Forum › 论坛 › spacedesk Discussions › Black Screen with Connected – Display Off 2
6 3 月, 2023 11:31 上午 #12329
参与者hello, I use my laptop as 2 screens, my laptop is connect but does not display anything I have uninstall spacedesk on my computer principal and reinstal and its still not working. Thanks to answer me
7 3 月, 2023 1:36 上午 #12334Hi @viynd,
For further analysis, could you please send us the diagnostic logs for this issue?
– open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the Display Off issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button (if message box appears just click No to proceed)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.7 3 月, 2023 7:45 上午 #123387 3 月, 2023 7:46 上午 #12340Viynd
参与者Here is my compressed file
7 3 月, 2023 8:54 上午 #12341Hi @viynd,
Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.Is the iOS viewer app showing plain black screen? or is it showing “Connected – Display-Off” text over the screen?
When you try to connect your iPhone client, does the spacedesk Driver Console showing the connected iOS Viewer client underneath Connections -> Active ( # connected)?
Please also check if there’s a detached (grayed out) display in the Windows Display Settings.Could you please also try with your “Famatech Radmin VPN Ethernet” network disabled?
7 3 月, 2023 8:59 上午 #12342Viynd
参与者IOS viewer app showing “connected- Display-Off”
7 3 月, 2023 9:06 上午 #12343Hi @viynd,
When you try to connect your iPhone client, does the spacedesk Driver Console showing the connected iOS Viewer client underneath Connections -> Active ( # connected)?
Please also check if there’s a detached (grayed out) display in the Windows Display Settings.Could you please also try with your “Famatech Radmin VPN Ethernet” network disabled?
7 3 月, 2023 9:06 上午 #12344Viynd
参与者where can i see spacedesk driver console?
7 3 月, 2023 9:09 上午 #12345Viynd
参与者i uninstall “famatech radmin vpn ethernet” and in my settings there is no detached display (grayed out)
7 3 月, 2023 9:21 上午 #12346Viynd
参与者where can i see the connected iOS Viewer client underneath Connections -> Active ( # connected)
7 3 月, 2023 9:50 上午 #12347It’s the spacedesk Driver Console you used for diagnostic logs.. just open it again by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area..
Please check the attached screenshot.附件:
您需要登录才能查看附件。7 3 月, 2023 9:54 上午 #123498 3 月, 2023 1:06 上午 #12354Ok. Can you please also include the “Connections – Client Information” of this connected client in the right page?
8 3 月, 2023 6:00 上午 #123668 3 月, 2023 6:04 上午 #12368Hi @viynd,
Thanks for sending the screenshot.
Could you please try to press the Windows logo key + P hotkey, then select “Extend”.8 3 月, 2023 6:14 上午 #12369Viynd
参与者it was already on extend
8 3 月, 2023 6:22 上午 #12370I see.. though in the spacedesk Driver Console it shows that the display mode is in Duplication mode..
Next, could you please try to switch OFF the Videowall mode?8 3 月, 2023 6:25 上午 #12371Viynd
参与者how to disable videowall mode
8 3 月, 2023 6:33 上午 #12372In the spacedesk Driver Console -> click the CONTROL, then you will find the Videowall status switch button.
Another thing, please disable the Nvidia ShadowaPlay/In-game overlay/screen recording in your primary machine, based on the diagnostics you sent it is currently active. You can verify it in spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Incompatible software products.
8 3 月, 2023 7:00 上午 #12373Viynd
参与者it works thank you very much
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