Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Touch Screen Functionality

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  • #27576

    How do I get the touch screen to function in MSFS2020?

    I have it enabled and it sort of works so long as I have the mouse pointer over the object I want to manipulate on screen.

    Aircraft is JMB VL3 with G3X Touch pulled out onto an iPad

    Thanks in advance for a resolution.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @kevins

    We have a previous spacedesk users that verified that MS Flight Simulator does NOT support/recognize touchscreen input (in general not just in spacedesk).
    And according to that user, it can only recognize mouse input from a remote display.

    We can only suggest either of the following:
    1. Use mouse touch which automatically activates on your second viewer connection.
    Current spacedesk’s touchscreen only supports in first spacedesk display, so on your first viewer app just activate touch screen first, then connect a second viewer app where you can move your flight simulator app and try to send the mouse touch input from there.
    2. Select relative touch input in your viewer app settings (the touch input will behave as mouse pad for your primary machine).

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