Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions HTML5 View Error on Windows/Ubuntu

  • 该话题包含 4个回复,4 人参与,最后由goodwin 更新于 9月前
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  • #18284

    I’m getting this error when trying to reach the website from my Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11 machines: “This site can’t provide a secure uses an unsupported protocol.
    Unsupported protocol
    The client and server don’t support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.”

    I’m using the latest version of Chrome for both systems; I also tried on Firefox and it gave a similar message. Any help is greatly appreciated!!


    Hi @beckett,

    Please try to delete your browser’s cached files and then check again to see if the issue persists.


    Experiencing HTML5 view errors on both Windows and Ubuntu platforms. Despite efforts to troubleshoot, the issue persists. Requesting assistance from the community or relevant support channels to identify and resolve this compatibility challenge. Your insights are highly valued in addressing this cross-platform concern. Thank you for any guidance provided.


    Hi @nancy51,
    What error are you encountering with HTML5 viewer?
    Have you tried the suggestion above?


    I have encountered the same problem ,althought I havent try delete the browser’s cached files. I solved the problem by using the incognito mode in the browser , for someone who doesnt want clear browser’s cached files could try to use this solution. and could someone answer that what causing this problem,this would be nice ,thx.

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