Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Recap on setting multiple monitors for MSFS

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  • #12792

    Hi all!
    I’m doing a small recap to see if I got it right about the procedure for my setup, can someone kindly confirm whether this is the right way and also answer to some doubts? Thanks!

    So, I have a primary windows machine with 4 monitors, running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (three monitors for the cockpit view and a fourth service monitor) The primary machine has Spacedesk Server installed.
    Then I have a secondary networked windows machine with 3 monitors, running Spacedesk Client.
    My goal would be to pop out some MSFS instruments, a common feature of MSFS, on the primary (server) machine and then drag them to the three monitors on the secondary (client) machine to form a complete instruments panel. The first of the three client monitors (1) is defined as main and the other two (2,3) as extended desktop, and I would like to arrange the windows popped out from server distributing them amongst all the three client monitors.

    Now, I noticed that when I launch the client and connect to the server, I get a “virtual” desktop window on client’s main monitor (1) where I can drag the popped instruments, resize and fill it as desired, and then drag the complete window to, say, extended monitor (2) Btw, I wasn’t able to hide the window’s frame, but I can live with it.
    The problem is that, when I go to pop out some more windows and drag them, they still go to monitor (2) and I can’t drag them to monitor (3)
    So possibly do I have to run three instances of the client and place them on the 3 client desktops? And then how can I “tell” the server which one of the three instances I want to drag the popout to?
    And also, on system shutdown, to which extent the last windows arrangement will be “remembered” on next launch? Will I have to redo the layout and resize from scratch every time?
    As far as I know, there’s an utility called Popout Manager intended exactly for this purpose, but will it be compatible and work with Spacedesk?

    Did someone already make a working MSFS setup using Spacedesk and is able to shed some light / tips&tricks?
    Forgive me for the long post, and thanks in advance!

    • 该话题由robmar58 于 1年、 5月前 修正。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @robmar58,

    Which spacedesk Windows Viewer are you using? Is it the Microsoft Store version Or the Win 7 desktop version 0.9.41?
    Actually the window frames of the viewer app can be hidden if you switch the viewer app to fullscreen mode.

    You can open multiple instance of spacedesk Windows Viewer app and can drag each one of it to different monitors of your secondary machine.
    Unfortunately, spacedesk Viewer app only remembers the last position of the last instance. You have to manually rearrange the viewer windows when you restart your machine.


    Hello Lea, and thanks for your kind answer.
    > Which spacedesk Windows Viewer are you using? Is it the Microsoft Store version
    Yes, it is the Microsoft Store you mentioned.

    > You can open multiple instance of spacedesk Windows Viewer app and can drag each one of it to different monitors of your secondary machine.
    Right, I have 3 monitors on the secondary machine and can open 3 instances of the viewer, and drag them to each monitor. This way I see 3 different connections on the spacedesk console on primary machine, as expected.
    The problem is that when I pop out some MSFS windows on the primary machine they go always on one of the three instances of the viewer, i.e. I’m not able (or don’t know how) to select which one of the three connected viewer windows will receive the popped out window.

    I know I’m doing something wrong, but can’t figure where… Can you please help?
    Thank you so much for support!

    • 该回复由robmar58 于 1年、 5月前 修正。

    Last update *SOLVED*
    Please disregard my previous message, I’ve already found out. I wasn’t considering that all instance’s desktops are extended, i.e. contiguous, so regardless of where the popped out instrument lands, it is always possible to drag it between desktops.
    And also, using Popout manager, I was able to save size and position of the instruments, so that with a few mouse strokes the glass panel can be loaded easily and precisely at every MSFS startup.
    So in the end I’m very happy with Spacedesk, a very powerful utility, and kudos to the developers for making it available for free!

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