Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions SPACEDESK PC WON’T START

  • 该话题包含 2个回复,2 人参与,最后由Zuriel P 更新于 6月前
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  • 作者
  • #26883
    Zuriel P

    Good morning everyone, the following error.

    The program does not start after installing it, it remains as an icon on the taskbar and the SpaceDesk window does not even appear (just the icon).

    I used it before, even in the current version, but one day when I wanted to disable it to transmit files via USB (because I got an alert on Android) it stopped starting. Also update Nvidia drivers.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @zuriel-p,
    it looks like it’s positioned somewhere not visible in the screen..
    Maybe resetting the window position might help.
    Could you please run “regedit” then go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\datronicsoft, then right-click the “spacedeskConsole” registry key and delete it.
    Then try again to open the spacedesk Drive Console.

    Zuriel P

    Wizard lol.
    It worked perfectly, thank you very much.

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