Forum Replies Created
October 1, 2024 at 10:17 am in reply to: Kaspersky detects Spacedesk as a virus Trojan.Win32.Generic #28472
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe assume you are talking about spacedesk Driver on Windows 11 or Windows 10. Correct?
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterFirst of all: You can always uninstall spacedesk in Safe Mode. Just look at the instruction manual on There is a chapter “UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRIMARY MACHINE” and “Troubleshooting Uninstall”.
Second: Since you are talking about contemporary Windows (Windows 11 or 10), we can hardly imagine how the problem could be related to spacedesk. WDDM IddCx Display Drivers are not known to have such side effects (*). However, if you like we could still analyze details of your case. Then on Monday our team could instruct you how to create and send logfiles.(*) Only in case of Legacy Windows (8.1 and 7) such a problem could theoretically be related to spacedesk. In rare cases, Legacy WDDM Hook Display Drivers might expose such side effects.
This reply was modified 6 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe have this on our radar and we want to support ARM. Like all other spacedesk functionality it will happen as soon as a corporate system integration customer will pay for it.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterTo use other Android USB applications, turn OFF USB option on Windows PC in spacedesk Driver Console (you turned it ON before). Or uninstall spacedesk on Windows PC. Read instructions in spacedesk Driver Console (re-plug, restart, reboot) and instruction manual
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterDear User,
we received your emails. They did not contain any name of neither you, nor your company. To process corporate email inquiry, we need at least corporate name, corporate street address as well as qualified contact data including e.g. name, department, telephone etc.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterFor all those people who are thinking that I treated him too harshly:
1. Above he falsely claimed that he DID register CVEs (not true – he didn’t).
2. Above he contradicts his own previous post. He says that he ONLY WANTS to register these CVEs.
3. Above he confuses people about (ACE) vulnerabilities when none have ever been discovered.
4. Worse: Wants to CVE register ACE vulnerabilities without any indicator for their existence.
5. Worst: He connects password protection to non existing ACE vulnerability issues.
Can anybody see any good intentions here?PS: If you think this is already bad, then you haven’t read his emails yet…
spacedesk Marcel
Keymasterspammer blocked
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterArbitrary Code Execution (ACE) vulnerability has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with presence of a passphrase. A simple Google search will help you understand…
Now you have exposed publicly that you do not know what you are talking about.
Furthermore, you should have better learned about our product first before making unfunded claims:
Guess how that relates to your allegations about internet security…Shut up or say something reasonable!
Otherwise I will classify you as spam and block you.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterTo obtain a response, use our official free support forum instead of spamming aritrary corporate email addresses!
We consider your approach as spam. We do not discuss any of your “interesting issues” with unknown individuals from alledged companies without corporate email or corporate web address. Googling your corporate name only leads to an unknown company alledgedly founded three years ago in a very small tax haven country.
If you register your “interesting issues” as CVEs, then we will deal with them publicly.
PS: Hacking our licensing is neither a vulnerability, nor very difficult, nor anything worth mentioning: Anyway our licensing is mostly volontary relying on responsibiliy and honesty of business users.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterDid you notice that spacedesk is always showing a 4:4:4 high quality frame after the image has settled to a still image (even when settings are 4:2:0)?
Is this not good enough for you? If it isn’t then why do you need 4:4:4 color depth on a moving image? In most cases the eye can only detect the difference on a still image, but not a moving image.
Can you tell more about your application? E.g. why do you need 4:4:4? What’s the application that needs so much CPU? etc.etc.etc.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe have hardware encoding on the shelf. We can release with very little effort. But most of our users use 4:2:0 encoding on Intel GPU. In these cases HW encoding isn’t any gain.
Which GPU are you using? What is your application? Why do you need 4:4:4 encoding? Why do you want to reduce CPU load? To run some other software (improve performance of some other software) or to improve performance of spacedesk?
Maybe your requirement can help us targeting specific use cases for hardware encoding…-
This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterTo use other Android USB applications, turn OFF USB option on Windows PC in spacedesk Driver Console (you turned it ON before). Or uninstall spacedesk on Windows PC (uninstalling on Android device is not enough). Read instructions in spacedesk Driver Console (re-plug, restart, reboot) and instruction manual.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThis is a technical support forum.
This is not a discussion forum about business ethics.
We consider this post as spam.
We will block this user if he will continue to spam the forum.-
This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterIt has been observed that some USB cable drivers cause BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) when used with USB Tethering and spacedesk (probably they have issues with too heavy load). Nothing we can do about this. For Android, we have an alternative, though: We developed our own USB driver for native USB support. You only need to enable checkbox “USB Cable Android” underneath “Communication Interfaces” in spacedesk Driver Console on Windows PC.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThis is a support forum.
We do not have resources to discuss general security fundamentals.
Very simple statement to wrap up this topic:
Everything can be hacked or privacy corrupted if the attacker has high enough skills, resources and focus.
All anyone can do is reduce attack surface.
Mouse/touch remoting attack surface is magnitudes less than keyboard.-
This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterShort comment to your statement 2) above:
Are you talking about Windows Software Keyboard?
The on-screen keyboard which needs touch/mouse to operate?
This does not have much of an attack surface for various reasons:
– Most important: Mouse and touch cannot be scripted to operate keyboard in an automated way
– Opening of Windows Software Keyboard will not go by unnoticed in mirroring operations
– etc.etc.etc.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterYou did not listen to what Christian was saying:
– We DO HAVE hardware encoding (h264) up and running experimentally (but not released)
– NO PERFORMANCE GAIN by hardware encoding for more than 80% of spacedesk users
– On some of the GPUS you mention, our current software encoding performs way better
– Release for less than 20% of the users needs to be precisely targetedDon’t confuse users whith such a non-applicable statement:
“…no one is talking about… h264 format, because it is outdated….”
(public common knowledge quoted in the wrong context without understanding)THIS IS TRUE ONLY for REGULAR STREAMING applications (e.g. Netflix)
No time limit for encoding in a studio.THIS IS COMPLETE NONSENSE for REAL TIME STREAMING applications (e.g. spacedesk, Miracast, etc.)
Need superfast encoding to avoid immediately visible lag.For REAL TIME STREAMING applications like spacedesk hardware encoding (typically h264/265) is still too slow on the vast majority of current GPUs in the market. CPU accelerated encoding can still perform better. Look: Today, in REAL TIME hardware encoding there isn’t much of a difference between h265, h264 and even MPEG2 (predecessor of the alledgedly outdated h264). That’s why e.g. Miracast until today still uses MPEG2 for hardware encoding.
PS: You might also want to understand the bottleneck in spacedesk is REAL TIME ENCODING performance – not DECODING. Thus it is not relevant what news you read in the press about fancy hardware accelerated DECODING.
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterPlease read the instruction manual underneath above page menu “Documentation” ( ). Chapter “UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRIMARY MACHINE” contains very detailed information about uninstall, troubleshooting uninstall and an overview of all spacedesk components.
We cannot understand your statement: “…installing and opening ice without permission.” What is this supposed to mean? How is it related to spacedesk? Nobody else reported anything like this before.
PS: There was a minor issue in some old spacedesk versions: A small user interface component was observed to survive Windows system reset. This did neither do anything bad nor anything good. Nor were there any functional spacedesk components left after Windows system reset. This issue should have been fixed quite some time ago. Contemporary spacedesk versions should be completely wiped out by Windows system reset.
This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterCurrently spacedesk does not support HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection).
Evaluation and possibly implementation would be a huge effort.
We can only move into this direction if there is a large scale corporate customer who has enough budget for funding this (this is actually the way how most existing spacedesk features were developed).March 5, 2024 at 8:17 am in reply to: Remote control of slideshow presentation not working after v2.1.11 driver update #26039spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for pointing out this issue.
We were not aware of this specific situation.
We intend to fix it in a different way:
We will support arrow keys even in free non-commercial version of spacedesk.
Thus TV remote control keys should work for all spacedesk licenses (no matter if business or non-commercial).
We will soon release spacedesk DRIVER version 2.1.15 which will include the above named fix.
Please let us know if this solves your problem.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThis feature is already on our long term list of TODOs. It is not to be expected any time soon because of other short term tasks with higher priority.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterNo. Black and white color has nothing to do with license.
It is because the BETA version expired. Please look at the post below:-
This reply was modified 1 year ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThis is definitely a problem of CH Products joystick driver. Their chdrvr01.sys is crashing the PC with a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). We had similar reports before. In which way this is related to spacedesk or even any other additional Indirect Display we cannot tell. We cannot troubleshoot or fix other companies’ broken drivers. Please report this to CH Products (an APEM Group Company). They are the only ones who can fix their own product.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for pointing out. Spam post is removed. User is blocked.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterCurrently, spacedesk Business License is available for Android Viewer only. All other Viewers (Windows Store, Apple App Store) can still be used for free until Business License will become available in their app stores, too. To purchase Business License, just open spacedesk Viewer on Android > click on the floating menu > click on licensing (FYI: The price for the initial purchase can also be found on this page.) You will then see the button “Purchase Now” which will direct you to the payment method via Google Play.
More details about prices can be found by clicking the link below the “Purchase Now” button.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe do not want to make our license agreement too complicated. Legally you can go by the following rule of thumb: If the user earns money with the use (e.g. as an employee of a company) then it is business and thus not free. If the user does not earn money with the use (e.g. for playing games) then it qualifies for free use. Thus the above mentioned use case is “business”.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterShort supplement to the previous answer: Maybe you installed version v2.1.5 of spacedesk Driver on your Windows Machine? v2.1.5 had a bug. Possibly it always shows licensing message maximized after every single Viewer connection. If you have v2.1.5 on your Windows Primary Machine, then please update to 2.1.6 Please let us know if this helped.
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
December 19, 2023 at 5:49 pm in reply to: Some Questions Regarding Subsequent spacedesk Updates #24953spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterQuestion: Why exactly do you think you need such a high refresh rate? We occasionally have such inquiries but we never got a reasonable reply to this question so far.
Background: Such high refresh rates are not realistic for virtual display technology with encoding, transmission, decoding at reasonable resolutions with minimum latency (no matter if encoding in hardware or in software). Only displays physically connected to a graphics adapter can achieve this.
The only thing we could do to achieve a higher refresh rate is sacrificing resolution and quality (and possibly use techniques like interlacing). We do not see any benefits in this. Maybe you can tell us a reason to do so?
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for your feedback and appreciation of our software. Indeed you are pointing out a mistake on our website. The line you are mentioning is obviously missing the Term “Android”. We just updated our website.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterYes, this configuration (spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v2101 and spacedeskWindowsVIEWER_v0943_BETA) can be used for free until it will expire. No matter if business or private use. Expiry date of free spacedesk versions is always shown in spacedesk Driver Console (December 2024 for this configuration).
In General:
Free spacedesk versions always have an expiry date. Paid business versions do not expire.
After the expiry date, spacedesk free versions will still work. However they will not show any colors on the screen any more. They will look like an ancient Black and White Television.-
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe are really wondering what makes you think that spacedesk is showing advertisement. spacedesk does not show any addvertisement and never did.
Also you cannot make any purchase currently.
We will soon release a business version. This paid business version will have the same features as the free version. None of them involves any advertisement.
Can you give any further information what makes you think that you see advertisement in spacedesk?-
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterIf you have an IP Address with letters, then you probably have an IP V6 address.
To connect spacedesk you need an IP v4 address.
Run “ipconfig” on your Windows machine and see if there is any network adapter with IP v4 Address.
Or use spacedesk Driver Console on your Windows machine to find network interfaces and their IP v4 Address.
Please also check instruction manual (especially the paragraph below): 17, 2023 at 12:24 pm in reply to: Fastest and smoothest experience between laptop and a tablet #24612spacedesk Marcel
Keymaster2960 x 1848 resolution and 60 fps might already reach the limits of encoding performance on such a smaller scale platform. Use custom resolution 1480×924 This can be selected on spacedesk Android resolution menu. This should avoid black stripes on either side of the screen and will definitely improve encoding performance.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterDear Raymond,
thank you very much for your inquiry. We will contact you by email today.spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for sending your logfiles. We can see that device driver software installation is disabled on your PC in general. We can also see previous install failures of other device driver software (other than spacedesk). We do not know which specific actions or settings disabled device driver install on your machine. We assume this is your private PC (not a corporate PC managed by an administrator). Still we do not want to give any instructions how to fiddle with security settings at the moment. Do you have any idea what could cause this? Did you install a new firewall Software or antivirus software? Did you change SSD drives from different machines? Etc. etc. etc.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe actually have virtual webcam driver software and a virtual microphone driver software on shelf and ready to be used. We developed these for corporate customers, but so far we never had time to integrate them into our own software spacedesk. Corporate customers are keeping us too busy always. But who knows, maybe you will be the corporate customer who will contrtact us to integrate these existing Windows webcam and microphone drivers into spacedesk?
We will contact you by email…September 21, 2023 at 9:53 am in reply to: Native USB connection does NOT work but USB Tethering DOES work #23851spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for previously sending in all your logs. We can see that spacedesk native USB connection is failing indeed with an unspecified error. It is very strange to see USB Tethering work while our native USB connection does not work. Does this happen on both of your Android devices? On your Redmi Note 8 Pro and your Prestigio MultiPad. Could you maybe also try a different cable? We never had any report of such a problem. If anyone else experiences a similar problem, please also reply to this thread.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterWe are closing this thread to avoid further confusion. Two different unrelated topics were mixed:
– spacedesk natice USB connection issue.
– WiFi immediate disconnect.
We will create a new forked thread for each one of the two.September 21, 2023 at 9:31 am in reply to: WiFi connection stopped working from yesterday to today on Android #23848spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for previously sending in all your logs. We can see that the initial connection was successful, but then immediately spacedesk driver software on Windows Primary Machine reports “Connection lost”. Currently, we cannot find any reason for the lost connection inside our software. Maybe your router or your Windows Firewall or your Antivirus got an update? Or can you think of anything else that has changed in your wireless network environment? Currently, we can only think of one further experiment to poke around in your wireless network environment on our side: Can you try to connect via HTML5 viewer from your Android device? (Link: )
Note: Please make sure to clear your browser’s cached files, images and cookies first before accessing the HTML5 Viewer.
Only if this is successful, we can further analyze in our Android software if there is still any hidden disconnect problem.-
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Christian.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
Datronic Administrator.
September 18, 2023 at 10:16 am in reply to: After i installed and used it once my screen haven’t stopped flickering #23774spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterNobody has ever reported such a problem. If it continues after spacedesk is uninstalled, then it is very unlikely that it is related to spacedesk. Still we would like to troubleshoot as far as possible. First question: Did you already try if rebooting the machine fixes the flickering? Did you already try if updating your graphics drivers fixes the flickering? To help us understand your environment, please run dxdiag.exe (just type in “dxdiag”), click the button “Save all information” and send us the resulting text file. Could you also send us a video of your flickering. This might give us an idea of what kind of problem you are facing.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterFirst of all: spacedesk is designed for use in the LAN (Local Area Network) only. Remote use is not supported. No plans for the future either….
However, you are exploring interesting limits here…
Thus we can take this a little bit further…You might want to try two more different approaches:
1. Either try to connect with spacedesk HTML5 viewer
2. Or try disabling spacedesk Server Discovery on Android Viewer App (small checkbox at the bottom). Then add the IP Address of the spacedesk Server again manually. Then it will immediately connect if Server is accessible on the network.Please let us know if one or both of these approaches work for you.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterFYI: The message you responded to was spam – we removed it
August 14, 2023 at 8:43 am in reply to: update 1.0.67 to 1.0.69 high cpu load after some minutes #23419spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterA tentative fix for “High CPU Load” issue was just released on our download page Please Update spacedesk Windows Driver to BETA RC 1.0.70 Please let us know if this new version fixes the issue for you.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThank you very much for the information. Even though your manual registry removal seems to work on your machine, the officially suggested manual removal procedure is different. It is described in spacedesk instruction manual chapters “UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRRIMARY MACHINE” paragraphs “Troubleshooting Uninstall” ( ) and “Manual Uninstall” ( ).
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterThe schedule for spacedesk native USB cable support:
– On Apple iOS: USB cable support is soon to come (expected late 2023)
– On Android: USB cable support is already available (since early 2023)In the meantime on iOS:
– Use USB-Tethering in the meantime (if the device supports it).
– Bypassing router can achieve almost similar performance as does USB. Configure Windows PC or Android device as WiFi Access Point (Hotspot) and connect to it before connecting spacedesk. Please check chapter “Performance Tuning” in the instruction manual.spacedesk Marcel
Keymasterspacedesk includes various device drivers. Device driver software can only be installed on Windows if holding admin priviles or individually assigned privilege. This is a Windows security feature which cannot be circumvented.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterPlease check instruction manual chapter “UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRIMARY MACHINE” paragraph “Troubleshooting Uninstall” on
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterYes, correct. USB connection is always more stable and more performant than WiFi.
spacedesk native USB support for Android can be enabled in spacedesk Driver Console
(just make sure you run latest spacedesk version on Windows PC and on Android).-
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterYes, correct! spacedes Driver Console cannot YET switch OFF Local Area Network (wireless and cable). In one of the very next spacedesk releases this will be fixed. Then you will be able to switch LAN connections ON/OFF independently of the USB connections. In the meantime you can still clearly recognize if the connection is over USB or LAN. Just look underneath CONNECTIONS branch in Driver Console.
A USB connection looks like this (contains the term USB):
SM-G991B \\?\USB#VID_18D1&PID_2D01&MI_00#6&164e7346&bc&0000#{09daef26-7ee9-4bfe-a046-a8a4ea91a2cc}A network connection looks like this (contains an IP Address):
SM-F936B also for the hint that spacedesk Driver Console does not remember Window position. We might consider adding this.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
spacedesk Marcel.
spacedesk Marcel
KeymasterSollen nur abwechselnd zwei vorhandene physikalische Bildschirme gespiegelt werden? Oder soll nur ein vorhandener physikalischer Hauptbildschirm gespiegelt werden und ein zusätzlicher virtueller Erweiterungsbildschirm erzeugt und angezeigt werden?
Beide Varianten können durch zwei parallel betriebene Windows Viewer realisiert werden. Beide Viewer Anwendungen (Windows 7 Viewer) können auf der selben Windows Client-Maschine betrieben werden. spacedesk erzeugt in diesem Falle zwei virtuelle Zusatzbildschirme. Diese beiden Zusatzbildschirme können über Windows Display Control Panel so konfiguriert werden, dass sie entweder zwei vorhandene Monitore spiegeln, oder ein vorhandener physikalischer Monitor gespiegelt wird und ein weiterer virtueller Monitor im Erweiterungsmodus betrieben wird. Auf der Client Maschine kann nun beliebig von der einen Viewer-Anwendung (Bildschirm) zur anderen gewechselt werden. -
This reply was modified 6 months ago by