Forum › 论坛 › spacedesk Discussions › How do I make NDIS usb tether connection have a static ip in Windows 10?
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FreakyMood 更新于 2年、 2月前 。
5 12 月, 2022 12:34 上午 #11013
参与者Hi all,
I am a new user here and really like the software so far. It works over my wifi connection and over the usb tether through NDIS. As has been stated, the connection is faster and more stable through usb tether, and I would really prefer to use that option.
My problem is that every time I connect the USB from fire tablet to windows 10, the adapter reappears in windows with a new ip address. I have tried everything I could think of to set that connection with a static ip so that the tablet can connect automatically, but nothing I have tried has worked. Everything has either made the tablet client unable to detect the connection, or unable to connect to it. I even temporarily disabled windows firewall when the ip was seen and unable to connect. Still no good.
I have been trying to piece together how ndis works all day. Lots of searching google and youtube and this forum. I am stumped. I can’t even figure out what it uses to generate its seemingly random ip addresses. My normal network ip addresses are the NDIS addresses I get are
Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated
5 12 月, 2022 2:30 上午 #11049Hi @malaclypse23,
Please try the steps below:
– Start the USB tethering connection on your primary machine
– An IP address will be assigned in your USB RNDIS network adapter. You will use this IP address as your static IP.
– Run “ncpa.cpl”, find the Remote NDIS Network (for your USB tethering connection) and right-click -> Properties.
– In the Connection items box, select the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” -> click Properties below
– Click the radio button for “Use the following IP address” then enter a value in:
IP address: [current IP address]
Subnet mask:
– click OK to finishThen check if this will give you a static IP address on your USB tethering network adapter.
spacedesk Lea 于 2年、 3月前 修正。
5 12 月, 2022 3:01 上午 #11051Malaclypse23
参与者Hi Lea,
Thanks for trying to help, but I tried that multiple times and multiple ways. No good. The Spacedesk client can no longer see the server once it has disconnected and reconnected.
I was going to update my post but it was waiting for moderation before being posted. To the best of my ability to determine from seemingly endless searches… This is not fixable unless your android device has root. Android acts as the dhcp server for the usb tethered connection, and the file you need to edit is under system/etc and therefore inaccessible to those of us using something that can’t be rooted.
Hopefully someone out there knows another way, or at the very least someone in need finds this post and either has root, or can save themselves a lot of time and effort banging their heads into their keyboards.
but if anyone can make this work, please let me know
Thanks for everything
2 1 月, 2023 1:32 下午 #11393FreakyMood
参与者You can set a static IP for your android phone/tablet but your spacedesk drivercan not shown on android device spacedesk viewer. And the phone Ip will be 192.168.42.x for phone/tablet but it will not be a problem to connect to pc spacedesk driver.
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