Forum 论坛 spacedesk Discussions Cannot detect server

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  • #1479

    Not sure is after update problem or what my device cant detect server ios/android also cant detect hwo to fix it

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lun,
    Please make sure that both primary machine and secondary devices are connected on the same local area network.
    Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) enabled?
    Do you have third-party firewall software on your primary machine?

    Could you please send us the following info:
    Primary Machine
    – operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
    – graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    Secondary Machine
    – Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
    – network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)

    For assistance, please also check troubleshooting – network connection chapters in our user manual

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