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  • 回复至: Running Spacedesk on Raspberry Pi 4 #25763

    I’ll look into that, thanks. I do actually have a plan c, which I know will work… I have an Intel Computer Stick, which runs Windows 10 using an Atom processor, I think. That’ll work!

    回复至: Running Spacedesk on Raspberry Pi 4 #25744

    I can’t see the option to edit my reply, so I’ll update by saying that I’ll probably have to use Qemu, or something similar, as Virtualbox won’t run on the Pi.

    回复至: Running Spacedesk on Raspberry Pi 4 #25743

    Hi, and thanks for the quick reply.

    Ok, that’s disappointing, but not entirely unexpected, so I guess it’s on to plan B!

    I’m thinking about installing Virtualbox on Linux, then installing Windows as a virtual OS, and putting Spacedesk on that.

    Aside from the fact that it will probably be dog slow, can anybody see a fatal flaw in my plan?

    Or, as an alternative, should plan B fail, do we collectively know of an alternative to Spacedesk *gasp* that runs on the Raspberry Pi?

    I will ask the question on the Pi forum as well, just to cover my bases.

    Thanks again,


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