Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Black and white

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  • #11383

    i have updated and still its black. windovs 10…need help

    spacedesk Marcel

    What exactly is your configuration?
    spacedesk Driver/Server on Windows 10?
    spacedesk Viewer on which platform? iOS, Android, Windows Store or Windows Desktop?


    I use Windows 11 on the server (desktop) and the viewer has a Windows 10 home (old laptop, my second monitor) and it ever works normally so december.
    But today appears a notification for new version, I download and install but the viewer still showing just in black and white.
    What remains to be done?

    spacedesk Marcel

    Update needed for your spacedesk Driver/Server on Windows 11:
    Install spacedesk Driver/Server version: Beta RC v1.0.50 (from spacedesk website)

    Please also make sure that the Viewer/Client is up to date as well.
    For your spacedesk Viewer on Windows 10 you have three alternative options:
    – Install spacedesk Viewer for Windows 7 Beta III v0.9.39 (from spacedesk website)
    – Install spacedesk Viewer for Windows 10 Beta v0.0.23. (from Microsoft Store – or follow link on spacedesk website)
    – Use spacedesk HTML Viewer v0.9.10(follow link on spacedesk website)


    I have the same problem and I already tried the solutions that they gave you and nothing… if you can solve it, let me know

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @pablo247 and @profviolino,
    If the black and white screen is happening with your Windows 10/11 primary machine, could you please send us the diagnostic logs for further analysis. Just follow the steps below:
    – Open spacedesk Driver Console in your Windows primary machine
    – click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
    – if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
    – try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the black and white issue
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
    – click Save All Information button
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    the black and white screen occurs on the secondary screen with windows 7 and I already downloaded it again several times, and the main screen has windows 11 and that looks perfect, the problem is the windows 7 one, that is, the secondary one

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @pablo247

    This black and white screen is spacedesk Server issue.
    The spacedesk server on primary machine is the one sending the black and white desktop image to the viewer app on secondary machine.
    The spacedesk Viewer app is only rendering the desktop image being sent by the spacedesk Server.

    Please send the diagnostic logs of the primary machine machine so that we can analyze why the server is sending a black and white screen to the viewer app.


    I hope that’s it


    Do you have an email to send the file? I compressed it and it reached 1 mega and it exceeds the allowed limit

    spacedesk Lea

    You can send it to
    Please take note that by following the steps above, spacedesk Driver Console app should generate a diagnostic folder name like “2023-01-04-XXXXX-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics” (which contains all necessary diagnostic log files), then this is the folder that you should compress (zipped).


    I was able to send everything I needed and add my forum username


    I have the same problem. I believe is for the versions. PC version is v1.05 and android version in my tablet is v0.9.1. How can I dowload the v0.9.1 for my pc?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @manueldeleonhn,

    Please make sure to update your spacedesk Driver/Server in your primary machine.
    Latest spacecesk Driver installer is available on the website
    Latest spacedesk Android Viewer app is available in Google Playstore.


    buen dia, adjunto archivo diagnostico estoy presentaNDO PROBLEMA de la pantalla en blanco y negro,

    gracias espero una solucion

    • 该回复由yene 于 2年、 2月前 修正。

    I fixed my Black and White issue on the Console by Clearing the Spacedesk Setting on the lower right Settings section. Worked instantly.


    I was having the same issue with my tablet. I have updated the driver for my PC, I have uninstalled and reinstalled MULTIPLE times on the tablet to no avail. I tested after one uninstall and reinstall on my phone and everything is fine, color is bright, but the tablet remained greyscale after following the same exact steps. I finally went into clear the cache on the app for the tablet, and now everything works fine.


    Same issue here.
    Android tablet black and white, using App (Samsung TAB A7 505) and Dell 2 in 1 5480, fully updated.
    HTML5 version working fine, full color even at this same tablet, with Chrome. But its slower than app, so not a good workaround.

    I´m using Windows 10, updated to last server version 1.0.50 after this bug, reinstalled everything on Dell notebook and Samsung tablet. Cleared settings. Restarted everything. Still Black and White.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @rimonier,

    Please try any of the following:
    – Try clearing the data and cache of your spacedesk android viewer app in device’s app settings.
    – If Videowall mode is enabled, please try to switch if OFF.
    – Disconnect all viewers, then open the spacedesk Driver console window, right-click the Connections -> Previous, select “Clear All Clients”.


    Thanks, solved.
    Videowall was my issue. Switched off and now works perfectly.
    (I don´t rememeber swtiching it on before).
    Yesterday i´ve cleared data cache, too, if it helps anybody.

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