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  • 回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #9019

    Changing the FPS Rate to 60 FPS seemed to do the trick! Thank you for your assistance.
    I appreciate your continued support even with this old system. I use Spacedesk to extend and duplicate the signal from a video projector. Spacedesk allows me to use my old iPad as a monitor, so I can see what is projected on the big screen (via projector). Controlling multimedia for a show are all my old PC and iPad are used for and it’s perfect for what I need. So again, I appreciate you and your program!

    回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #8979

    Thank you. I found it. Please see the attached file you requested.

    回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #8959
    回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #8958

    I’m sorry, I don’t seem to see dxdiag.exe I see a Dbgview.exe in the unziped files as well as the folders created. I have attached a zip file of all. I hope this is what you need. Thank you.
    I do have a DxDiag.txt file saved on my desktop but it is dated 7-16-2021 So I think it was from an old support ticket. (I’m not sure how I created it) as all I see in the spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd is Dbgview.exe and spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd

    回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #8947
    回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #8940

    I received an error uploading the file.
    “File exceeds allowed file size.”

    回复至: PC lags and freezes after updating to v 1.0.43 #8939

    Thank you for your assistance.

    When I first connect the iPad it seems to work OK for a few seconds.
    But then I hear another tone (similar to a USB connecting sound.. as if connecting again?).
    Then the PC slows down and the cursor slows and freezes etc.

    When I had the spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd open and connected the viewer app the issue didn’t seem bad. The cursor seemed pretty normal and I could move it between the two screens.
    After running the script however, every thing was pretty much stuck and I couldn’t move the mouse etc.

    Please find the attached file you requested.

    Thank you.

    回复至: Crashes After updating to iOS app version 1.0.41 #1413

    I’m very happy to report I just noticed there was an update available on my iPhone; so I also checked my old iPad (which is what I use with Spacedesk). There was an app update available. which I updated, and it looks like they fixed it! Yay, so exciting! Thank you so much.

    回复至: Crashes After updating to iOS app version 1.0.41 #1407

    Thank you for your reply.
    I have turned on sharing with App Developers and was able to recreate the crash.
    One thing I did notice, after updating the Driver software on my Primary Machine (Server) Win. 7 PC The Computer, Status, Connections, icon (box with three dots; Above the Network Interfaces (local) tab) on the Settings window is missing.

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