Yesterday I opened up Spacedesk app on my Chromebook, connected it, everything worked fine. I wake up today, open the app, and then it says Connected – Display off. So I go to the spacedesk website, I download the newest version. And when downloading it I get a popup saying Installation Failed. But downloading that, it deleted the old version I had installed. I opened up spacedesk driver console, and because it said instakkation failed, it might not have downloaded some crucial parts. So I tried connecting the app, connected display off again. I go to viewer.spacedesk.net and try connecting, Could not connect. And I tried to delete the old version, but now when I download the old version (I still have the installer) it also shows the error. I recall the error when downloading it previously.
Regards, William
參與者Alright, I have good wifi so HTML5 Viewer works great, although the display quality drop off from using the actual app to connect is noticeable, it doesn’t make it unusable. It works great as a replacement until I figure out a way to fix it, or a new update fixes it.
Thanks, William
I tried again to connect to HTML 5 and it worked. It is a little bit laggy but it works great and I will probably use that for now
Thanks, William
I tried connecting with the HTML 5 viewer but on my Chromebook, it says HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. And after downloading the NVIDIA driver installer the same thing happens as it usually would before I installed them.
Regards, William
參與者Alright so it says I can’t upload that file type, dunno why.
Sorry for the late response. Here is the debugview.log file.
Regards, William
Sorry for the late response. Here is the debugview.log file.
Regards, William
I am going to that now, but just to clarify, do you mean C:\Users\Public\Public Downloads
Because I don’t see any downloads file in public so I just want to make sure.Thanks, William
Right now I do not have anything that is incompatible, but all the applications in the incompatible software tab have X’s beside them, which means that they are off right?
Regards, William
參與者Sorry, when I uploaded the file, it said “Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.”
For the first step, I could not find Debugview.log in my public downloads. I copied all my spacedesk files and my dxdiag in my Public folder. Instead of adding dxdiag directly to the folder (just in case anything bad happens), I created a copy and added it to the folder, just wondering if that’s alright.
Regards, William
參與者And also after the first connection, when it shows display off my PC detects the screen but my Chromebook doesn’t show anything
So when I saved the diagnostics, added it to a folder, when it was transferring it, this appeared on my screen. I don’t know why, I have the debug view also but I tried it again and the same result, Error 1 and nothing transfers to the folder.
Regards, William
你必須 登入 才能查看附件檔案。Willycia
參與者Also, I may have forgotten to add this but, when I restart both devices and connect them my PC recognizes my chromebook but on my chromebook there is either:
1: A black bar in the middle of the screen
2: No cursor and taskbar
3: Black screen
And after disconnecting and reconnecting after that it is just connected – Display OFF. So the first time connecting after restarting both devices there is actually a sign that it’s working – but it always has something wrong with it and it is unusable.
Thanks, William
Willycia 於 2 years, 11 months ago 修改。原因: Spelling error and some unadded spaces
When I get home from work tomorrow I will try that, sorry if it takes me a bit to send them.
Regards, William
參與者I fixed the problem by reverting to a previous windows update
參與者So basically what happens is:
1: I turn my PC and Chromebook on
2: I open up Spacedesk on both
3: I connect
4: it shows a black screen and my PC detects 2 screens
5: It disconnects with error 256
6: I connect again and I shows display off no matter how many times I connect and reconnect