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- 该话题包含 19个回复,2 人参与,最后由
nosotrospapaya 更新于 3年、 1月前 。
3 1 月, 2022 7:55 上午 #5325
Today, spacedesk suddenly stopped working. It showed the “connected/offline” in the tablet and I couldn’t make it work. I uninstalled it from the laptop and tried to reinstall it. But now its stuck in the setup wizard for hours already and its not installing.
3 1 月, 2022 8:23 上午 #5326Hi @nosotrospapaya,
Are you installing the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.27 (for Windows 10) from the website?3 1 月, 2022 8:28 上午 #5328Yes spacedesk Driver v1.0.27 (for Windows 10) from the website.
3 1 月, 2022 8:40 上午 #5332Hi @nosotrospapaya,
Could you please restart your primary machine, then try again to install the spacedesk.
If the same problem still persist, please send us the following for analysis:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.
3 1 月, 2022 8:46 上午 #5337Here it is.
3 1 月, 2022 8:47 上午 #5338It says it exceeds the allowed file size even if its a zip file.
3 1 月, 2022 8:48 上午 #5339Will send it one by one. 1 of 3
您需要登录才能查看附件。3 1 月, 2022 8:48 上午 #5341Will send it one by one. 2 of 3
您需要登录才能查看附件。3 1 月, 2022 8:49 上午 #5343Will send it one by one. 3 of 3
4 1 月, 2022 1:41 上午 #5361Hi @nosotrospapaya,
could you please open the device manager (just run devmgmt.msc) on your primary machine, click View tab -> select Show hidden devices and Devices by connection.
Find any spacedesk virtual devices below, if you find spacedesk virtual HID device, and there are devices underneath it, please right-click uninstall all devices one by one then uninstall “spacedesk virtual HID device” last.By the way, please delete the old spacedeskSetup.log file, the file size seems too big now.
Then try again with spacedesk installation.-
spacedesk Lea 于 3年、 2月前 修正。
4 1 月, 2022 1:51 上午 #5363I was able to delete the others but the last one, spacedesk virtual HID device I couldn’t. Please see screenshot.
您需要登录才能查看附件。4 1 月, 2022 7:45 上午 #5368Hi @nosotrospapaya,
If it can’t be uninstalled, that means, there are still devices plugged underneath spacedesk virtual HID device.
Did you click the View -> Devices by connection?4 1 月, 2022 8:01 上午 #5369Here’s the screenshot which shows view devices by connection and show hidden devices. You can see below that there are no more devices plugged underneath but I still can’t uninstall when I right click it. The only options are to update, scan, properties.
您需要登录才能查看附件。5 1 月, 2022 2:58 上午 #5388Any other solutions to the problem?
5 1 月, 2022 5:24 上午 #5391Hi @nosotrospapaya,
Thanks for the confirmation.
Could you please try the following:
1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\UMDF, find spacedeskDriverHid.dll and delete or rename it (make sure to save a copy before deleting it).
2. Reboot your primary machine
3. Open Device manager and check if you can right-click Uninstall now the spacedesk virtual HID Device.5 1 月, 2022 6:12 上午 #5395Hi, still can’t uninstall it even if I renamed the DLL file. Can’t delete it as well because it says “action can’t be completed because the file is open in WUDFHost.exe”
5 1 月, 2022 9:12 上午 #5399Hi @nosotrospapaya,
can you tell us the previous version of spacedesk installed on your machine?
Can you also try to check if spacedeskService is still running?
Just run services.msc and find spacedeskService.5 1 月, 2022 1:17 下午 #5405Hi Lea,
I can’t seem to find the spacedeskservice in the services.msc. please see attached file.
您需要登录才能查看附件。6 1 月, 2022 2:16 上午 #5424Hi @nosotrospapaya,
Thanks for checking.
Back to device manager, after checking the “Show hidden devices” + “Devices by connection”, can you find several hidden HID Keyboard Device and HID-compliant touch screen?If there’s any, please try to right-click -> Uninstall all of it.
Then check if you can now uninstall the spacedesk virtual HID device.-
spacedesk Lea 于 3年、 2月前 修正。
您需要登录才能查看附件。10 1 月, 2022 2:23 下午 #5503Its now working. Thanks a lot for all the help!
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