Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions unbale to connect: incompatible Legacy Display Products and IncompatibleProducts

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  • #9531

    Hello, and thank you for welcoming me here.

    I hope I will be able to use Spacedesk Viewer as i want a second screen (tablet) for my laptop.

    Here is the the screenshot of my logs fails.

    I was trying to insert Spacedesk in the firewall mcafee , internet conexions and programs and ports systems service, with the ports etc. but at the end when I want to save, there is nothing saved 🙁

    Also there is a logg of window defender as firewall but i can not change anything there, as windows tells me Mcafee is the prior/major Firewall.

    Could you please help me?

    Thank you so much,

    Kind regards,


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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ratex,

    Just open your McAfee Firewall settings, click Ports and System Services then click the Add button.
    System Service Name: spacedeskService
    Local TCP/IP Ports: 28252
    Local UDP Ports: 28252

    For reference, please check https://forum.spacedesk.netwp-content/uploads/2022/04/McAfeeFirewallSettings-spacedesk.jpg

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