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spacedesk Lea
AdministratorIn the Avast firewall settings, can you also add the port to be included in the exception list?
spacedeskService is using „28252“ port, if you can possibly add this port, please try it and check if it will fix your problem.Juli 22, 2024 um 8:19 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Tablet FPS performance falls off a cliff after a few seconds of use on a Fire HD #27627spacedesk Lea
AdministratorThank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
Could you please try to switch OFF the Nvidia ShadowPlay/In-game overlay in your Nvidia GeForce Experience window, then check if it will improve the performance.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorThank you for the suggestion, this is noted.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @mete,
please update your spacedesk Driver version.
It seems that you still have the old version of spacedesk Driver Console.
You can download the latest spacedesk driver from our website – 22, 2024 um 2:42 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Tablet FPS performance falls off a cliff after a few seconds of use on a Fire HD #27615spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @castaa,
Can you please tell us the current screen resolution of your client viewer?
Maybe try to lower it and check if it will improve the performance.Do you have other USB cable that you can try? If yes, please try.
Please also check if there’s a high memory and CPU usage of the „spacedeskService“ in the task manager while spacedesk connection is lagging.
For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic logs of the issue via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics.
Just follow the diagnostic collection steps provided in the Diagnostic’s right-side panel of the spacedesk Driver Console.Juli 22, 2024 um 2:28 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Black Bar Issue on iPad When Transferring Images #27614spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @nicoteix,
For the black bar, please try this work around steps and see if it helps:
– On iOS viewer app’s Settings -> Resolution, please enable the native device resolution and the custom resolution (select any resolution in the list, preferably same resolution as your primary machine’s monitor)
– connect the ios Viewer app
– open the display settings window in your primary machine, there will be 2 available resolution for the secondary display/ios viewer display (these are the ones you configure in your ios viewer setting resolution), try to switch the resolution back and forth
check if the black bars will disappear after the steps above..As for the rotation issue, please check if you enable the screen rotation on both iOS device settings and spacedesk iOS viewer settings.
And make sure that videowall mode is disabled in the spacedesk Driver Console.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @monty1957,
Please make sure that you install the latest spacedesk Driver version.
You can download it from our website here – Lea
AdministratorHi @warrret,
can you please also restart your PC?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @syev,
Could you please send us the following files for further analysis.
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click „Save all information“ and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.
Juni 24, 2024 um 5:10 am Uhr als Antwort auf: How to tweak color intensity, brighness, contrast… #27281spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @nofolobricity,
Color adjustment is not available BUT contrast and brightness for spacedesk displays can be adjusted via spacedesk Driver Console underneath Videowall, just make sure you enable the Videowall mode.
Windows Night Light settings is currently not supported on spacedesk displays.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @syev,
You should follow the proper way of uninstalling spacedesk to prevent this kind of problem.
The correct way of uninstalling spacedesk can be found in the spacedesk documentation’s UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRIMARY MACHINE chapter – you please try the Troubleshooting Uninstall chapter –
Please use the product code of the version of spacedesk previously installed on your machine.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @warrret,
Could you please try to restart your Android device and try again with the USB cable connection with spacedesk.
By the way, which driver in the device manager shows the yellow exclamation mark?-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 8 Monaten, 2 Wochen von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @mnwnm
It seems that you have an AMD Radeon graphics adapter.
Please try to disable the 10-bit Pixel Format in the AMD Radeon Software settings.
Just open the Radeon Software window, click the Settings icon on the top right side, then “Graphics” -> “Advanced” -> disable the “10-bit Pixel Format” then reboot your primary machine to apply the changes.Juni 19, 2024 um 12:36 am Uhr als Antwort auf: I need the APK files for non google store devices #27248spacedesk Lea
AdministratorWe are only distributing spacedesk Android Viewer app via Google Playstore and in Amazon App Store.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @warrret,
Two answers to two questions:
1. Blue Screen
The dump analysis on your Blue Screen does not point to any specific driver nor can it be identified by us.
It could have any reason under the sun.2. USB problem
Please check if you have USB debugging (in developer option) enabled with USB preference set to „Charging only“ or „No Data Transfer“.
If this is the case, make sure to select the USB preference/settings in your Android device to „File Transfer“ mode.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @warrret,
Thanks for sending the diagnostics files.
We are currently analyzing it.For the native Android USB cable connection, just enable it via spacedesk Driver Console -> Communication Interfaces.
If it did not work immediately, please try to switch the spacedesk server/driver OFF-ON or re-plug the USB cable.Juni 14, 2024 um 1:09 am Uhr als Antwort auf: IP validation in progress and not going through #27210spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @trizzy,
For network discovery issue, please check the chapter Troubleshooting -> Network Connection in the spacedesk documentation Lea
AdministratorHi @ssotog,
Could you please open the task manager and check if there’s „spacedeskConsole“ in the Processes list, if it’s there just right-click „End task“ then try to open it again.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @warrret,
Please check these possible known reasons for BSOD with spacedesk:
1. If you have an old Nvidia graphics driver version (specifically v461.09 – release date: 2021.1.7), please make sure to update it to a more recent version which is available on their official website or via Nvidia GeForce Experience.
2. If you are using USB tethering connection, the USB driver used by USB tethering network causes a BSOD crash in some cases.
Please use native USB cable connection instead, you can enable it via spacedesk Driver Console.For more info check the chapter Windows 10 crash with BSOD chapter in the spacedesk documentation –
If the suggestions above did not help, please send us the diagnostic files for further analysis.
Just run the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Save All Information button (in the prompt please click Yes to restart the console app as administrator to collect any possible dump file for the BSOD).
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 8 Monaten, 3 Wochen von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jsmasterson,
Multiple connection issue can be caused by any of the following:
1. In case you are connecting via spacedesk HTML5 Viewer, then only one spacedesk connection is allowed.2. If you are using 2 or more identical Android or iOS device, it’s possible that all devices have the same device identification.
On your Android or iOS device, go to spacedesk viewer app settings (of each device) and clear the app data before connecting to spacedesk server.If it’s not any of the reasons above, could you please send us the diagnostic info on your primary machine.
Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics.
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
– try to connect all the spacedesk Viewer apps and reproduce the multiple connection problem
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
– click “Save All Information” (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @blaastg,
For a 2×2 Videowall setup, you have to set the correct Position(X;Y) of each viewer/client on the Videowall Client Settings page e.g.
Viewer #1: X = 0, Y = 0
Viewer #2: X = 1921, Y = 0
Viewer #3: X = 0, Y = 1081
Viewer #4: X = 1921, Y = 1081-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 1 Woche von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @marco,
Are you using an old version of spacedesk Driver on your primary machine?
If yes, please update to the most recent version available on our download page – more details about black and white screen, please check
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 1 Woche von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @sergiocalmon,
Please try uninstalling the spacedesk v1057 thru Windows Control Panel?
Please check the chapter „UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRIMARY MACHINE -> Uninstall Using Windows Control Panel“
in the spacedesk documentation
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 1 Woche von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jamesson,
Thanks for showing us the video.
Can you please quickly try to toggle the Audio icon (disable-enable) and see if it will make any difference.
If it did not help, please send us the debugview log of the spacedesk Viewer app, just follow the steps below:1. On your secondary machine where you run the spacedesk Viewer app, please download the DebugView app thru this link:
2. Right-click -> Extract the contents of the, and run the Dbgview.exe as administrator.
3. In the Capture tab, make sure to check the „Capture Win32“
4. Run the spacedesk Viewer app and connect to your primary machine and try to toggle(disable-enable) the Audio icon in the settings menu bar.
5. In the DebugView window, there should be spacedesk viewer traces starting with „SA [xxxx:xxxx]:SAxxxxx…..“
Please save the DebugView traces into a log file, and make sure to change the format to .txt file before attaching it to your reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jamesson,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
Did you enable the Remote Audio in the spacedesk Viewer settings -> Audio -> Enable audio output or in the menu bar settings over the screen?-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 2 Wochen von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
You must be logged in to view attached files.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @amirmordadi,
Unfortunately, it’s not possible.
spacedesk Server/Driver is not available for Android devices, it only supports Windows 8.1/10/11 operating system.
You can only use your Android phone as second screen of your Windows PC with spacedesk Viewer app.For details, please refer to the system requirements chapter in the spacedesk documentation Lea
AdministratorHi @miro,
Thank you very much for sending the spacedesk Driver info, but unfortunately it’s incomplete.Is the display detached in the display settings?
Have you tried attaching it by selecting Extend/Duplicate in the Multiple displays drop down menu?Could you also please check for incompatible software product via spacedesk Driver Console -> Incompatible Software Products.
If the suggestions above did not help, please send us the diagnostic logs for further analysis.
Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View).
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
– Connect your spacedesk Viewer app and reproduce the display off problem
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
– click “Save All Information” (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @coladelicious,
We tried it on our side, but so far we cannot reproduce the same issue yet.
For further details, could please send us the diagnostic info on your primary machine via space desk Driver Console -> Diagnostics.
Just click the „Save All Information“ button and send us the zipped file containing the diagnostic logs collected.If possible, could you also please send us a short video of the issue?
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @mark_ryan35,
Is the blank screen in main monitor only happens when spacedesk is connected?
If yes, please try the „Clear Windows Display Settings“ button on the spacedesk Driver Console -> Control, before trying to connect the spacedesk viewer app.-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 2 Wochen von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @zuriel-p,
it looks like it’s positioned somewhere not visible in the screen..
Maybe resetting the window position might help.
Could you please run „regedit“ then go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\datronicsoft, then right-click the „spacedeskConsole“ registry key and delete it.
Then try again to open the spacedesk Drive Console.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @syer10,
For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic info via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View).
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
– Connect your spacedesk Viewer app and reproduce the update problem (with mouse artifacts)
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
– click “Save All Information” (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jamesson,
For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic info via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View).
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
– Connect your spacedesk Viewer app with audio enabled to reproduce the remote audio/sound problem
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
– click “Save All Information” (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @syer10,
Maybe it’s just a delayed update since you are using a high quality setting?
Have you already tried to wait for a while and check if the text will eventually update?If your tablet is Android or iOS, you might want to try connecting over native USB cable.
You can enable it via spacedesk Driver Console -> Communication Interfaces.-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 3 Wochen von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jamesson,
Please try to connect your Windows viewer app, then check in the Windows Settings -> Sound Settings of your primary machine if the selected output/speaker is „spacedesk virtual Speaker“.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorAs of now, no estimated date of availability for this feature.
Mai 8, 2024 um 9:29 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Incorrect IP to server from viewer with Tailscale VPN #26810spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @inertia,
Maybe the wrong IP was detected first before you enabled the Tailscale VPN?
Have you tried restarting the Windows Viewer app?
In any case, some VPN software is known to have incompatibilities with spacedesk (e.g. discovery issues).spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @ayakpompasi,
This pop-up window is part of the spacedesk free version with unlicensed Android viewer app and cannot be disabled.
It will only disappear if a licensed version of spacedesk Android Viewer app is used for connection.Mai 6, 2024 um 10:49 am Uhr als Antwort auf: What’s going on? Why can’t I connect my USB storage device? #26779spacedesk Lea
AdministratorPlease disable the USB cable option in the spacedesk Driver Console -> Communication Interface
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jsmasterson,
Another possible reason is maybe cable problems?
Are you using USB type C cable? Can you maybe try other cable connectors?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jsmasterson,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
We are currently analyzing it.In the meantime, can you please tell us the model and specs (Android version, RAM, storage, etc..)
..of the tablets with GOOD performance
..of the tablets with SLOW performance-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 10 Monaten von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 10 Monaten von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @fael097,
Unfortunately, Stylus tilt feature will not be supported in Android.
Tilt functionality is only available in the SDK of every Android Pen manufacturer.
And we do not want to include various SDK in our Android Viewer app.As for the iOS Viewer, tilt functionality with Apple Pencil will be implemented soon.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 10 Monaten von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jsmasterson,
Thank you very much for attaching the spacedeskDiag.txt file, we are currently checking it.
Unfortunately, we cannot download the DebugView.log file.
Please send us all the log files (this includes DebugView.log, etc.) collected in the folder, just right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @xcxcxv,
That’s a cool idea!
But unfortunately, we have no plans for this feature at the moment.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @futuremain,
Yes, it is possible to connect up to 4 spacedesk Viewer app using one account.
In the Concurrent Access Licensing option, you should select the Business license: Upgrade 2-5 concurrent connections.Mai 2, 2024 um 3:09 am Uhr als Antwort auf: The connection is interrupted when the application is closed or the second devic #26726spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @ksenit,
In the spacedesk app settings, please try to switch OFF the „Pause app activity if unused“ under „Unused app settings“.
Then check if it will still disconnect the spacedesk display while spacedesk Android app is minimized.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jon,
For the client settings of your phone device, can you please try something like this:
Size (Width:Height) = 1080 : 800
Position (X;Y) = 2700, 0
Rotation Angle = 270If it shows a reasonable screen image, then you can adjust from there..
Diese Antwort wurde vor 10 Monaten von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 10 Monaten von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jsmasterson,
Could you please check the memory and CPU usage of spacedeskService in your task manager when it starts to lag?
For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic info via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View).
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
– Connect your spacedesk Viewer app and reproduce the lag problem
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
– click „Save All Information“ (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @thitisak,
Please try the steps on the chapter – Manual Uninstall (Troubleshooting Only) of spacedesk documentation Lea
AdministratorHi @lior2df,
Please check in spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Incompatible Software Products, for any Incompatible software product present in your primary machine that might cause the Display Off issue.As for the tearing and black screen, on which screen is it happening?
In the spacedesk Viewer app screen? Or in your Windows main monitor?By the way, if your old tablet is Android or iOS, please also try connecting via USB cable.
Just enable the USB Cable Android/iOS in the spacedesk Driver Console -> Communication Interface.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @kimchoc,
The detected CH Product is probably not causing the Display OFF problem on your side.
The visible effect of having CH product and spacedesk together is BSOD (Blue screen of death) during spacedesk installation.
If CH product drivers are already uninstalled and no more Joysticks or other controller device plugged in your machine then it should be good.To further analyze the problem, could you please send us the diagnostic logs.
Please follow the steps below:
– open spacedesk Driver Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View)
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
– Connect your spacedesk Viewer app and reproduce the Display Off problem
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
– click „Save All Information“ (if dialog box appears, just click No)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply. -
Diese Antwort wurde vor 8 Monaten, 2 Wochen von