our website

    in reply to: I can not update or uninstall #4280
    spacedesk Lea

    Thanks for the feedback. Could you please send us an updated logs?
    – spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
    – file located in C:\Windows\INF

    Which older version is working on your side? Is it the v1.0.6?

    in reply to: Spacedesk Viewer on Linux #4278
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @tuxinator,
    We will probably switch to Windows App SDK and WinUI 3 for Windows 10/11.
    This will still go through the Microsoft Store.

    in reply to: ERROR 2-5 DISCONNECTED #4277
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ryerye619,
    To verify if these drivers are not present on your machine, could you please follow the steps below:
    – run command prompt as Administrator on your primary machine
    – type these commands one by one:
    sc query lci_proxykmd
    sc query lci_proxywddm
    sc query FLxHCIv
    sc query ddkmd
    sc query ddmgr
    Then let us know if one of these command returns a Running or Stopped status.

    in reply to: computer died as soon as I wrote on iPad #4276
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @stern,
    Thanks for sending the requested files.
    We already deleted it here as per your request.

    Also thanks for reporting this issue, we were able to reproduce it.
    We will get back to you as soon as we have a fix for this issue.

    in reply to: SPACEDESK ERROR 2-5 , DISCONNECTED #4272
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ryerye619,
    I moved your first post in a new topic, please refer to this thread https://forum.spacedesk.netforums/topic/error-2-5-disconnected/

    in reply to: ERROR 2-5 DISCONNECTED #4262
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ryerye619,

    Thanks for sending your diagnostic logs.
    Based on the traces, spacedesk has detected an incompatible display hook driver on your primary machine.
    Do you have splashtop/Duet Display/ Fresco Logic software currently installed on your machine?
    If yes, please uninstall it then reboot your primary machine.
    After that please try again with spacedesk.

    in reply to: computer died as soon as I wrote on iPad #4257
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @stern,
    Thanks for your input.

    It seems that your primary machine is crashing.
    Is it only happening when you send an input using Apple Pencil 2 via spacedesk iOS viewer app?

    For further analysis, could you please send us the following:
    – run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save All Information”, save the output file (dxdiag.txt)
    – most recent dump file (*.dmp) of your BSOD with spacedesk which is located in C:\Windows\minidump folder

    Please save the files in one folder then right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    in reply to: Display blank #4256
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @girigoa,
    THanks for the feedback.
    Upon further checking of the logs, based on your dxdiag your graphics card name is Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 but below the driver name shows “aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,amdxc64.dll” which is for AMD graphics driver.
    Please double check on your side what exactly is your graphics adapter, is it really Intel or AMD?
    This probably confuses spacedesk driver during grabbing and rendering the screen update.

    Another possible reason is that your graphics adapter is already an old one which only supports WDDM 1.2. spacedesk IddCx Driver only supports WDDM 2.0 – above.

    in reply to: Low fps on ipad mini 1 (ios 9.3.6) #4246
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @promaks444,
    Yes, it’s possible that the problem now is your (old version) iPad.

    in reply to: Display blank #4242
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @girigoa,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Please try to update your Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 driver via Intel Support Assistant
    Then check if it will fix the problem.

    in reply to: How to remove keyboard button #4241
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @gfix,
    Click the settings button on the upper right corner of the viewer app then select Input Devices -> Keyboard, then uncheck it.

    in reply to: Cant install spacedesk because i dont have qWAVE #4238
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @uszer,
    Thanks for sending the dxdiag info.
    Please make sure that any pending Windows update are installed on your machine.
    It’s possible that QWave feature on your machine cannot be started or got corrupted due to missing system updates (KBXXXX).

    in reply to: Display blank #4235
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @girigoa,

    Thanks for your input.
    To further analyze this issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator on your primary machine.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    Looking forward to your feedback.

    in reply to: Cannot detect primary #4234
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lezha
    Please check Troubleshooting -> Network Connection -> Firewall Settings on Primary Machine chapter in user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

    in reply to: Cannot connect to IP #4231
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @sea316,

    It seems like a network connection issue.
    Are both primary and secondary machine connected on the same local area network?
    Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) enabled?
    Do you have third party firewall software on your primary machine?

    For assistance, please also check troubleshooting – Network Connection chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

    For further analysis, could you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    in reply to: Cannot detect primary machine! #4228
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @juratykokot,
    Are both primary and secondary machine connected on the same local area network?
    Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) enabled?
    Do you have third party firewall software on your primary machine?

    For assistance, please also check troubleshooting – Network Connection chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

    For further analysis, could you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    in reply to: Start up the server in ON state #4221
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @joker1138,

    The spacedesk server is set to automatically started upon installation and should be ON always.
    It will only be OFF if it was set manually or spacedeskService crashes.

    Is it always server OFF on your machine?

    For further analysis, could you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    in reply to: I can not update or uninstall #4209
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @agemo,
    Thanks for sending the requested files.
    Did you upgrade to Windows 11 while you have spacedesk driver already installed on your primary machine?

    Based on the setup log, you are trying to install/uninstall an older spacedesk Driver v1.0.6? Is that right?
    Could you please try to uninistall via Troubleshooting tool from Microsoft?
    Just download the troubleshooter tool here:

    If spacedesk is not on the program list, just select “Not Listed” then paste the product code of current spacedesk version on your machine:

    in reply to: How to enable HDR #4201
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @desertcookie,
    unfortunately, spacedesk display does not support HDR.

    in reply to: Connected – Display Off #4200
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @derrick,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Is this the actual diagnostic logs during display off status?
    Does the display off happens immediately when the diagnostic script is running?
    I thought it happens after a few minutes?

    Could you also please try to update your Intel Graphics driver via Intel Support Assistant from this link:

    Based on your logs, you have iOS Viewer app.
    Is it possible to try with other viewer app? e.g. HTML5 viewer via web browser, or android if you have?

    in reply to: Connected but black screen on Android viewer #4198
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @awm,
    Did you notice any error notification on primary machine?
    Do you maybe have splashtop software installed on your primary machine?

    Could you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    For further analysis, could you please run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save All Information”, then attach the output file (dxdiag.txt) on your next reply.

    in reply to: SPACEDESK ERROR 2-5 , DISCONNECTED #4197
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @madmagpiekorge,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Are you using the updated spacedesk Android Viewer app from Google Playstore?
    Latest version is v0.9.84.

    What is the current Quality/Performance settings (e.g. Encoding color depth/Rendering color depth) of viewer app?
    Are you connecting over the wifi network (that goes through the router)? Is your network stable/reliable?

    Can you please try to enabled the auto-connect option in the viewer app settings and check if it will help?

    in reply to: Low fps on ipad mini 1 (ios 9.3.6) #4172
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @promaks444,
    Routers can cause lags and latency. Bypassing them always improves performance. Configure Windows PC or iPad device as WiFi Access Point (Hotspot) and connect to it before connecting spacedesk.
    USB Tethering achieves the same result, in case your iPad supports it.
    Please check the chapter “Performance Tuning” in the instruction manual:

    in reply to: I can not update or uninstall #4171
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @agemo,
    For further analysis, could you please send us the following:
    – run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
    – spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
    – file located in C:\Windows\INF

    Please save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    in reply to: Connected – Display Off – Incompatible driver detected #4164
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @polski_krzak,
    The incompatible display hook driver detected was the cause of your display connection issue.
    To verify if these drivers are not present on your machine, could you please follow the steps below:
    – run command prompt as Administrator
    – type these commands:
    sc query lci_proxykmd
    sc query lci_proxywddm
    sc query FLxHCIv
    sc query ddkmd
    sc query ddmgr
    – if one of these command returns a Running or Stopped status
    – just type sc delete [service name]
    – reboot your primary machine

Viewing 50 posts - 1,201 through 1,250 (of 1,634 total)