Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Primary Machine IP shows red but can still connect!

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    I have a strange issue whereby the primary IP that is shown on the client’s Spacedesk Viewer shows green and then changes to red, during startup of the computer that runs the Spacedesk Driver Console.

    I leave the client machine on, then reboot the server machine. During startup, while looking at yher Spacedesk Viewer on the client machine, I see the IP address of the server machine is showing in green to denote a successful connection. While the startup continues, the IP address of the server machine changes to red. I can ping the server from client without any problems and I did read elsewhere that Spacedesk client checks for a connection using a bog standard ping. That begs the question “Why can I confirm connection with a manual ping but Spacedesk cannot?”

    After trying lots of different things, I realised that after restarting the Spacedesk service on the server machine, I could see the server’s IP at the client side being shown in green again! Alternatively, turning off Spacedesk Driver at the Spacedesk console of the server machine and turning back on has the same effect.

    I carried out another test and restarted the server machine but disconnected the docking station (a Dell D6000 dock) and this time, the IP address of the server showed in green all the time! Once I reconnected the Dell D6000 dock, the IP address turned red and disconnecting would cause it to turn green!

    I cannot understand this and I will be interested to know why I can ping the server from client via the Command Prompt, but SpaceDesk Viewer on the client machine fails to do so, unless the Dell D6000 docking station is disconnected. Of course, there are various workarounds via scripts and use of eventing software but this is something that is baffling me and I hope someone can help.

    In the log file I do see “EXCEPTION: SCNetworkInterface.Enumerate – Index was outside the bounds of the array” which could be pointing to a bug in the code. Perhaps the code has enumerated the network adapters during startup and finds my wifi adapter only (since the Dell Dock is yet to be initialised). Later on, during the startup process, when the Dell Dock has been initialised, a new network adapter (Dell Giga Ethernet that’s part of the Dell docking station) is detected but Spacedesk has already enumerated a table of 1 network adapter earlier and tries to access this new Dell Giga Ethernet as the second item in the array but of course, this results in an index out of bounds error.

    Please can you forward the above information to the engineers for their perusal?

    Thanks in advance,

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