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  • #1959

    I’ll get back to you regarding putting Task Manager on the extended display soon as that test being performed now.

    In the meanwhile . . .

    Image quality: About 75%
    Encodong colour depth: Medium colour quality, medium speed (YUV 4.2.2)
    Rendering colour depth: 16-bit

    I’m going to try up the rendering colour depth to 24-bit.

    Yes, the display was idle each time for a number of minutes. Don’t know exactly how long. At a guesstimate, 20 minutes.


    When I use my iOS or iPadOS devices, the app constantly shows “Cannot detect Sever!”.
    I am able to connect to the windows device from an Android device, or use the H5 weblink on the iOS devices.
    I tried to reinstall the server software on my windows device, but it did not fix the problem. Switch to another windows device have the same result(Android via app successful, ios via H5 successful, ios via app unable).

    Can someone help me solve this problem?

    My server software version is Beta 1.0.11.
    iPad: iPad Pro 12.9in 3rd gen on iPadOS 15.0 beta 6.
    iPhone: iPhone X on iOS 14.7.1
    Android: Xiaomi Tablet 5 pro on Android 11
    All the software and apps are up-to-date


    Topic: ERROR CODE 2-5


    My app stopped working, now it throws the error code 2-5 without updating, I did it after the error to correct (update the server) and it is not corrected, I keep seeing the same error I cannot connect the tablet that I used to connected send dxdiag.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Ah I see.. currently spacedesk can only send one keyboard input at a time, it does not support entering words as a single input.

    As for the disconnection issue upon entering special characters, we tried to reproduce it here but so far we are not successful.
    To further analyze this issue, could you please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app, send keyboard input with emojis or special characters to reproduce the disconnect issue), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    In reply to: Color format issue

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @edsonluis321,

    Please try to disable the 10-bit Pixel Format in the AMD Radeon Software settings
    Just open the Radeon Software window, click the Settings icon on the top right side, then “Graphics” -> “Advanced” -> disable the “10-bit Pixel Format” then reboot your primary machine to apply the changes.


    In reply to: Color format issue

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @edsonluis321,
    This issue is different with the screen noise pattern issue.
    This is a known issue with 10bit color format enabled on your Nvidia or AMD Control panel.
    Which GPU is currently present on your primary machine? Nvidia or AMD?


    I have 2 viewers coneected to my pc and I wanted to know if I can make all the 3 monitors act as just 1, so that I can play games as if it was an ultrawide monitor.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @15212442377,
    Could you please send us the screenshot of this issue?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @galo,

    So the initial problem is that your android tablet cannot discover your Windows 10 computer, right?
    Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) active?
    Do you have any third party firewall software that might probably blocking the spacedesk connection?
    If yes, please make sure to add c:\Windows\system32\spacedeskService.exe on your exception list to allow incoming/outgoing connection.

    For assistance, please also check Troubleshooting – Network Connection chapter in our user manual.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @baran,
    Does your primary machine and tablet device connected on the same local area network?
    Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) active?
    Do you have any third party firewall software that might probably blocking the spacedesk connection?
    If yes, please make sure to add spacedesk or “c:\Windows\system32\spacedeskService.exe” on your exception list to allow incoming/outgoing connection.

    For assistance, please also check Troubleshooting – Network Connection chapter in our user manual.


    I have my server computer (win 10) running 1920 * 1080. I have a windows 10 client tablet running 1280 * 800. When I connect in extended mode, it shows the tablet background and any windows I drag as if in portrait mode even though my server is set as both portrait mode. I can fool the tablet by setting it as portrait (flipped) but the display resolution appears wonky.

    Thanks for any help!


    Boa Tarde!

    Instalei server no meu Windows 10 64bits;
    Instalei space no meu Galaxy Tab A10;

    Meu computador não aparece no tablet mesmo estando na mesma rede.
    Tentei inserir meu ip manualmente mas ele fica “IP-Validation in progress…” e não conclui nunca.
    Dai através do SmartView e da conexão do Windons 10 apos eu espelhar o tablet no notebook apareceu o notebook no spacedesk do tablet com ip diferente do que aparecia no server.

    Quando eu conecto eu clico no tablet pra conectar ele fica alguns segundos e em seguida desconecta e aparece a seguinte mensagem de erro:

    Disconnected by server error
    Error Code: 2-5-6
    Error Info 0-5-8
    Connected time: 00:00:41

    Pode me ajudar por gentileza.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Galo.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hello there!

    I would like some help with regards to my iOS keyboard I’m using for input into a PC over Spacedesk.

    I’m using a Brydge Pro Max+ Keyboard (iOS) connected through Bluetooth to my iPad (not pc)(see link): (very similar to magic Keyboard).

    General input for letter keys and numbers works just fine, however, TAB, SPACEBAR, ENTER, BACKSPACE and ARROW KEYS don’t seem to register. I’m assuming it is because this is an iOS keyboard that the PC doesn’t recognize fully.

    How can I make them work? Is there a way to map the keys or make it work? Is there a method to emulate or anything like that? I feel like I am so close to having an iPad as my main screen to my PC, but these keys don’t work and it’s a bit of a disappointment.

    Can anyone help me with this issue? Is there a way I can make it work?

    Kind regards,



    While trying to use Spacedesk for Microsoft Flight Simulator, like many others I’ve come to the realization that the simulator does not support touch inputs properly.

    However, I found an old topic in the old Spacedesk support forum which explained how to fall back from touch input to mouse input in Spacedesk, which seems to have solved the issue. Unfortunately, the instructions there were for an older version, and seem to no longer be valid. Is it still possible to switch back to use mouse pointer input?

    The instructions I’m referring to (relevant for v0969):

    You can still use the mouse touch input (like before) just follow the steps below:
    – run services.msc on your primary machine
    – find spacedeskService and right-click Stop it (temporarily)
    – run devmgmt.msc on your primary machine
    – click “View” tab “Device by connection”
    – find spacedesk virtual HID Device (Can no longer find this in newer versions)
    – underneath the spacedesk virtual HID Device, right-click “disable device” all 3 HID-compliant touch screen
    – go back to services.msc and restart the spacedeskService
    – try to connect a spacedesk viewer, mouse-touch input should work now instead of touch screen input

    • Server: Win 10 / Spacedesk 1.0.9
    • Client: Amazon Fire Tablet / Spacedesk 0.9.74

    (aka msfs msfs2020 – leaving this here for future google searchers)


    Disconnected by server error
    error code 2-5-6
    error info 0-5-8
    connected time 00:01:01

    This consistently happens after one min.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Please consider supporting multi-touch on Windows. My use case is using my laptop to control my PC, so I don’t have to buy another set of input devices. Currently, I can’t use 2 finger pinch to zoom and 3 finger middle click. These two are an absolute must for my web browsing.


    For those on windows(and with an Intel WiFi card) there is a hidden but an the vnc client on my workstation to connect to localhost:5902 to access it.

    WalgreensListens Survey

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @morris202,
    spacedesk supports multiple viewer connection (up to 16 viewers) using our native viewer apps (Android/iOS/Windows). As long as your primary machine’s resources (GPU/CPU/Network) can handle it.
    As for connection over another network, unfortunately it’s not possible.
    spacedesk only supports connection over the same local area network.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    lauren wadyko

    I think I reproduced the issue, being that the main problem is it saying “connection failure” after having the connecting to [IP] screen. I have now turned off the in game overlay, but I’m still experiencing a connection failure. No error message, just “Connection failure. Unable to Connect!”. I have attempted with my phone and gotten the same error (again, after a much shorter period of time.)

    I was able to produce an error I haven’t gotten while the diagnostic wasn’t running. Error code 2-5-6-5- and error info 0-5-8-9-, but now I can no longer run the diagnostic tool. I keep getting the error of “Data collector set already exists”, even after deleting the files and re-downloading it. I’m sorry 🙁

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @eloy,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Based on your dxdiag info, your Intel graphics adapter on your primary machine is an old version with WDDM 1.1 model.
    Desktop duplication of primary monitor to other displays is disabled in Windows display settings of Windows 10 with old version of graphics adapter (< WDDM 2.0). Please try to update your Intel driver version from their official website or maybe go to

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lauren-wadyko,
    Thanks for your detailed input.

    It seems like our spacedesk display driver is crashing, possibly a TDR(Timeout detection and recovery).
    I’ve noticed an error code 43 on our spacedesk Graphics Adapter (you can also verify it on device manager).

    Do you have the in-game overlay enabled on your Nvidia GeForce Experience settings?
    Your NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 graphics driver is a few months outdated. Please download the latest driver from their website.

    To further analyze this issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    Looking forward to your feedback.
    For further questions and/or discussions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    lauren wadyko

    I’m trying to use my iPad as a second monitor for my windows pc, but it just shows the “connecting to [my computer’s IP]” screen for like a full minute or so, and then says there was a connection failure. I think it might be an issue with my computer and not my iPad since I tested it with my phone and got a much faster connection failure, but I’m not very sure about it since everything seems to be set up perfectly fine on my pc (the app is allowed through the firewall, its turned on and refers to my pc as in idle in the driver window, all that.) Its the latest version, I just downloaded it not too long ago today so I don’t think that’s the issue. Both devices are connected to the same wireless network. My computer’s IP shows up in the list of devices I can connect to. I’ve gone through set up guides and as far as I can tell I’ve done everything right, so I’m very confused. Thanks in advance!

    While writing this and going through the forms, it connected briefly (for about 57 seconds apparently), showing a black screen and then disconnecting and giving me a server error code. I’ve had it do something like this a few times. The first being error code 2-5-6-5- and error info 0-5-8-9- and lasting 22 seconds, the next being error code 2-5- and error info 0-5- and a connected time of one second, and this last time being error code 2-5-6- and error info 0-5-8-.

    Since it seemed like a common troubleshooting question, I do not have Nvidia shadowplay/screen record running. I’ve attached my dxdiag.txt to this for the same reason.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Your system didn’t like the pcap file dues security issues?? Weird…
    No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
    137 2.456935 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    212 2.615869 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    213 2.615869 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    214 2.615869 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    215 2.615869 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    216 2.615869 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    242 2.648084 ICMP 74 Echo (ping) request id=0x0001, seq=22/5632, ttl=128 (reply in 245)
    245 2.652214 ICMP 74 Echo (ping) reply id=0x0001, seq=22/5632, ttl=64 (request in 242)
    258 2.662746 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    259 2.663022 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    260 2.663174 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    261 2.663881 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21
    262 2.663881 UDP 63 54365 → 28252 Len=21


    Thanks for your response. We’ve investogated this further and Android devices running Spacedesk can’t connect to the main PC. They’re on the same network and both devices can ping each other. We ran a pcap on the main PC and can see the Android Spacedesk trying to connect on UDP/28252 but the server isn’t responding. Please see attached pcap file for your reference. We also checked the main PC and can see it listening on but not on it’s IP address;
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*
    UDP *:*


    In reply to: Rotate Monitor Issue

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @e2th,
    Could you please further describe the setup and the rotation issue on your side?
    What is your current viewer type? Android/iOS/Windows?
    Which desktop mode are you using with spacedesk client? Is it duplication or extension mode?
    Have you tried manually setting the display orientation via display settings window ?


    Topic: Error Code: 2-5


    After reinstalling windows on my asus laptop. The spacedesk app just stopped working for no reason. I tried installing the newest nvidia drivers and cpu drivers. And yes I also uninstalled duet.

    Disconnected -Spacedesk Logo-

    Disconnected by server error

    Error Code: 2-5

    Error Info: 0-5

    Connected time: 00:00:01

    I also attached the dxdiag file if you need it.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    In reply to: About encode question

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @parasite,
    Thank you very much for the feedback.
    Current spacedesk is using JPEG (CPU) compression, that explains why spacedesk consumes CPU load.
    We are actually planning on supporting H264 (GPU encoding) soon for performance improvement.
    We don’t have a specific date of availability yet.


    In reply to: 3d direct3d etc

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @headcloser,

    So those nok games giving an error, like they do not recognizing the display, the driver, or smartphone some thing similar to this

    Are they giving the same errors?
    Did you connect the spacedesk before launching the games?
    Or game is already running before connecting the spacedesk?
    Are you trying to move your 3D games on spacedesk display for remote viewing?

    As for the slow performance and high cpu usage, there are some factors that can cause it:
    – if you have a big resolution on your viewer screen (e.g. 1920×1080 – above) spacedesk image compression can consume too much CPU load
    – if spacedesk is connected over the wireless network, then routers can cause lags and latency.
    Bypassing them always improves performance. Configure Windows PC or Android device as WiFi Access Point (Hotspot) and connect to it before connecting spacedesk.
    USB Tethering achieves the same result.
    Please check the chapter “Performance Tuning” in the instruction manual:


    I tried several times to connect the IPv4 address, I’m sure I did everything right, but it gives the same error: ” invalid entry: local host “, can someone help me? Printscreen


    There are some posts more than 2 years ago complaining that spacedesk Viewer won’t connect to the server running on the same computer (localhost). Despite OP’s various legitimate reason, the answers were always that spacedesk client won’t support connection to localhost and HTML5 viewer is the only way.

    Will this functionality never be implemented? My reason to use this functionality is to create a virtual monitor when my laptop lid is closed so that start menus and some apps can render properly in remote session (I use Google Chrome Remote Desktop). Although using HTML5 viewer is viable, it would be very cumbersome to automate the activation and hide the session at background. This app seems very promising to be used as a dummy virtual monitor driver, and it’s such a pity that it can’t just because this functionality lacks.

    M.N.C Games

    when i was try to connect to my laptop i got the coming error
    (Dissconnected by server error
    Error Code: 2-5
    Error Info: 0-5
    Connected time: 00:00:01)
    pls i need answer


    In reply to: Code 31


    Hey Lena,

    1. I used Regedit and found the spacedeskDisplayUmode key where it belongs.

    2. There are no crash files in \Temp. As far as I can tell, spacedesk haven’t crashed at all.


    In reply to: screen noise patterns

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @imtek,

    Could you please try to update your Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600 graphics driver from their website.
    Or via Intel Support Assistant

    If the issue still persist after GPU update, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait the viewer to show the image issue), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @aslcouple

    To further analyze this issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and try to send touchscreen inputs), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    In reply to: Code 31

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Thanks for trying.
    1. Could you please run “regedit” then navigate to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\Services
    then check if you can find “spacedeskDisplayUmode” key.
    If you cannot find it could you please add it, just right-click the Services -> New -> Key then type “spacedeskDisplayUmode”.

    2. Please also send us these app crash dump file/s if it’s available:
    Note: ProgramData folder is hidden by default, if you cannot find it in C:\ directory, just click the View tab of the File explorer, then check the “Hidden items” check box.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @yusuf,
    Could you please run devmgmt.msc then check on device manager if spacedesk Graphics Adapter (underneath Display adapters) has error or disabled?
    Maybe send a screenshot of the spacedesk Graphics Adapter in device manager.

    Then to further analyze this issue, please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by spacedesk Lea.

    In reply to: screen noise patterns


    The graphics hardware is an intel UHD Graphics 600

    Secondary machine 1: Linux over ethernet
    Secondary machine 2: Android over wifi

    dxdiag.txt file is attached.

    Many thanks for your help.


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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @martinnitro,
    Are both primary and secondary machine connected on the same local area network?
    Can you try to ping the IP address of primary machine from your secondary machine (and vice versa) to check if both machines are reachable to each other.
    Just run Command Prompt then type the command: ping 192.168.x.x
    then check if it will receive a reply from the other machine

    By the way, can you also tell us the current network connection type on both machine (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)?


    Hello i have a problem and i don´t know how to fix it. I downloaded space desk server on my main PC Win.10 x64 and my secondary Laptop
    ( space desk Viewer) win.7 x32. I have the latest driver versions for my GPU and I still can´t find my main PC on my laptop and I can´t start screening monitors. I tryed set IPadress mannualy but it still looking for computer so it didn’t work either. I can´t see computer in app on my androide phone too. But before half year I used space desk seamlessly . I have shutdowned all firewall and antivirus.

    Thankyou very much. 🙂

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @cant94,
    Using spacedesk Windows Viewer from Microsoft Store, you cannot select a custom resolution bigger than the machine’s native resolution.
    However, using the desktop version of spacedesk Windows Viewer (v0.9.30 for Windows 7) downloadable from website, you can set a custom resolution up to 4096×2160.
    Please keep in mind that when using the desktop version of the viewer app, some features are not updated anymore compared to features in Microsoft Store version.


    So, I have no idea so far, but it seems like some of 3d games doesn’t work with spacedesk…
    I mean like some of those games are running fine and other not :s
    Killing Floor 2 (TRIPWARE INTERACTIVE) ok
    The Secret World Legends (FUNCOM) ok
    Resident Evil 2 Remake (CAPCOM) ok
    Play Club (Illusion) ok
    Chronicles of Valkiria (SEGA) partly
    the game exe ok, the launcher nok

    The Witcher 3 (CD Project RED) nok
    Left 4 Dead (Valve) nok

    Anybody have got an ideas how to fix rest of games?
    PS: So those nok games giving an error, like they do not recognizing the display, the driver, or smartphone some thing similar to this… Another time games are working, but still spacedesk not receiving every frame, so it around 1 frame for 5-10 seconds, very slow, mostly freezes. Usually freaks cpu, and my machine automatically rebooting itself.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by HeadCloser.

    In reply to: Code 31

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Did you try our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.9?
    If the problem still persist with the latest version, could you please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    I have updated my graphics driver and WLAN driver, either on my laptop (Lenovo laptop with AMD graphics) or on my Surface GO2 (Intel UHD 615 graphics). However the problem remains…

    By the way, I found wired connection is OK.(。_。) (through network cable, but not usb cable)



    Thank you for the response.

    I will be updating this post once I have the results of the newer version of Winlock pro and that way you can have the information in your database. The update will be within 2-4 weeks because it takes time to be sure and accurate.

    I have had Winlock for over one year and it did cause some issues with the older versions of the Spacedesk server. So I am not sure why it started happening more frequently with the more recent updates. It could be related to a recent Windows update that changed something in Windows explorer.

    The current Winlock Pro version is 6.22 released in 2014.

    The new one I will be testing with is version 8.47, released in 2021


    Topic: Code 31


    Hello Support-Team,
    I already searched the toubleshooting page but could not find something similar.

    The connection between Primary (PC) and Secondary (IOS) works fine, but without working display. I found an error code 31 in device Manager which seems to cause the problem.

    Here is a list of things I already checked:

    – Win10 and GPU-Driver(RTX 2070) are latest versions
    – Restarted Primary in device-manager and reinstalled spacedesk
    – Tested on second IOS, same result
    – No splashtop, duet, vpn or similar installed
    – Firewalls do not block Spacedesk

    Hope you have an idea what causes the problem. If you need anything else, pls let me know.
    DXDiag is of course in attachement

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Yes, I am using the latest version – v1.0.42

    Understood that this issue is not common. Let me just use the guided access for now as a workaround.


    spacedesk Lea

    Do you need any other actions from my side to trigger this?

    I’m not sure. This minor issue seems difficult to troubleshoot on our side if we cannot reproduce it.
    This is the scenario where the viewer is not failing in any type of functionality, it’s just not auto-hiding the home bar.
    Since it’s only happening on your device (no other users so far is reporting this issue), maybe the cause of the issue is only somewhere in the settings of your device.

    By the way, what is the current version of spacedesk iOS viewer app on your device? Is it the latest version 1.0.42?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi somnus7,
    I’m not sure if enabling the iOS device’s Settings -> Privacy -> Analytics & Improvements -> “Share With App Developers” will help.
    We only tell our user to enable this for application crash issue so our developer can receive the app logs.

    By the way, what is the current version of spacedesk iOS viewer app on your device? Is it the latest version 1.0.42?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by spacedesk Lea.
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @endah,
    Thanks for sending the requested files.
    But unfortunately, we can only open the dxdiag file.
    The 2 setup log files are not the actual files, only a shortcut file.
    Please send it again.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @viviane,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Currently the only option to improve performance is by eliminating the router.
    If your Android tablet supports USB tethering, you can also try that with spacedesk.

    If it did not help, then you’ll probably have to wait for our next performance improvement feature.
    spacedesk will offer h264 hardware encoding very soon.

Viewing 50 results - 1,501 through 1,550 (of 1,581 total)