参与者I ran the Windows Troubleshooter which DID detect and fix some problems.
I have successfully installed the SpaceDesk Windows Driver – problem now resolved.
I really appreciate the assistance that you have provided to me to resolve the installation error – THANK YOU.
This topic can now be closed.
Best regards,
参与者Yes – I removed the following entries as per Step 6 on your support page:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\Services\spacedeskDisplayUmodeI have checked the registry today and confirm that the above entries do not exist.
参与者I ran Device Manager and did not see any SpaceDesk devices. I have attached a list generated by Aida64 Extreme which shows all the Windows devices currently on my PC.
I have previously removed SpaceDesk devices as per your website instructions to manually uninstall SpaceDesk prior to my attempting a re-install the latest version.
参与者Yes I did have an older version installed (maybe at least 1 year older) without any problems. When I first tried the install of the latest version, it failed; I think that it failed trying to uninstall the older version. I then looked at your website and followed the instructions re removing various files. Even though I log on with Admin. privileges, Windows would not let me remove files from the Windows directory; so I was unable to complete the removal of certain files as per your instructions. I am unfamiliar with the Group policy set-up under the current version of Windows and could not find any way to increase my privileges to enable the removal of files from the Windows directory. The incomplete removal of the older version may well be causing the error when trying to install the latest version.