I did it!
I had to switch the USB connection type in my tablet to “Media Device MTP” (It was in “No data transfer”)
The system has a file limit.
Here’s a drive link:
Good morning 🙂
I did what you said, except changing USB port.
I think the connection is going through USB because I have WiFi off in my tablet but for some reason “USB Connection” doesn’t recognize it, hence I see “USB (0 Copnnected)”
I’m not sure if I should still use a network IP to connect. Is the only way it works but I feel the connection should be faster cause once in a while the client app says the network is slow.
I’m just not sure what to expect. I just want to see that “USB” field as “USB (1 connected)” but never happened.
Here are the diagnostic files. I hope you can find anything useful there.
Here are the DxDiag export and SpaceDesk logs.
您需要登录才能查看附件。Forgot to say. I’m in Windows 11.
Hi. I also noticed the higher CPU load after the update.
I notice the new version has better latency, my mouse feels a lot less laggy. Is that the case? Could that be related to the high CPU usage?
Here’s a video of me turning off the spacedesk service. Note how the leftmost core on the third row drop as I turn it off.
After turning it back on is fine and the CPU usage is super fine.
Sorry, we’re not interested in a Greek Casino. 😉
Yeah, feel free to share. (sorry for the late reply)
Can I ask for a little change?
I don’t like the Spacedesk window (the small one) popping each time I switch resolution. Also it has the “hide when minimized” tickmark disabled each time I reboot / sign out.
Besides that, for my needs I don’t ask for anything else. Perhaps a bit lower input latency if possible?
Here’s how it looks. (the missing monitor in the image is in the case itself)
Sacco_Belmonte 于 1年、 9月前 修正。
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