Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Pressure sensitivity stopped working

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    I loved using spacedesk for the past week but today out of nowhere, the pressure sensitivity stopped working.
    I tried reinstalling the driver and Android app but no luck.
    IIRC there was a pen icon in the taskbar when I connected the tablet and now it’s missing.
    I’m using Windows 11, Illustrator (with pressure-sensitive brush), and Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 2
    Any idea what went wrong?


    Hi @stigla,
    Could you maybe check the pressure-sensitivity settings in Illustrator? there may be some sudden changes in its settings that cause the pressure sensitivity to not work..


    Hi @spacedesk-christian,
    apparently, it is a problem in Illustrator as it works in other programs. Pressure sensitivity is greyed out and I have no clue what went wrong. None of the settings were changed. I tried uninstalling and installing a newer version of Illustrator with no success.

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    Hi @stigla,
    It’s possible that the issue is indeed related to Illustrator. Have you tested the functionality without Spacedesk to see if the problem persists? Engaging with the Illustrator community could provide significant insights and potential solutions to this issue.


    Hi @spacedesk-christian,
    unfortunately, the issue probably lies in the spacedesk driver and it’s somehow only related to Illustrator because I just installed the EasyCanvas app and pressure sensitivity works normally with it.

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