Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Unable to do File tranfer/Andriod Auto option

  • 该话题包含 1个回复,1 人参与,最后由arunk 更新于 5月前
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  • #27984

    When, I connect the USB cable to my andriod phone, and select file transfer. I get pop-up message – USB (spacedesk) No Installed apps work with this USB accessory.
    Spacedesk – USB Display for PC app is already uninstalled from my andriod.
    I know reseting my andriod phone would be last option.
    But what can I do to resolve this isssue? I am using POCO M3, Andriod 12


    My bad got the answer, just few threads below.
    To use other Android USB applications, turn OFF USB option on Windows PC in spacedesk Driver Console (you turned it ON before). Or uninstall spacedesk on Windows PC. Read instructions in spacedesk Driver Console (re-plug, restart, reboot) and instruction manual

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