when connected, the primary machine hangs, and the black screen on the Secondary machine. If you turn it off right away, then everything will return to normal, and if you wait, the taskbar pops up and the PC freezes until it is rebooted, it does not respond to anything.
Updated video card drivers today in GeForce Experience
Primary Machine
– operating system Windows 10
– graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
– network connection type wired
Secondary Machine
– Viewer type Windows
– network connection type wired
I recently started to use spacedesk, on my two laptops and android tablet it works 100%. but when I use it on my desktop I can only extend the monitor and not duplicate it, any advise on how to duplicate the second monitor. I am using windows 10
Hi! Your app is the best! But I have a problem that my Android Tablet (Optima 7.13 TT7013AW) with android version 4.4.2 does not see the laptop, I really want it via USB So that Wi-Fi traffic is not consumed, I will be very happy if you help me
((I have already read the documentation about the application and I did not succeed, the tablet does not see, although I turned on the USB Modem)
The remote screen (Laptop) 10″ screen renders in portrait despite the host computer having the remote screen set to landscape. Changing this does affect the remote screen but if I set it to landscape it goes to portrait if i set it to portrait it goes to landscape but stretched and looks crap.
This error only occurs when using the client app on the windows 11 laptop . If i use the HTML 5 browser client the screen is rendered correctly.
Is there a fix for this?
Hi @angry7,
We have sent you the link where to download the spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v1024_BETA.msi on your email that you used to register here in the forum. Please check.
Hi @ranvet,
That’s expected as long as this VPN (MBTun Userspace Tunnel #3/ is active on your primary machine it might prevent spacedesk from network discovery.
Another thing you can try is to add „C:\Windows\system32\spacedeskService.exe“ into the „Allow List“ of your Malwarebytes settings to exclude spacedesk from all detections.
Hi @ranvet,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
Log shows that there is an active VPN (Virtual Private Network)
MBTun Userspace Tunnel #3/
Maybe this is the VPN of the installed Malwarebytes Antivirus software?
Please also check spacedesk Instruction Manual chapter
TROUBLESHOOTING->Network Connection->VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Hi @righteoushundred,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
The logs do not show any errors nor anything unusual. Sure that logging was enabled in spacedesk Driver Console while the issue happened?
Firewalls sometimes cause such disconnects.
We see that Kaspersky firewall is installed.
Did you tell the Kaspersky firewall not to block C:\Windows\system32\spacedeskService.exe on TCP/IP port 28252 ?
PS: Please always make sure to update Windows Primary machine to the most recent spacedesk version (we see that you still have Beta RC v1.0.30 – there is a newer one available already)
Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 1 Monat von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Hi @blaaue,
Thanks for sending the updated setup log files.
Based on the setup log files, spacedesk Drivers seems to install properly.
Could you please check if spacedesk Server is running on your primary machine, just run services.msc and check if you can find the spacedeskService with status „Running“ and if you can find spacedesk tray icon in the task bar notification area.
By the way, please try the most recent spacedesk Driver version 1.0.31 on the website https://forum.spacedesk.net.
Hello Lea,
I tried your suggestion and checked the display settings to see if there was a detached secondary display while spacedesk is showing “Connected – Display OFF”.
It did not detect another display. The driver console says the connection is ongoing. Also after about a minute, the client disconnects.
When I click on the X in the upper right-hand corner of the client laptop (windows 7) screen and I get the space desk windows VIEWER popup, and I click on the „View problem details drop-down, I get the following:
( Description:
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: spacedeskWindowsVIEWER.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 61e50f39
Hang Signature: 793f
Hang Type: 1
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 793fd855c6f44369307d358252508337
Additional Hang Signature 2: bc6f
Additional Hang Signature 3: bc6f1fbcd041e5daf5f5ec5cbc0c97c5
Additional Hang Signature 4: a499
Additional Hang Signature 5: a49969c7735e5521042e733f28c22dad
Additional Hang Signature 6: 2681
Additional Hang Signature 7: 2681f81d2e64328b18cf29aca2bd2d76
Read our privacy statement online:
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt )
I also ran the diagnostic routine again and created another diagnostic zip folder and will attach it.
Thank you,
John Wilson
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I’m connecting a W10 PC to another W10 PC, and can’t get the WiFi direct (over mobile hotspot) connection to work. The 192… IP for the WiFi direct adapter shows up green and normal in the viewer, but when clicked, the screen on the viewer goes black with „Connecting to 192..etc“ for about a second or two, then it returns to the setup screen. I have an android tablet that *does* work fine connected to the same WiFi direct / mobile hotspot connection on the driver PC, with all the same spacedesk settings on driver PC.
* I’m using the latest driver and viewer installed on each respective machine. Both machines with latest W10.
* Connection works normally over the shared WiFi network. This problem is only when trying to WiFi direct to hotspot.
* Viewer PC functions normally using the mobile hotspot connection (e.g., full internet access).
* spacedesk is listed as firewall exception on both machines.
* I’ve checked through switching all the settings I could think of. I’ve done restarts, and tried, for example, starting the spacedesk apps only after making the hotspot connection.
Anyone else have this experience? Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated – thanks.
After updating I can not connect to the monitor on the client gives a black screen and the inscription „Connected-Display OFF“ and after about 20 seconds there is a notice of disconnection „Disconected by server“
As of 23.01.2022 I have the latest drivers installed on both devices and the latest versions of spacedesk
When trying to connect to the server through the android app the same „Connected-Display OFF“ error appears
Rebooting, rolling back drivers and program versions didn’t help, rolling back to the system checkpoint didn’t help either
While I was writing the text above, the server was no longer displayed on the client
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I tried doing the steps again. See if the attachment is complete now. So that you’ll know, I have a Dell Inspiron 3671 desktop computer with Windows 10. My graphics card is MSI NVIDEA 710. I have a Dell wireless 1707 card (802.11BGN+Bluetooth 4.0, 2.4 GHz). The tablet that I’m using as my other monitor is Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6 (modal number SM-T560NU) and Android version 7.1.1.
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I have two problems:
(1) Mouse pointer is trapped in the browser until I close the viewer tab by pressing Ctrl-W. How can I move the mouse pointer outside the browser without closing the viewer tab?
(2) How can I open the three-bar-menu located on the top-left of the viewer by mouse?
I’m using Chrome on Linux.
I could not explanations of how to do the above things in the documentation.
How can I do these things?
hi. i connected 2 computers with ethernet cable (point to point) and i configured a new spearated network. when i try to transfer a file from the Pc A (where there is SpaceDesk Server) to Pc B (SpaceDesk Client), the transfer speed is about 106 MB/s (not Mb/s) but when i use Spacedesk, on the topbar of the window, i read 40 Mb/s and it creates lag.
I connected Pc A and Pc B with ethernet to get the maximum network speed and to avoid lag using an High quality image streaming.
How can i tell spaceDesk to use the real speed of the network to stream my desktop?
Since last update the connection between my Windows 10 desktop and Android tablet viewer drops after a few minutes 1-3 minutes. I receive Error Code 2-5-8 Error Info 0-5-8 on the viewer side. Both Server and Viewer are updated to newest versions. Diagnostic file attached. This problem is new. Software was working perfectly until yesterday. No known changes
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Careful! Let us not confuse things:
We did NOT discontinue resolution auto detection in spacedesk Windows Viewer.
Both spacedesk Viewers for Windows (Win10 Microsoft store and Win8.1 native) DO support automatic recognition of native Viewer device resolution.
Just make sure you understand the settings menu in both spacedesk Windows Viewers (it works the same way):
Up to two resolutuions can simultaneously be specified:
– Native resolution
– Other custom resolution
If you specify both resolutions, then Windows on the Primary Machine selects one of them
(you can still change the selection on Primary Machine Windows Display Control Panel)
If you specify only one resolution, then Windows on the Primary Machine has to use this one.
If you specify only the native resolution, then only the native resolution can be used.
Please update to newest version on BOTH spacedesk Primary Machine on Windows 11/10/8.1 AND spacedesk Viewer device (Secondary Machine) on Android, iOS or Windows.
Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 3 Jahren, 1 Monat von
spacedesk Lea.
Hi @awm,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic information.
1. Please make sure BOTH sides are updated to new versions:
spacedesk Driver v1.0.31 On Windows 10 ( https://forum.spacedesk.net )
spacedesk Viewer v0.9.92 on Android (update from Google Play Store).
2. If the above doesn’t help, please update your AMD Radeon R6 graphics driver to newest version.
You can download the latest graphics driver installer from their website https://www.amd.com/en/support.
3. If it still does not work, please send diagnostic information again.
Attention: The diagnostic information which you sent before was incomplete. Did you switch diagnostic mode to OFF before saving to file? Please make sure that a file named DebugView.log is present and included in the logfiles.
Same problem using Windows 10 for server and Windows 7 for viewer, using last version in both cases.
Also reinstalling multiple times.
Hello, I am getting the same error „Connected – Display OFF“ on my Client Windows 7 laptop.
I removed and reinstalled both the server Windows 10 laptop (Windows 10 64 bit version 1.0.31) and the client Windows 7 laptop (Windows 7 version Beta III v0.9.37) multiple times and I still get the same screen error „Connected – Display OFF“ on the Client Windows 7 laptop.
Prior to the latest update, it was working fine.
I ran the diagnostics and will attach the Zip file.
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Just use the newest version always. Today (January 19th 2022) this is Beta RC v1.0.32 on Windows 8.1 and Beta RC v1.0.31 on Windows 11/10
It seems that touch DOES work on spacedesk Viewer for Windows 10 (from Microsoft store).
However it seems to be very difficult to activate the functionality.
Please try the steps below:
-> Tap once to activate the green menu bar at the top of the screen.
-> While the green menu bar is shown, do a three-finger-tap gesture
-> This should bring up the dialog to enter touch mode
Please let us know if this works for you.
In the meantime we will consider to rework this user interface sequence and/or update the documentation.
I should point out: the Absolute Touch option works on the Windows 7 viewer, not Relative Touch. I don’t know what the difference between these functions is supposed to be. There only appears to be one Touch option on the Windows 10 viewer – perhaps that is Relative Touch only?
Yes, that works. I tried the latest Windows 10 viewer again, and it still doesn’t work.
Got the very same problem – display screen in Black & White. Tried to update version but cannot find v1.0.23 as you´d suggested.
Hi @xrarach,
Are you using the spacedesk Windows Viewer from Microsoft Store?
Could you please try with the most recent Windows 7 viewer v0.9.37 + latest spacedesk Driver v1.0.31 available on our website https://forum.spacedesk.net#download.
Hi @daniel_01,
Could you please send us the following for further analysis:
– dxdiag file of both your primary and secondary machine (just run dxdiag.exe then click „Save All Information“)
– a picture of your monitor setup in portrait mode where touch is not working correctly or maybe a short video showing the touch issue
– which windows viewer app are you using? Microsoft Store version or Windows 7 desktop version?
Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 1 Monat von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Hi @tcoyle,
Thanks for sending the setup log files.
Could you please reboot your primary machine then try the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.31 from the website https://forum.spacedesk.net#download.
If the same problem still persist please try the following steps:
– go to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed-cca7d1b6-65a9-3d98-426b-e9f927e1eb4d and download the troubleshooter program
– run the MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab, select Installing
– select „Not listed“ then paste the product code of the spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v1031_BETA.msi:{2640B056-E362-4D7E-8FFF-318BCBD16754}
Then try again with the installer.
Just pinged back and forth successfully. From the laptop to computer 100% on all pings. From computer to laptop there was a single timeout on the 4th ping in the first group of 4. Then every ping thereafter was 100% successful.
Tried with antivirus disabled. Still not working.
Hi @awm,
Could you please try the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.31 available on the website https://forum.spacedesk.net#download.
If the same problem still persist, could you please send us the diagnostic logs for this issue (using the console app)?
– open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON
– try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.
NO indica ningun error en la maquina principal
NO sea intalado ningun software splashtop y sea reinstalado windows
sistema es Windows 10 de 64 bits
Adaptador gráfico es AMD la grafica es una R6 M340DX de 2GB
Conexión de red es inalámbrica
es una HP TouchPad con andoid 7
Conexión de red inalambica
se contecta pero no da imagen se queda en pantalla negra
Hi @mysteryroach,
Thanks for the feedback.
Could you please try the following:
1. Ping the IP address of your laptop from your desktop and vice versa and check if they are reachable to each other.
2. Did you also try with your antivirus disabled?
We noticed that you have Avira antivirus, can you quickly try with Avira disabled?
By the way about this:
Seems there’s a new version of Spacedesk now so I upgraded to that, but it didn’t fix anything. I noticed that I couldn’t click on the alert at the top of the Spacedesk console informing me of the new version, as it gives me the error “Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessable”. So I had to manually go to the download page myself to download the new version.
This is probably a browser error. Maybe you can try the Method 2 on the link below to fix it.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 1 Monat von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Hi @brimston,
Could you please try with the latest spacedesk Driver v1.0.31 with Windows 7 viewer (desktop version) 0.9.37?
You can download it from the website https://forum.spacedesk.net#download.
Hi @andyc,
The dump analysis shows that chdrvr01.sys driver is crashing. Please check the attached dump analysis.
The driver’s product name is CH Products Control Manager.
Do you have any CH Products on your primary machine? E.g. game controllers (joysticks, pedals, throttles)?
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Seems there’s a new version of Spacedesk now so I upgraded to that, but it didn’t fix anything. I noticed that I couldn’t click on the alert at the top of the Spacedesk console informing me of the new version, as it gives me the error “Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessable”. So I had to manually go to the download page myself to download the new version.
The operating system I’m using for the primary machine (a laptop PC – specifically a Razor Blade 15 Base 2021 GTX3070 1080p144hz) is Windows 11 Home 64-bit version 21H2 build 22000.434 with Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.434.0. Secondary machine is a Samsung A7 tablet running the latest Android OS version 11. The viewer app I’m using is the Spacedesk Viewer Android app available in the Google Play store.
I have also tried using an Android smartphone (Samsung S8+) as the secondary machine. Is also updated to the latest Android version. (version 9) The phone also doesn’t seem to detect the laptop primary machine.
I also tried using my Desktop PC as the primary machine. Same OS + version + build as the laptop PC. The Desktop PC actually worked, with both the phone and the tablet as the secondary machine. So presumably the problem is isolated to the laptop and it’s ability to act as a primary machine – as the tablet/phone can detect the Desktop, but not the Laptop.
Anyway, attached to this reply is the diagnostic log.
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Hi @delta,
spacedesk Windows 7 Primary Machine is not supported any more.
Windows 7 life cycle has expired. Microsoft do not support Windows 7 any more – nor can we.
The current spacedesk Driver for Windows 8.1 can still be installed on Windows 7.
It works on many Windows 7 machines and configurations.
On others it does not.
These cases, we cannot support neither fix any more.
Hi @blaaue,
Thanks for sending the setup log files.
Could you please try the following:
– uninstall spacedesk via msi installer (if it’s till installed)
– go to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed-cca7d1b6-65a9-3d98-426b-e9f927e1eb4d and download the troubleshooter program
– run the MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab, select Uninstalling
– select „Not listed“ then paste these product codes (one by one – including all the previous versions installed)
After the steps above, please reboot your primary machine then try again to install the latest spacedesk Driver installer.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 1 Monat von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Hi @simpletiff916,
Did you try to switch to extension mode via Windows Display Settings? Or Display Switch?
Please check Configuration and Settings -> Windows PC (Primary Machine) chapter in the user manual.
Hi @mysteryroach,
For further analysis, could you please run spacedesk Driver Console window on your primary machine (just click the spacedesk tray icon on the task bar) then click Diagnostics -> Save All Information button then send us all the diagnostic logs.
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.
Please also tell us the info on you secondary machine.
What is the operating system?
Which spacedesk viewer app did you use? Android/iOS/Windows10/Windows7/HTML5?
By the way I used Spacedesk before on this PC and it worked quite well. The error happened when I tired to upload the software from 1018 to 1027. And later versions or the 1018 version cannot be installed from then on.
The primary is installed on Windows 10 on HP laptop. I am using the HTML 5 Viewer.
It mirrors fine. CLIENT only display works fine. However, it won’t extend.
Please advise.
Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 3 Jahren, 1 Monat von
I have to chek windows version, but it might be Windows 10 Pro… Im not sure about ARM
Hi @christian-knoll,
Thank you very much for the log files.
Can you please try our latest driver version 1.0.30?
If the problem still persists, please run the diagnostics again.
(To get the complete logs, please download Debug View first if it is not available before switching Diagnostics Collection to ON.)
I am able to connect my Samsung S2 tablet to spacedesk. But there are only 2 resolution options to choose from: 2560×1600 (native) or 1024×768. I want to have a lower resolution, but the second one is 4:3. The screen looks horizontally stretched. Is it possible to have a 1280×800 resolution?
I have Samsung galaxy go product number NP345XLA-KB1SE and i try to install spacedesk to it. Fof PRIMARY PC use, but installing dosen’t work and about halfway it gives service error and stops.
Hi @jesus-arias,
Please manually uninstall the spacedesk components.
Please follow the steps from our user manual, Manual Uninstall (Troubleshooting Only).
Then, proceed with updating to the latest version.
Hi @jesus-arias,
Please try to manually uninstall the spacedesk components.
Please follow the steps from our user manual, Manual Uninstall (Troubleshooting Only).
Then, proceed with updating to the latest version.
In case the problem still persists, please send us the following for further analysis:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– setupapi.dev.log file located in C:\Windows\INF
Please save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.
Was a fix for this found. Having same issue installing Ver 1029 on Win 10. Install fails half way through. Setup removes files and finishes. Windows does not crash