Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions laptop as second screen, no sound

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  • #26829

    I’m using a laptop as a second screen. I can use the laptop’s keyboard on the computer. It’s very good because I don’t need to use the keyboard on the computer, and it saves space on my desk. However, there is no sound on the laptop. I can use a headset normally connected to the PC (server), but I can’t use the sound on the laptop (client).

    The Windows 7 version on the laptop (server) has sound enabled and it works normally. But in the latest version for Windows 10/11, the sound is also enabled in the control panel, but it doesn’t appear to be activated in Windows. I only don’t use the Windows 7 version because it is quite unstable on my laptop. It stops responding and closes on its own frequently. The latest version is more stable. However, without sound.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jamesson,
    Please try to connect your Windows viewer app, then check in the Windows Settings -> Sound Settings of your primary machine if the selected output/speaker is „spacedesk virtual Speaker“.


    That’s the problem… this option doesn’t appear for me. even with sound enabled in the spacedesk app on the client

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jamesson,
    For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic info via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics (make sure to download first the Debug View).
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (check)
    – Connect your spacedesk Viewer app with audio enabled to reproduce the remote audio/sound problem
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF (uncheck)
    – click “Save All Information” (if dialog box appears, just click NO)
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    I don’t know if I did it right. but attached


    the attachment was larger than the allowed limit.
    I made a download link on OneDrive!AruLFvCmrEOusagFkn9_OK_1-xexZQ?e=RNjwG9

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jamesson,
    Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Did you enable the Remote Audio in the spacedesk Viewer settings -> Audio -> Enable audio output or in the menu bar settings over the screen?

    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Monaten, 2 Wochen von spacedesk Lea geändert.
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    Yes, I did.
    I made a video to show. I uploaded it to OneDrive:!AruLFvCmrEOusag5PeGbA0icYeHxHw?e=ZQaiQx

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jamesson,
    Thanks for showing us the video.
    Can you please quickly try to toggle the Audio icon (disable-enable) and see if it will make any difference.
    If it did not help, please send us the debugview log of the spacedesk Viewer app, just follow the steps below:

    1. On your secondary machine where you run the spacedesk Viewer app, please download the DebugView app thru this link:
    2. Right-click -> Extract the contents of the, and run the Dbgview.exe as administrator.
    3. In the Capture tab, make sure to check the „Capture Win32“
    4. Run the spacedesk Viewer app and connect to your primary machine and try to toggle(disable-enable) the Audio icon in the settings menu bar.
    5. In the DebugView window, there should be spacedesk viewer traces starting with „SA [xxxx:xxxx]:SAxxxxx…..“
    Please save the DebugView traces into a log file, and make sure to change the format to .txt file before attaching it to your reply.


    thanks! the file is annexed

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @jamesson,

    thank you for sending the file.
    This is currently being investigated.


    I don’t know if this information would be useful, but I uninstalled and reinstalled it on my laptop, and the sound worked for a while. After about 3 days, it stopped recognizing the sound from my laptop

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @jamesson,

    here is a potential workaround: go to the Windows viewer’s Settings -> Reset settings and select Yes.
    Reconnect the viewer then try again to enable audio.
    Please let us know if this helped with the problem.


    This worked for a while… after about two weeks the problem returned. even without changing any settings

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