Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Suggestion: backup connection

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  • #27096

    Spacedesk supports wires and wireless connection methods, is there any possibility to implement the following usage scenario:
    Make a Connection Pair (for example, usb and wi-fi connections).
    When this connection pair is established, connection loss from the main source (usb, probably) leads to auto switch to the secondary source (wi-fi), it doesn’t need to be instant, it just needs to prevent losing states of opened windows at the Spacedesk screen.

    This is important in case when user wants the best response (wired connection) when working at stationary place, but sometimes wants to change his position for a moment (going wireless).

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @averageuser,

    spacedesk Driver Console -> Control has a setting ‘Connection close delay’.
    When the client disconnects, it will let the spacedesk display stay plugged and preserve the state of opened windows until the timeout.
    To enable, input a timeout value in seconds and press Enter key.
    Have you tried this?

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