Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions spacedesk viewer on TV can’t get the right resolution

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  • #26849

    I have a smart TV, and the resolution of the screen is 3840×2160. The spacedesk viewer recognized its native resolution as 1920×1080. When I configure setting->resolution->choose custom resolution and modify it to 3840×2160, it prompts it can’t be bigger than the native resolution.
    I think that spacedesk viewer on TV can’t get the right resolution.
    What should I do now?

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @amiga,

    for clarification of the spacedesk viewer app settings:
    if only „Use native android device resolution“ option is checked
    „Use custom resolution“ option is unchecked,
    then the resolution is only 1920×1080?

    What is the model and Android version of the smart TV?


    for clarification of the spacedesk viewer app settings:
    if only “Use native android device resolution” option is checked
    “Use custom resolution” option is unchecked,
    then the resolution is only 1920×1080?
    Yes. the resolution is only 1920×1080.

    What is the model and Android version of the smart TV?
    The model is SUPER3-X50 of LeTV. The model is made in China.
    The Android version is 5.0.1.
    []: [tv]
    []: [1534908690]
    []: [Wed Aug 22 11:31:30 CST 2018]
    []: [aosp_guava-user 5.0.1 V2301RCN02C060072B08221N 180822.113025 release-keys]
    []: [V2301RCN02C060072B08221N release-keys]
    []: [Letv/X3-50/X3_50:5.0.1/V2301RCN02C060072B08221N/180822.113025:user/release-keys]
    []: [tv-k8s-11c2adc2c1c868]
    []: [V2301RCN02C060072B08221N]
    []: [guava]
    []: [5.0.1/V2301RCN02C060072B08221N/180822.113025:user/release-keys]
    []: [release-keys]
    []: [user]
    []: [letv]
    []: [REL]
    []: []
    []: [REL]
    []: [180822.113025]
    []: [5.0.1]
    []: [21]
    []: [2016-03-01]

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    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @amiga,

    the issue has been forwarded to our Android app developer and is being investigated.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @amiga,

    we released a new version of the spacedesk Android viewer app.
    Could you please try it and let us know if it fixes the issue?


    The resolution is still 1920×1080.
    Is there a possibility that apps works at FHD mode and external input(HDMI) and codec of video work at 4k mode?

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