@Spacedesk Lea Thank you for your Reply, here is my Folder, hope that helps. 🙂
您需要登录才能查看附件。Hello again @spacedesk Lea,
Thank you for the Reply.Ok reproducing the Error should be straightforward:
1: Start high Demanding Games Like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen.
2: Set the Game on the Mainmonitor to 1080p Borderless Window.
3: Setup a Video on the Tablet in Fullscreen mode in 1080p60Fps on Youtube or Twitch.
4: Play the Game and just disconnect from the Tablet during you are Playing and the Video running via normal Exit from Tablet or just deactivate WIFI.
5: Windows 11 Zooms out and in and then the Screen Freezes. Any Attempt to use the Keyboard or Mouse result in Rapidly Morsecodes. Game Audio runs normal, but i think the Graphic Card don’t liked xD. (Nvidia 1060 6GB, i7-7700 with 24 GB RAM on Windows 11 are my Specs.).Hope that can help. 🙂 and thanks for helping me and us here 😀
Hi @spacedesk lea, thank you for you Reply… i just added 2 logs which was remainining after i Panicuninstalled Spacedesk xD ^^ i just came home from Work, i submit these Logs and go back to Couch/Sofa, i hope these are helping lol XD
lol? forum said i am not allowed to upload these types of files? XD
Edit: i loaded it quickly into my google drive… heres the link ^^
Bluescreen_Error 于 2年、 2月前 修正。原因: Files not able to upload^^
Bluescreen_Error 于 2年、 2月前 修正。
Hello i just made this Account because my PC freezes when i play Games like Elite Dangerous WHEN i am Disconnecting my Tablet during the Gamingsession.
The Entire PC just freezes and makes morsecode too.
I was connected via Wlan because my Samsung galaxy Tab s2 don’t can Tethering.
It works extremly smooth to watch Youtube/Twitch during make Rescue Flights. I paniced and unistalled the Software xD.
Are they News about this Issue?