Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Just windows homescreen

正在查看 5 个帖子:11-14 (共 14 个帖子)
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  • #26254

    Quality is just like 144p


    Hi @spacedesker,
    to go to spacedesk settings, please open the app > click the floating menu > settings > resolution > uncheck “Use native android device resolution” > Make sure that custom resolution is checked > click custom resolution > From there, you can select your desired resolution by scrolling through the option. the highest resolution is below the list. make sure to choose the resolution with the same aspect ratio of your primary resolution, you can also try adding it manually by typing your resolution.


    I can not find the settings. Could you help me out? The only way to get to settings for me is using video wall which makes it not able to do anything on the android.


    But this should be fine for now. Could you help me with no audio being sent to the android app?
    have a nice day btw


    Hi @spacedesker,
    The settings we were talking about can be found in the spacedesk Viewer app in your phone.
    about the audio, are you using Native USB connection or Wi-Fi connection?
    if it’s Wi-Fi, while Android device is connected to your PC display, you will see a floating menu with three lines on it, please tap that menu and check the audio option to enable it.

    if its already checked, and still has no audio, the issue could be in your windows audio settings. just choose “spacedesk virtual speaker” as your speaker output.

正在查看 5 个帖子:11-14 (共 14 个帖子)
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