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  • 回覆至: Not detecting driver on Primary PC in IOS #24368

    Wanted to let you know that it is working very well for me. Thanks.

    回覆至: Not detecting driver on Primary PC in IOS #24339

    It works.. I didn’t have to disable the IPv6. It turns out that when I had installed the viewer on the ipad, i must not have allowed it access to something. I uninstalled and reinstalled the viewer app this time allowing. It works with the ipad connected via Ethernet adapter/cable to the LAN.

    Now the next step is to figure out how to duplicate one of the 3 displays on the PC onto the Ipad display. I presume I must do this on the PC Display controls?

    When I duplicate, do the resolution of the PC display have to match the display setting on the Ipad?

    I will check if the documentation has guidance on this.

    Thanks for your help

    回覆至: Not detecting driver on Primary PC in IOS #24311

    Follow on question: in my LAN setup described above, can I connect my ipad to the LAN switch to which the Primary PC is connected?

    回覆至: Not detecting driver on Primary PC in IOS #24309

    I am using IOS viewer 1.0.53 (latest update)

    See attached image/file. For driver version 1.075

    See also that server seems to be broadcasting.

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