Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk Viewer keeps crashing upon run

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  • #23856

    Hello, I am using Spacedesk Viewer for a long time, and this morning after running the software the application window appears for a second and closes. I am running on windows 10 Home 22H2. Was uninstalling the software and installing again from the Microsoft store and same effect. Version:
    Any help ?

    • 該主題由 admineon 於 1 years ago 修改。

    Hi @admineon,

    -Do you have auto-connect enabled in your viewer’s settings?
    -Does the crash occur after you wake your client machine up from suspend (sleep/Hibernate)?
    If you haven’t tried yet, please also try to reboot your client machine.


    Hello Christian,
    Thanks for reply,
    – I think yes. the auto-connect was enabled, but i was uninstalling the app and installing again from Microsoft Store.
    – No, i am shutting down each time the PC and booting it from zero, so it does do reboot.
    – I even installed the server version just to check, and yes, server is working, only client version when starting just showing for a second the window and then it just disappears, no running process in Task lists.
    So weird, just one day it began, wit worked like for a year.
    May be some C++ redistributable needed i don’t know, even there was no Windows updates lately
    I even cleared everything(that has words spacedesk) in Registry after uninstall.
    Maybe there are some logs which are written ?

    • 該回覆由 admineon 於 1 years ago 修改。

    by the way. the HTML version is working ok. so i am using it meanwhile, but you know it is way slower.


    Hi @admineon,

    Just to be clear,
    -Do you enable auto-connect every time you install a new UWP viewer?
    -After booting up the PC, do you then run the viewer and then the viewer will crash?


    Hi Christian,
    – No, after reinstalling i didn’t enabled the auto-connect.
    – Yes. It just showing for microsecond the window and disappears. No Windows error messages, nothing.


    Hi @admineon,

    For further analysis, please send us the dxdiag info of your secondary machine where the crash occurs.
    just run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file. (dxdiag.txt)


    Hello Christian,
    Please see attached the log.

    你必須 登入 才能查看附件檔案。

    Hi @admineon,

    Thank you very much for sending the required file.
    We will continue to investigate and try to reproduce this issue, we will inform you of its progress or if a fix has been made available for this issue.


    Thank you Christian,
    I just tried now to connect via HTLM, yesterday it worked and now this is what i get in Chrome:

    This site can’t provide a secure uses an unsupported protocol.

    Maybe this could help the investigation.
    So, for now even the HTML is not working, looks like something is going on with my windows.
    Good day,


    Hi @admineon,

    Could you please try clearing your browser’s cached files, images, and cookies first before accessing the HTML5 Viewer and then try again


    For information: I am having the same issue.
    Server is a Windows 10 Home PC – server works fine.
    Viewer is a Surface Pro 6 running Windows 10. This was working fine until around 0900hrs (GMT) on Sunday.
    Now loading the programme causes a very brief screen to load and then disappear. Nothing running in the background.

    Running the HTML version also gives the same error as mentioned in a previous post (I’m not clued-up on HTML so decided to abandon this.)

    Installed the viewer on my MotoG50 phone and it works fine. Also tried loading the viewer on my Windows 10 PC which also works fine.

    Cannot roll back to a previous update on the Surface Pro so cannot test.
    Disabled the firewall but same results.

    Hope this helps.


    DXDIAG information attached.

    你必須 登入 才能查看附件檔案。


    Thank you very much for sending your dxdiag info.
    We were able to reproduce a crash, which may possibly be the same issue you are experiencing. We will continue investigating this problem and will inform you of its progress or if a fix has been made available.


    No worries. Shall we start placing bets which Windows update has caused it…?


    Same Problem by me.
    I am using Spacedesk Viewer for 4 month. Now, after running the software (Client) the application window appears for a second and closes.
    System: Windows 10
    Version: Spacedesk Windows Viewer v0942 Beta

    Repair does not work.
    I remove the Software und install it again.
    Now it Works. Connection over Network works fine.
    After closing the Spacedesk client, the same Problem again. I have to remove the Software and install it again. Now it works.
    After closing the Spacedesk Viewer, same Problem again.



    Hi @eniki2000,

    Could you clarify what viewer is this? did you download it from the website (, or is it from the MS Store?


    Hi Christian.
    Mine was from MS store via the link on the Spacedesk website.



    Hi Christian,

    News from Spacedesk Viewer.
    It was not possible to install or to repair the Viewer with the Microsoft Store Version.
    It is only possible to open the software.
    Then im using the Version on the Site to install, repair and remove the Viewer.
    It does only works one time (look above) but now i can remove the software (Viewer).
    Just now i install the Software from the Mircosoft Store and now it works.
    I can close the program an start again. Great!!!


    We have just released a new spacedesk UWP viewer that contains a potential fix for these issues in the Microsoft Store. Please update your viewer and let us know if it resolves the issues.
    We look forward to your feedback.


    Thank you. I’ll give it a try when I get home. 🙂


    Hi. Looks like it’s working at the moment.
    Ran once and working. Currently running for the second time now.

    Thank you for sorting.



    Hello Christian,
    The updated version seams to be working very good.
    Thanks for the support.
    I would be happy to donate, I am using Spacedesk for two years and very happy with it.
    Thank you all.

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