Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk for non-commercial research project

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    Hi everyone,
    I want to use my tablet to connect to a computer at the University for a research project.
    Participants will use my tablet in the lab to do an experiment that I start from one of the University computers. It is for non-comercial basic neuroscientific research, but it is within the domain of the University.
    I am unsure if I need to purchase a licence or if this is according to “non-commercial” free use.
    I could not find any related topics in this forum so far..


    Hi @jheimann,
    We always go by the following rule of thumb: If the user earns money with the use (e.g. as an employee of the university) then it is business and thus not free. If the user does not earn money with the use (e.g. as a student) or if the use case involves such users (e.g. teaching, research) then it qualifies for free academic use.

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