The two above answers have some limitations (see 1+2 below).
1. Lea’s answer is correct but it needs spacedesk Video Wall option enabled.
Video Wall mode has slightly less performance than regular mode.2. DennisW87 is talking about hardware graphics adapters. I doubt that this is relevant here.
spacedesk is all about adding USB or networked displays without any graphics adapter hardware.3. The ulimate answer: Windows actually does not support mirroring more than two displays.
However, you can use the trick below:
=> Go to spacedesk server window and click “Clear All Display Settings” on menu
=> Connect up to 3 spacedesk viewer and make sure that all viewers are in extension mode
=> Press “Windows key + P” combination, then select “Duplicate”
PS: This will only work if your primary machine is Windows 10 or 11 and has latest graphics adapter
supporting WDDM 2.0-above driver model (you can check it by running dxdiag.exe).-
spacedesk Marcel 于 1年、 9月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 1年、 9月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 1年、 9月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 1年、 9月前 修正。
Glad to discuss this a bit more in detail below:
1. Game stuttering probably doesn’t originate from difference in frame rate. Probably it rather comes from game and spacedesk encoding competing for CPU resources.
2. Framerate cannot easily be increased because spacedesk is using CPU encoding for each frame (this applies to both USB and network connection). CPU load would increase and even latency might increase since encoding would possibly take more time.
3. Hardware encoding by spacedesk would be prerequisite for increasing the framerate. Even without increasing the frame rate it might be the solution for the above named problem. Even at the existing frarate the stuttering might decrease if the game has enough CPU resources available (not taken away by spacedesk CPU encoding any more).
Now the big question: When will spacedesk support hardware encoding?
The answer: No specific scheduly yet…-
spacedesk Marcel 于 1年、 9月前 修正。
These problems usually happen on old Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012/2016. Please check instruction manual chapter “Windows 8.1 Limitations and Unsupported Features”. https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/ This paragraph tells how to install qwave which is prerequisite for spacedesk Driver.
Yes, this dump points to a device driver software named chdrvr01.sys
When googling for chdrvr01.sys it seems to be delivered by a company named “CH Products” which seems to manufacture flight yokes, rudder pedals, throttles and joysticks.
Only this company can solve this problem with their software.
Please contact their support or uninstall their product (or at least remove their device driver software).-
spacedesk Marcel 于 1年、 10月前 修正。
spacedesk is still in BETA. No matter if corporate or private use, spacedesk BETA is free until it will expire. Current version will expire December 31, 2023 (future BETA versions might possibly expire on a later future date). After expiry there will be either a new BETA version or clients can be purchased in the App-Stores. Possibly there will still be a free version with basic functionality.
Small scale corporate licensing is not available. Currently we only offer source code and unlimited corporate licenses for System Integrators (e.g. manufacturers of medical devices, conference room equipment, PCs and hardware).
If you are a System Integrator or if you have further questions about licensing, please don’t hesitate to post here. If necessary we might also contact you by email.
Thank you very much for your inquiry about our spacedesk SDK (Software Devellopment Kit). spacedesk SDK is a B2B product (Business to Business) which is used by world leading medical device manufacturers, conference room equipment manufacturers, PC manufacturers and hardware manufacturers. Unfortunately it is not available to private users nor to non-profit organizations.
Such detailed licensing topics are too complex to be discussed in public.
We will contact you by email.We just sent the information to your email address.
Response to Post 2 above:
What exactly makes you think that Windows would update the spacedesk Driver? We never heard any such idea nor such a thing happening before. What makes this even more questionable is the alledged driver date of 2010. spacedesk did not even exist in 2010 (first spacedesk version was released in 2014).Response to Post 1 above:
Let us start a comprehensive analysis first. spacedesk Driver/Server is running on which Windows version? Windows 10 or Windows 11? Which spacedesk Client Viewer? We assume Android because we read your rant in the Google Play store reviews. This also sounds as if you already figured out by yourself that “Virtual Desktop” is causing exactly such behavior. There is nothing we can do about it. We cannot fix other companies’ products like e.g. “Virtual Desktop”
BTW: You said that you already saw “all of the troubleshooting procedures viewing the forums”. Did you also see the instruction manual already? It is available on https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年前 修正。
Windows 10 spacedesk viewer cannot be installed without the Microsoft Store.
However, the Windows 7 spacedesk Viewer can still be installed on Windows 10.
Windows 7 spacedesk Viewer is a regular Windows Desktop application.-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
The spacedesk Driver/Server is the one that expires.
Update needed for your spacedesk Driver/Server on Windows 10:
Install spacedesk Driver/Server version: Beta RC v1.0.50 (from spacedesk website)Please also make sure that the Viewer/Client is up to date as well.
For your spacedesk Viewer on Windows 7 you have two alternative options:
– Install spacedesk Viewer for Windows 7 Beta III v0.9.39 (from spacedesk website)
– Use spacedesk HTML Viewer v0.9.10(follow link on spacedesk website)Update needed for your spacedesk Driver/Server on Windows 11:
Install spacedesk Driver/Server version: Beta RC v1.0.50 (from spacedesk website)Please also make sure that the Viewer/Client is up to date as well.
For your spacedesk Viewer on Windows 10 you have three alternative options:
– Install spacedesk Viewer for Windows 7 Beta III v0.9.39 (from spacedesk website)
– Install spacedesk Viewer for Windows 10 Beta v0.0.23. (from Microsoft Store – or follow link on spacedesk website)
– Use spacedesk HTML Viewer v0.9.10(follow link on spacedesk website)What exactly is your problematic configuration?
spacedesk Driver/Server on Windows 10 or Windows 7?
spacedesk Viewer on Windows 10 or Windows 7?
Or spacedesk Viewer on something else (e.g. iOS, Android)?-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
What exactly is your configuration?
spacedesk Driver/Server on Windows 10?
spacedesk Viewer on which platform? iOS, Android, Windows Store or Windows Desktop?Are you using one of the following devices below?
2012 iPad (gen 4)
2012 iPad mini (gen 1)
2012 iPad (gen 3)
2011 iPad 2
2010 iPad (gen 1)Apple officially does not support updates nor installs for the above old devices and operating systems any more.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/support/xcode/-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
Confirmed: We will upload a new Windows 7 version of spacedesk Server within the next few hours.
FIRST: This is the nature of BETA versions (in modern era and in old eras).
SECOND: We did not break anything. We are smoothly phasing it out by showing black and white screen. It remains fully usable.
THIRD: As usual and common for BETA versions – a newer better version is available immediately when a BETA expires.-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
Client for Windows 7 is not maintained very much any more.
But still it should not expire (I just double checked).
Are you really sure?
Anyway, our engineers will have a detailed look at this tomorrow…EXPIRY of OLD BETA VERSION!
Old BETA versions switch to black and white when they expire.
Many old BETA versions expired on December 31st 2022.
Please update to the newest most recent Version of BOTH spacedesk Driver software (Beta RC v1.0.50) for Windows PC AND spacedesk Viewer software for Android/iOS/Windows from Google Play, Apple or Microsoft Store.EXPIRY of OLD BETA VERSION!
Old BETA versions switch to black and white when they expire.
Many old BETA versions expired on December 31st 2022.
Please update to the newest most recent Version of BOTH spacedesk Driver software (Beta RC v1.0.50) for Windows PC AND spacedesk Viewer software for Android from Google Play Store.-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
We changed priority to favor “Android USB cable support” over “h264 encoding”.
Android USB cable support is already working.
Android USB cable support will become available publicly within the next few weeks.
h264 encoding might not even be continued after this (too many quirks, performance gain too small for regular users).
Instead we are currently evaluating WebRTC network communication protocol for larger performance gain.
WebRTC software can implicitly use h264 encoding anyway (by software as well as hardware-accelerated).-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 1月前 修正。
We will send you more information by email later today.
Yes, if both Primary Machines are reachable for the Viewer on Secondary Machine. They should be detected if they reside in the same LAN (Local Area Network). Otherwise manual detection might be able to add the additional Primary Machine(s).
Internet bandwidth does not matter (spacedesk is not using the internet at all). The only thing which matters is LAN connection (Local Area Network) between PCs, and router (e.g. bad WiFi coverage) and the router itself. Thus I can only refer again to Lea’s post above…
Nothing is final yet. Current plans are: Probably only one free spacedesk Viewer can be connected to spacedesk Server. Additional simultaneously connected viewers need to be paid by in-app-purchases. Prices could probably range between €10 and €20 per viewer but we cannot confirm anything yet.
spacedesk SDK is used by world leading medical imaging device manufacturers, conference room equipment manufacturers, PC manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers.
spacedesk SDK is a B2B (Business to Business) product which is only sold to corporate customers.
To proceed further, we need a full company name and address and a contact person within this company including telephone number. Just send an email to info(at)spacedesk.net Do not publicly post contact information here.-
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 8月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 8月前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 2年、 8月前 修正。
Apple pressure sensitive pen support is not yet available.
Currently spacedesk iOS Viewer only supports Sonar Pen https://www.sonarpen.com/Full pen support is currently only implemented on Android.
Android is the only spacedesk Viewer supporting the whole spacedesk feature set.
Eventually all features available on Android will also be ported to iOS on Apple devices.
This includes Apple pen. However, no official timeline yet.We assume that you are talking about spacedesk Viewer for Windows.
We are aware of the described (Ultra)VNC approach.
We will implement this feature as soon as a corporate customer will pay for it.
This is not expected to happen any time soon.In the meantime you could use the “Mouse as Touch” setting.
This uses the local mouse to raise touch events.
It is actually very close to the feature which you are requesting.
Please let us know how this works for you.Not yet, but expected to become available within the next 6 months.
Yes – spacedesk is acting as an additional display monitor. Thus it can be set to Desktop Duplication (mirror) and Desktop Extension. Please check the instruction manual https://spacedesk.net/user-manual/ Look at chapters “CONFIGURATION AND SETTINGS”->”Primary Machine”->”Desktop Extension or Desktop Duplication (mirror) Settings…”.
spacedesk Display Driver SDK for Windows is a B2B product (Business to Business) for corporate customers.
To proceed further, we need a company name with verifyable corporate address and contact details.
You can either post here using a corporate email account (no need to include email address in public post) or send us an email to info(at)spacedesk.net supplying your company contact data.13 2 月, 2022 4:13 下午 回复至: Xencelabs driver for drawing tablets crashes with spacedesk server 1.0.35 #6379You said “It used to work earlier”. How much earlier was that?
Earlier than October 2021 when spacedesk Android client started supporting multitouch?
Earlier than March 2021 when spacedesk Android client started to support pressure sensitive stylus pen?spacedesk Viewer for Windows 10 (Microsoft Store) and Viewer for Windows 7 (Desktop) do not support local host.
There are no plans to do so in the future.First we need to analyze if your problems could be related to spacedesk in any way at all (which is actually very unlikely). Please send us the following:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– setupapi.dev.log file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.
spacedesk Marcel 于 3年前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 3年前 修正。
spacedesk Marcel 于 3年前 修正。
Thank you very much for your input.
Which spacedesk Viewer (client app) platform are you using? Android, iOS, Windows 10 (Microsoft Store) or Windows 7 (Desktop)? Please let us know so we can inspect the problems which you are mentioning.
Can you try a different spacedesk Viewer platform? Maybe another one (Android, iOS, Windows Store or Windows Desktop) works better for your needs? In case it does, please also let us know.We will contact you by email.
Thank you very much for reporting this. This BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) clearly points at the NVIDIA Graphics Adapter Driver (nvlddmkm.sys) as culprit. Could you check the current NVIDIA Graphics Driver version and report it? In any case it is usually best to update the NVIDIA graphics driver to the newest version from the NVIDIA website.
Don’t worry! Thousands of spacedesk downloads daily (millions since 2014). There has never ever been a single verifyable report that spacedesk has ever done any damage to any files or Windows PC environment. In this case I assume that Windows has re-arranged your Desktop shortcuts and/or Desktop icons. Windows sometimes does this when it detects new display graphics adapters. Our engineers will contact you on Monday morning by email to help you find your files again.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. We just sent you an email.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. We just sent you an email.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. We just sent you an email.
Are you sure that this is due to an updated spacedesk version?
No errors can be seen in the logs – it just seems that the network dropped.
Did anything change in your network environment?
spacedesk disconnects after ~30 seconds of continous network downtime (e.g. cable unplugged, FiFi disabled, etc.)
spacedesk option “auto-reconnect” can be used in such casesThank you very much for sending the logs. We could clearly see some issues there (this is why we splitted your post into a separate thread). To analyze and troubleshoot further, we will contact you via the email address which you used to subscribe to this forum.
Thank you very much for the nice feedback – we are always very glad when our software is appreciated!
Can you attach a picture or a short video of your digital animated aquarium?
We could possibly put it onto our spacedesk facebook page…Please open spacedesk Driver Console
-> Go to “DIAGNOSTICS” (no need to switch anything ON or OFF).
-> Click button “Save all information”.
-> Use file explorer to compress (zip) folder.
-> Attach and send the *.zip file.Thank you very much for this input. We had a first look. Indeed it appears as if spacedesk could possibly do this, too. We will work on it next week. If possible, we will release a new version of spacedesk Viewer for Android supporting mouse passthrough.
Careful! Let us not confuse things:
We did NOT discontinue resolution auto detection in spacedesk Windows Viewer.
Both spacedesk Viewers for Windows (Win10 Microsoft store and Win8.1 native) DO support automatic recognition of native Viewer device resolution.Just make sure you understand the settings menu in both spacedesk Windows Viewers (it works the same way):
Up to two resolutuions can simultaneously be specified:
– Native resolution
– Other custom resolutionIf you specify both resolutions, then Windows on the Primary Machine selects one of them
(you can still change the selection on Primary Machine Windows Display Control Panel)If you specify only one resolution, then Windows on the Primary Machine has to use this one.
If you specify only the native resolution, then only the native resolution can be used.Mouse input should work fine with spacedesk Viewer for Windows. Which spacedesk Viewer are you talking about? Android? This is not trivial since Android is a touch operating system which doesn not seem to natively supply the mouse events needed for this.
Password protection and encryption support will become available soon. In the meantime you can use spacedesk Driver Console to see every present connection and every previous connection. Nobody can connect without being noticed. To temporarily prevent anyone from connecting, spacedesk Driver Console can switch OFF the whole spacedesk Server.