Hi Christian,
I’ve encountered this issue on two Windows 11 PCs and with two tablets : a Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e (SM-T720) on Android 11 and a Samsung Galaxy TabA 2018 (SM-T590) on Android 10. The Unreal Engine versions were 5.1 then 5.2.
I’ve just run a few tests and I haven’t managed to reproduce the problem on other software (Blender and Photoshop), or at least the softwares have continued to work correctly. It’s hard to say whether inputs remain blocked when you don’t have graphical feedback.
I can add that before coming to you I thought the problem was with Unreal but I haven’t found any problems similar to mine on the forums and no-one has been able to help me. And as I said before, I did a test with another software (Google Desktop remote) which was less efficient than yours but didn’t have this problem of blocked inputs.
Finally, I don’t know if you’re familiar with Unreal, so if you need help creating a touch project or if you want me to send you a ready-made project, don’t hesitate.
Archived dxdiag report.
The directory C:\Windows\minidump is empty. Perhaps because after the BSOD I did a “System Restore”.
I can install SpaceDesk again and check the connection. And I’ll check what will be in C:\Windows\minidump.
Should I do it?
I have additional monitors connected to the HDMI D-SUB connectors, but I don’t have enough of them.
Q: Should I turn off the monitors before checking?
* * *
Отчет dxdiag в архиве.
Директория C:\Windows\minidump пуста. Возможно потому, что после BSOD я делал “Восстановление системы”.
Могу вновь установить SpaceDesk и проверить подключение. И проверю что будет в C:\Windows\minidump.
Мне сделать это?
У меня подключены дополнительные мониторы на разъемы HDMI D-SUB, но мне их не хватает.
Вопрос: мне отключить мониторы перед проверкой?
Hi @Aleks17RU,
For further analysis, could you please send us the following:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save All Information”, save the output file (dxdiag.txt)
– most recent dump file (*.dmp) of your BSOD with spacedesk which is located in C:\Windows\minidump folder.
Please save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.
BSOD when connecting tablet to laptop
Windows 7 Ultimate, DELL N5110 Notebook, NVidia GeForce GT 525M Video Adapter (PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DF5&SUBSYS_04CA1028&REV_A1)
SpaceDesk software downloaded from the official site “spacedesk_driver_Win_8.1_64_v1067_BETA”
The SpaceDesk server is running on the PC. The tablet sees the computer on the network. When you connect the tablet – a blue screen.
The latest driver for my video adapter – Version: 391.35, Release date: 25 Mar 2018
What can I do?
* * *
BSOD при подключении планшета к ноутбуку
Windows 7 Ultimate, Ноутбук DELL N5110, видеоадаптер NVidia GeForce GT 525M (PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DF5&SUBSYS_04CA1028&REV_A1)
Программа SpaceDesk загружена с официального сайта “spacedesk_driver_Win_8.1_64_v1067_BETA”
На ПК запущен сервер SpaceDesk. Планшет видит компьютер в сети. При подключении планшета – синий экран.
Самый новый драйвер для моего видеоадаптера – Версия: 391.35, Дата выхода: 25 Mar 2018
Что я могу сделать?
I’m getting this error when trying to reach the viewer.spacedesk.net website from my Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11 machines: “This site can’t provide a secure connectionviewer.spacedesk.net uses an unsupported protocol.
Unsupported protocol
The client and server don’t support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.”
I’m using the latest version of Chrome for both systems; I also tried on Firefox and it gave a similar message. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
This has become a problem for me as well causing a crash if I don’t manually restart SpaceDesk every so often. The used virtual memory will hit a limit at some point and Windows will crash. This usually takes 2 – 4 weeks of up time and 32 or 64 TB of GPU virtual memory allocated at which point Windows 11 runs out of resources and the system crashes with a Blue Screen of Death. I have created a manual task that kills the SpaceDesk process and restarts it at every resume from sleep and that has elliminated the issue, but it is still annoying. The Virtual Memory counter in Windows keeps creeping up indefinitely until the system crashes. Before a system crash, other applications like games start to run into issues with insufficient GPU memory error and just the game will crash. This is the only application that exhibits this behavior of 10K – 50K of virtual memory increase every second.
Hi @Will,
Unfortunately, the sample you sent is not advisable as it is an OTG cable. a simple Android USB cable will do as long as your tablet supports it. Then please proceed by following the instructions provided in Direct USB Cable Connection chapter in the user manual – https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_11715
Hi @spacedeskuser10092,
Can you quickly try plugging the Android USB cable on other USB port in your PC?
The current Android version I have is 13.
In Device Manager, I don’t see anything different when plugging or unplugging my tablet. The tablet is simply charging, event tho the default USB setting is set to file transfer.
I tried deactivating the USB on the Spacedesk Driver Console and restarting everything, and nothing has changed.
I have removed the Epson Projector Idd Device, but it seems that the situation hasn’t changed. I will send you the debugging logs.
Thank you very much for your sincere support and assistance.
Since the file size of the attachment is large and cannot be attached, would it be possible for you to download it from here?
Hi @Will,
Have you tried connecting via native Android USB cable instead of USB tethering?
You can check if your Fire tablet supports it by referring to Direct USB Cable Connection chapter in the user manual – https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_11715
Hi @spacedeskuser10092,
What is the current Android version of your tablet device?
When you plugged the Android USB cable, did you see the “spacedesk Android USB Device” in Device Manager (just run devmgmt.msc) underneath “Universal Serial Bus devices”? Or did it show the default name of your Android Tablet’s USB device?
Can you please quickly try to switch Android USB Cable to OFF in spacedesk Driver Console > Reboot your PC and restart your Android device. Check if your machine can now recognize your Android device and switch back the Android USB Cable to ON.
The Spacedesk solutionis wonderful! I wish I knew about it before. After getting frustrated with Microsoft’s Miracast which was both laggy and unstable with a lot of crashes for me (not mentioning the limitation that it only works wirelessly), I’m finally able to utilize my Surface Go 2 as a second monitor over Ethernet for my main Windows 10 PC and it’s a breeze!
Only problem I found with the App from the Windows Store is that it’s very difficult to figuring out how to activate the Touch/Mouse control: it requires to first tap on the App to show the green bar, and then to tap with 3 fingers very gently, where the spacing of the fingers must be very specific; if you have your fingers a little far or close to one another it doesn’t show up the window for activating input. If I use the Microsoft Pen however the input activating window shows up with a single tap.
I think that a dedicated button in the green bar to enable/disable input would be a better solution.
Besides that, I would very much like to be be able to switch the audio to be playing from my secondary display. This works when running the non-app version of the Viewer, however there’s a problem with input control there, which is why I moved to use the App.
Overall, it’s one of the BEST apps I ever used. Keep up the good work! 🙂
Hi @spacedeskuser10092Hi @spacedeskuser10092,
First, please try to disable the USB debugging in the developer option. There are some cases in some devices that USB debugging prevent spacedesk USB connection from working.
Please make sure to enable the Android USB cable in spacedesk Driver Console window. Upon plugging the USB cable, spacedesk viewer should run automatically and connect.
For assistance, please refer to the chapter “CONNECTING A NEW DISPLAY MONITOR OVER THE USB CABLE -> Direct USB Cable Connection (Android only)” in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_11689.
If it still did not work, please open on your Android device’s settings, and find the setting for default USB configuration (or something similar to it) and select the File transfer/sharing mode.
Maybe you can search for the keyword “USB” if you don’t know where this setting is located..
@spacedesk Lea
Thank you again for your reply.
According to your method, my computer still cannot re-recognize the S1 speaker. I still can only recover by rebooting.
As long as my computer is not connected to S2, even if I disconnect S1, the computer will be able to recognize S1 speakers after reconnecting. I used my phone to install spacedesk for testing, and the same situation occurred. As long as I didn’t use the spacedesk screen, unplugged or disconnected S1 will without causing the problem of not recognizing the speakers.
By the way, did you reproduce the same bug?
qstdnx 於 1 years, 8 months ago 修改。
The Pc recognised my Tablet. The zip file is to big for the website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lV9HB0Ko8qYYiHW2K18JcdwnwEwgzVp0/view?usp=sharing
Blnixx 於 1 years, 8 months ago 修改。
Hi @blnixx,
Are you trying to connect spacedesk via Android USB cable?
If yes, could you please try the work around that the user suggested here: https://forum.spacedesk.netforums/topic/usb-device-not-recognised/#post-17212
@spacedesk Lea
I’m very sorry that I didn’t test it clearly when I gave you feedback, so you can’t reproduce it.
After testing, I found that everything was fine when I used both the HDMI screen (hereinafter called S1) and the Android tablet installed spacedesk (hereinafter called S2). The operation of bug reproduction is as follows:
After the S2 is connected to the computer, in multi-monitor setting(Windows Settings→System→screen), set S1 to disconnect, and only use S2 as the screen. In this case, if the spacedesk is disconnected, S1’s speakers will not be recognized. This is how I usually use spacedesk, so I’ve been obsessed with this bug.
the same bug occurs when the HDMI cable is unplugged and then connected.
Please find attached a copy of the file you requested in following link.
Because the file exceeds the forum file size limit:(
Thank you again for your reply. Please let me know if you need more information.
@spacedesk Lea
I’m very sorry that I didn’t test it clearly when I gave you feedback, so you can’t reproduce it.
After testing, I found that everything was fine when I used both the HDMI screen (hereinafter called S1) and the Android tablet installed spacedesk (hereinafter called S2). The operation of bug reproduction is as follows:
After the S2 is connected to the computer, in multi-monitor setting(Windows Settings→System→screen), set S1 to disconnect, and only use S2 as the screen. In this case, if the spacedesk is disconnected, S1’s speakers will not be recognized. This is how I usually use spacedesk, so I’ve been obsessed with this bug.
the same bug occurs when the HDMI cable is unplugged and then connected.
@spacedesk Lea
I’m very sorry that I didn’t test it clearly when I gave you feedback, so you can’t reproduce it.
After testing, I found that everything was fine when I used both the HDMI screen (hereinafter called S1) and the Android tablet installed spacedesk (hereinafter called S2). The operation of bug reproduction is as follows:
After the S2 is connected to the computer, in multi-monitor setting(Windows Settings→System→screen), set S1 to disconnect, and only use S2 as the screen. In this case, if the spacedesk is disconnected, S1’s speakers will not be recognized. This is how I usually use spacedesk, so I’ve been obsessed with this bug.
the same bug occurs when the HDMI cable is unplugged and then connected.
Please find attached a copy of the file you requested in following link.Because the file exceeds the forum file size limit:(
Thank you again for your reply. Please let me know if you need more information.
@spacedesk Lea
I’m very sorry that I didn’t test it clearly when I gave you feedback, so you can’t reproduce it.
After testing, I found that everything was fine when I used both the HDMI screen (hereinafter called S1) and the Android tablet installed spacedesk (hereinafter called S2). The operation of bug reproduction is as follows:
After the S2 is connected to the computer, in multi-monitor setting(Windows Settings→System→screen), set S1 to disconnect, and only use S2 as the screen. In this case, if the spacedesk is disconnected, S1’s speakers will not be recognized. This is how I usually use spacedesk, so I’ve been obsessed with this bug.
the same bug occurs when the HDMI cable is unplugged and then connected.
Please find attached a copy of the file you requested in following link.
Because the file exceeds the forum file size limit:(
Thank you again for your reply. Please let me know if you need more information.
I am running Windows 10, fully updated, and spacedesk Beta RC v1.0.67. When, in Google Chrome, I try to run HTML5 Viewer Page, It throws me that: NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.
If I access anyway It throws me 404 error.
I deleted my cache and history as recommended, it hasn’t worked.
thanks in advance
Hi @user213456,
Thank you very much for this info. We will investigate and try to fix it.
I have downloaded the spacedesk app on my Windows11 and also iPad3 which has iOS 16.2. Both devices are on the same wi-fi network and I inputted the ip address from the desktop all to my ipad app but it cannot discover my desktop.
After running the iOS app, there is a pop up message that says IMPORTANT INFO – saying ‘This iOS app version can only connect to the spacedesk Windows Driver
You can download the latest Windows Driver at……….
What does all this mean?
It seems like that my iOS meets app requirement already.
Hi @user213456,
We are glad to hear that it’s working now on your side.
A possible cause of this issue is maybe the Viewer app hangs then crashes during the last time you used it with Audio Speaker enabled.
Did you remember it happening the last time?
To further investigate the cause, could you please check if there are any spacedeskWindowsVIEWER.exe.xxxx.dmp files created in the following directories of your secondary machine:
– C:\Users\\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
– C:\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SystemProfile\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
If you find one or more dumps, please send it as *.zip file.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Hi @user213456,
Is there any chance that viewer app can’t detect speakers?
=> We are not sure. We haven’t encountered this scenario.
Could you please try to reset the viewer settings in your secondary machine, just follow the steps below:
– open the “Registry Editor” by running “regedit”
– go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\datronicsoft
– right-click -> Delete the “spacedesk” key underneath
Then try to run again the spacedesk Windows 7 Viewer app.
Hi @user213456,
Audio Speaker option in spacedesk Windows 7 Viewer app will be disabled if:
– there’s NO real audio/speaker device active in your Windows secondary machine
– already active in the first instance of a connected viewer app
Hi @luke0741,
Are you connecting over the wifi/wired network? Or via native Android USB cable?
Could you please check for any incompatible software, just run the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Incompatible Software Products.
Also I have other issue. In Full Screen mode, could you make so other app can show on top and the Viewer would not disappear complete. Or switch to behave like windows without border instead of full screen. The Viewer keeps disconnecting when the app lose focus or not visible in Full screen mode.
So in my setup earlier, I have 4 physical connected not moveable Monitors to their machines but I would like to use left 2 for Machine 1, and right 2 for Machine 2
-Machine 2–|-Machine 1
[Monitor 1]-|-[Monitor 1][Monitor 2][Montor 3]
But I want setup
-Machine 1———–|-Machine 2
[Screen 1][Screen 2] |[Screen 1][Screen 2]
[Viewer 1]———–|[Viewer 2][Viewer 3]
So Machine 2 connected to Machine 1 for Viewer 1. And Machine 1 connected to Machine 2 for Viwer 2 and 3
So there is a crossover. I am not sure if that contribution anything?
850G85C… is machine 1, …58x is machine 2
I am trying to recreate the condition, but I do not see that leakage again
I am having trouble using my Samsung Tab A8 tablet as a second monitor with the Spacedesk app. My Windows 10 computer does not support Miracast, so I am trying to use Spacedesk to connect my tablet to my computer. The connection is established, but my tablet only displays a black screen, even though an additional screen is visible in my computer’s settings.
I have made sure to update to the latest version of Spacedesk and have updated all of my drivers, but the issue persists.
Could you please help me resolve this issue? Are there any additional steps I should take to fix this problem?
win10 22H2 (19045.2965)
BETA RC Version 1.0.67 (Expiry: Dec 31, 2023)
My screen with speakers use hdmi to connect to my computer. Turn on the remote audio with a deskspace connection on the tablet, Everything works normally. When I disconnect, my screen speaker will not be recognized and can only be restored by rebooting the computer. Disconnecting the HDMI, reconnecting and rebooting the screen are useless.
Hi @gautthntempgmail-com,
Thanks for the feedback.
We are currently trying to reproduce the memory leak on our side. So far after a few hours of connectivity, the memory load of the viewer app is still stable (always less then 100MB and not increasing).
For further analysis, please send us the dxdiag info of your secondary machine where the memory leak occurs.
Just run dxdiag.exe, click “Save All Information” then send us the output file (dxdiag.txt).
As for the Windows 7 Viewer app:
– image quality can be set the same as Windows 10 Viewer app in Settings -> Compression quality -> Color depth, set to High color quality (YUV 4:4:4)
– if it keeps rotating, you can easily reset the screen position by clicking the black portion/non screen area of the viewer app
I have it run continuously on my laptop as extra screen for my desktop. I did have any issues getting image. But I did lock my desktop/laptop during those time and screen turn black. Normal native 1920x1080p resolution. I did have win 7 viewer app from website install but I do not like the image quality on same setting and the so easly keep rotation.
Hi @gautthntempgmail-com,
Thanks for reporting this issue. We will check and try to reproduce it on our side.
In the meantime, we have a few questions:
Does it have a continuous screen update during the 8-hours connectivity?
What is the current screen resolution of the viewer app?
Can you please try the spacedesk Windows 7 Viewer (Desktop version 0.9.41) and check if you also encounter the memory leak.
You can download it from our website https://forum.spacedesk.net#download.
I am using the Windows Store App Spacedesk Viewer on my setup. And after 8 hours usage, the memory usage report in task manager is now around 1600MB
Got the answer to the 2nd question, it seems like the mouse movement is much smoother if I connect to my home wifi instead of the mobile hotspot. Only 1st question left to answer.
Everything else is perfect work and smoothly without any lag
The diagnostic file is here:https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmB13AHwpwGlhewioC0kOgxf81kBXw?e=agzCjN
Besides the instructions in this thread, I need help form this thread too https://forum.spacedesk.netforums/topic/android-13-app-flashes-to-connected-screen/
Thanks a lot spacedesk team 😀
Conecto el programa en la versión mas actualizada tanto en mi tablet samsung como en mi pc windows 10 X64, y desde que la aplicación se inicia esta comienza a ir lento muy lento, muevo el ratón sobre la pantalla y este se mueve frame por frame, alguien sabe que puede ser???
Hi @prehuman,
Do you maybe have a Virtual Desktop Streamer app installed on your primary machine?
Please check the suggestion on this post https://forum.spacedesk.netforums/topic/display-off-bug-after-restart/#post-17659.
I use on mobile touchscreen gameplay multi touchscreen bug automatic sensitivity direction
Fix problem yes off autoroute
Video link
Hi @simplotiscali-it,
Apple officially does not support old iOS devices with iOS version 9.x/10.x as Deployment Target anymore since the latest Xcode IDE update.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/support/xcode/
2012 iPad (gen 4)
2012 iPad mini (gen 1)
2012 iPad (gen 3)
2011 iPad 2
2010 iPad (gen 1)
2011 iPhone 4s
2010 iPhone 4
2009 iPhone 3GS
2008 iPhone 3G
2007 iPhone (gen 1)
Hi @rainbowswishess,
Could you please check the following:
1. Check on your iOS Viewer Settings -> Privacy -> Local Network, if spacedesk is on the list and enabled?
2. Quickly try to switch OFF both cellular and Wi-Fi on your iPhone, then the permission dialog popped up and re-set the permission.
For further assistance, please also refer to the Troubleshooting -> Network Connection chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_489.
Hi @laim2431,
Current spacedesk is in Desktop Duplication/Mirror mode.
You can easily switch to Desktop Extension mode via Windows Display Settings -> “Extend these displays” in the dropdown menu.
Or via Display switch, just press Windows logo + P hotkey, then select “Extend”.
For assistance, please check the chapter Configuration & Settings -> Windows Driver (Primary Machine) in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_469.
I’ve installed the app in my pc and my iPhone, after a enable the permissions, it says “cannot detect server”
so please help with it!