參與者What about an update of the HTML 5 App with Keyboard redirection finally?
參與者Really bad to see, Linux as a Plattform is still being ignored! Atleast Spacedesk Client should exist for Linux, either as a Wine-port or using the HTML5 Viewer, however the HTML5 Viewer lacks Remote Control support.
What about if the Linux-Users would lets say start a finance crowd-funding to get a Linux-Client supported?
kind regards
參與者Dev’s should really take a note, the only solution at the moment to run a Linux Client is running the XP Version with Wine, as the HTML5 Version still lacks keyboard support! It’s really time to bring a Linux Version, maybe a “Wine port” would already do the job well!
參與者@Spacedesk crew, now that Microsoft deprecates UWP Apps, any chance of a Comeback to MSI Packages also for Windows 10/11 ?
Which Version did you try?
I am currently running 0932 x86_64 and also x32 0932 is working on wine 6.3 using PlayOnLinux, currently i set the Windows-Version to Windows 10 in Controlpanel of Wine. Whenever i had your message in the past, it was network-related like a firewall, also as it does not find your primary machine, i assume a firewall on that Primary Windows Machine blocks ittuxinator
參與者Without more details, it will be really difficult to help, please provide more info, for example:
– What do you try to achieve?
– How did you try to?
– What error did you get?regards
參與者Well, you should have read the Title of this Thread 😉 “Spacedesk Viewer on Linux” so only the Viewer works in Wine, the Driver will probably never run in Wine -> as would need to have some really special X-hooks.