Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions Different backgrounds on screens

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  • #8602

    i have succesfully connected one tablet with Spacedesk to my main pc as second monitor using html5 feature via Google Chrome.

    Only one question: it is possible to have on the tablet a different background image ?
    Actually the tablet as secondary display shows me the same background i have on main pc (server for Spacedesk connections).

    As you can see in attached screenshot (the tablet display) i dont like the Windows background actually used on main display.

    I know i can change the background image with a color but i try to ask if Spacedesk allow this.

    I’m looking on Spacedesk settings but didnt find this option.

    Thank you in advance.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @zorzini,

    spacedesk does not handle the desktop background image, you can only configure it via Windows Settings.


    Thank you

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