Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Several test reports after use

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  • #2184

    Hello, spacedesk is a great tool. After testing, there are several problem reports:
    1. The Android spacedesk viewer APP is installed on the Android type TV (the mouse and keyboard are inserted into the Android TV), once I click the right mouse button, there will be a prompt to exit the app, so the right-click function is invalid. Similarly, the middle mouse button scroll is also invalid.
    2. It is recommended to optimize the Html5 function, it will be a great experience. For example, in html5 mode, the keyboard is basically invalid and cannot input anything; the mouse is a little jumpy and not precise enough;
    3. If want to use the html5 viewer, then I need to enter, can it be my own website? Do I need to deploy a separate server?
    4. Is it possible to send a specific desktop program to the viewer instead of the entire screen?

    • 该话题由cqpeak 于 3年、 2月前 修正。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @cqpeak,
    Thank you very much for the feedback.
    1. Currently, to emulate a right-click event, you have to do the left-click + hold then release gesture.
    The actual right-click and scroll button click from a real USB mouse device are not yet being recognized by the spacedesk Android Viewer app.
    We will ask our developer about this then get back to you.

    2. Optimization of HTML5 viewer is currently not our priority at the moment.
    We are focused on improving our native Viewer apps (e.g. Android/iOS/Windows).

    3. Not sure what you are asking here, but you can also save the full spacedesk HTML5 web page locally so you don’t have to go to every time you want to connect the spacedesk.

    4. Unfortunately, it’s not possible. The idea of spacedesk is to allow user to have another Windows desktop screen (mirrored/extended) over the local area network via secondary device’s e.g. Android, iOS, Windows, etc.


    Thank you for your reply. Another problem is that after the spacedesk server is turned on, the viewer can connect without restriction as long as it knows the ip address, and there is no notification to the server to remind the user that it is connected by other computers. This has security and privacy risks. It is recommended to set a password option for the server, and only those who know the password can connect.

    spacedesk Marcel

    spacedesk Windows Server always shows connected clients. Window can be seen in the taskbar and when maximized, it shows details about all connected clients.

    Nevertheless there will be a password option within the next few months.

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