I’m using the viewer on windows and don’t want it to fill the entire screen. I use fancyzones/displayfusion to split my monitor into sections and so only want the spacedesk viewer to fit into a 960×1360 section.
So there is no way to disable scaling? Wouldn’t that be a problem if the server has 4K resolution and the viewer less than 1080p? Would be super blurry I suspect. Would be nice to have a 100% scale toggle for panning around.
Here is my current workaround. I took a screen capture of the spacedesk window and with the help of a image editor, was able to estimate that for my system, the titlebar is 33 pixels high and there is a 1 pixel border on the left, right, and bottom. So then I set the custom resolution to be (960-(1+1))x(1360-(33+1)) = 958×1326. Now the spacedesk view looks sharp but I can’t be totally sure that it’s 100% scale.