Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Disable Optimizations / Compression

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  • #24164

    How could I disable the optimization spacedesk has when there very little moving on the screen?
    I’m using an Ipad Air 5 connected to a High end PC with Mobile Hotspot at 5ghz, the connection speed is amazing and there’s very little delay with everything maxed.
    My only problem is when there’s little to no movement on the screen, spacedesk has some sort of optimization that causes stutters and the mouse to feel laggy in a static background.

    My question is, can I disable this optimization?


    Update, The latest version of spacedesk improved this problem a little! It still happens but i’m thankful that something on this new update improoved how often if does.
    I still hope that they find a way to completly fix this stutter problem, but I can bare it with this latest update.

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