Forum › 论坛 › spacedesk Discussions › Feature Request: Completely disable keyboard, mouse, screen touch inputs
12 6 月, 2022 11:04 上午 #8250
参与者I appreciate that most users need to be able to use mouse, keyboard or touch in order to control their pc, however there is a valid use case where spacedesk is literally being used as a second monitor, and the keyboard and mouse tracking code gets in the way of being able to actually use the computer. one such time is when using it as a second screen for a virtual machine.
it would be nice if you could select a check box in the windows settings that simply ignores all input methods, and only supply the display aspects of the driver.
alternatively, if the various web, android, windows view apps could simply not send any inputs to the remote pc, this might work too –
hey why not include settings to disable remote control in both the client and server apps.
this would make the product usable, and i would be more likely to actually purchase it.
jonathana 于 2年、 9月前 修正。
6 4 月, 2023 3:39 下午 #12686shawn9ui9
参与者agreed, 100%
I just found the app, works perfectly except. Second screen controlling the PC is a deal breaker.1st, in general, the added threat surface (potential for misuse) means there are far fewer places I would deploy spacedesk.
My particular use case: Screen mirroring.
Our computer operator is running an alpine ski race: that is, they are entering racers into the software connected to start and finish which provides us with results.
A live announcer views a mirrored screen so they can announce results over a public address system.Currently we use full size second monitor.
Because we setup/teardown frequently, we are hoping to use a tablet as second display.
The tablet can go in the backpack with the laptop, saving us having to lug a desktop monitor around.I can think of a dozen other use cases where it would be preferred to have view only.
@jonathana suggestion to be able to disable from either client or server is perfect. Hope this can be implemented. We don’t race again until 2024, so perhaps we can use SpaceDesk. -
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