Forum › 论坛 › spacedesk Discussions › Error 2-5-6
13 12 月, 2021 3:54 下午 #4965
参与者Hi guys,
I keep getting this error on the displaying device. It also says the Error Information is 0-5-8
I attached the log from the console. Hopefully someone know what to do with it. I would be happy about any help!I have the console version 1.0.23 on Windows 10 64bit, and the App Version 0.9.88 on Android 6.0.1.
Best regards and thanks in advance
您需要登录才能查看附件。14 12 月, 2021 3:01 上午 #4976Hi @looping,
Thanks for sending the spacedeskDiag.txt.
There are some important diagnostic logs that are missing for us to analyze the issue.
Could you please try with the latest spacedesk Driver version 1.0.24 (from our website), then if problem still persist, please follow the step below to get a complete diagnostic logs:– Open the spacedesk Driver Console window
– On the Diagnostics’ right side panel check “with Debug view” box
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON
– try connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.16 2 月, 2022 2:26 下午 #6432Looping
参与者Hi Lea,
thanks for your answer. After updating, like you said, I did not notice the problem anymore. I did not use the service very often though. Now I am using it everyday again and I am experiencing the same problem with the same error code and info. Connected time is always around 6 minutes. I did everything you said in the prior message and attached the .zip-file.
Best regards and thanks in advance
Looping 于 3年前 修正。
您需要登录才能查看附件。17 2 月, 2022 5:43 上午 #6443Hi @looping,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
It seems that there’s a connection time out, this usually happens during temporary network connection loss, and there’s nothing we can do to fix your network.
Maybe enabling the Auto-reconnect on your spacedesk viewer app settings might help in this case.18 2 月, 2022 4:29 下午 #6502Looping
thanks for your answer and the advice, I will try it out.
Another Error that happened to me today, is it the same reason?
The Error Code is:
and the Error Info is:
0-5-8-9-10-5-8-9-8-9-10-5-8-9-8I attached a new .zip-file again.
Best regards
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