Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Unable to expand window to fill screens?

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  • #24313

    I have successfully linked my Android tablet as a second extended screen to my Windows laptop over both WiFi and USB cable.

    However, I want to use a single window containing my remote desktop and stretch this across both screens (on my dual Windows screen desktop setup I will have email on one screen and work on the other and wish to replicate this with Spacedesk on my laptop-tablet configuration).

    I can move the remote desktop window between the two screens and get a small amount on both a the same time but I cannot stretch it right across both screens. I can’t open a second instance on one screen will log off the extant instance.

    Is this possible – am I missing a setting somewhere?


    Hi @larrygt
    If you want to use a single window containing your remote desktop and stretch this across both screens, you need to take note of a few things:
    1. Your secondary monitor’s resolution should be adjusted to match your main monitor.
    2. The application might have a maximum window size.
    3. Check if your application has a configurable display settings.
    – In your case, before connecting to your RDP navigate to Display Tab -> Display Configuration -> Adjust size of the remote desktop
    – Make sure to check “Use all my monitors for the remote session.

    A few notes:
    – If Full screen won’t stretch to both monitors, try a windowed screen and manually adjusting the windows to stretch across screens.
    – If you cannot resize the windows any further, it means that it is the maximum window size.

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