Hi @goodmanmsu-edu,
Have you taken control over your spacedesk screen? You will need to activate Remote Control first to use the touch functionality in MS store version of the viewer. To do this, you can simply use your Surface tablet’s mouse and click inside the active spacedesk viewer. A dialog box will appear, click ‘Take Control’ then try to use touch screen to see if it is working now.If you don’t have an external mouse for your Surface tablet, you can also try the following method, although it’s a bit difficult to activate:
-> Tap once to activate the green menu bar at the top of the screen.
-> While the green menu bar is visible, perform a three-finger-tap gesture.
-> This should bring up the dialog to enter touch mode.
Please let us know if this works for you.Hi @mz,
We tried installing it on our side using different browsers and it is still installing properly.
Are you able to install different apps other than spacedesk?
When you click the install button in the browser, does the MS Store application open?
Could you try to manually open the MS Store app, search the spacedesk viewer and install it?If the above instructions didn’t work, try following the steps provided in this link –
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
Hi @tor,
Could you please check in the app settings > connection if auto-reconnect option is enabled?Hi @srirams05,
We are glad that it is now working on your side.
In case of Desktop duplication, the answer is No. you don’t have to match the resolution of your main display and Ipad. however, to get the best experience and ensure a good display quality, it is recommended that your main screen resolution and spacedesk Viewer resolution have the same “aspect ratio” (e.g. 4:3). for 4:3 aspect ratio: Main display screen 1920×1440 and viewer display screen 800×600.
You can change resolution of spacedesk Viewer in spacedesk Viewer app menu.-
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
We will now close this topic. If you have any other concerns or encounter any spacedesk-related issues, please don’t hesitate to let us know by creating a new topic and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Hi @mz,
It looks like you are trying to download a different spacedesk viewer app from the MS Store. To make sure you are downloading the correct spacedesk Windows 10 viewer, please go to our download page at https://www.spacedesk.net/#download and click the link that has ‘Microsoft’ on it. This will direct you to the correct download page in the Microsoft Store.
Hi @larrygt
If you want to use a single window containing your remote desktop and stretch this across both screens, you need to take note of a few things:
1. Your secondary monitor’s resolution should be adjusted to match your main monitor.
2. The application might have a maximum window size.
3. Check if your application has a configurable display settings.
– In your case, before connecting to your RDP navigate to Display Tab -> Display Configuration -> Adjust size of the remote desktop
– Make sure to check “Use all my monitors for the remote session.A few notes:
– If Full screen won’t stretch to both monitors, try a windowed screen and manually adjusting the windows to stretch across screens.
– If you cannot resize the windows any further, it means that it is the maximum window size.Hi @tingtong,
Thank you very much for sending the required files.
We can see that device driver software installation is disabled on your PC in general. We do not know which specific actions or settings disabled device driver install on your machine. We assume this is your private PC (not a corporate PC managed by an administrator). Still, we do not want to give any instructions on how to fiddle with security settings at the moment. Do you have any idea what could cause this? Did you install a new firewall Software or antivirus software? Did you change SSD drivers from different machines?Hi @sskyau,
Could you please send us the following files, just follow the steps below.
-Open Command Prompt
-type pnputil /enum-drivers
-copy all and save to a text file
–you can open a new command prompt window
-type pnputil /enum-devices
-copy all and save to a text file
Save all the text files in a single Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @tingtong,
For further analysis, please also provide us with the following files:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– setupapi.dev.log file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.
Hi @srirams05,
You could try the following:
1. Disable your IPV6 in Control Panel > Network and Internet > network connection > right click on your network adapter and uncheck ‘Internet Protocol Version 6’ and leave ipv4 checked.
2. you can try to prioritize IPV4 over IPV6, please run the Command Prompt as Administrator and type the following commands below:
reg add hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip6\parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 0x20
then reboot your pc and try to connect with spacedeskQ: In my LAN setup described above, can I connect my ipad to the LAN switch to which the Primary PC is connected?
A: Yes, Theoretically, it should work with the use of an ethernet adapter for your Ipad, but please note that this feature has not been fully tested yet. so it may or may not work on some devices.Hi @srirams05,
What iOS viewer version are you using? are you using spacedesk iOS viewer v1.0.52? Please be informed that there’s a known bug on that version that causes crash and discovery issues.
We have release a new spacedesk iOS viewer in the appstore. Please update your viewer and check if there are still any problems on your side.Hi
We have released a new spacedesk iOS viewer in the appstore.
Please update your viewer and let us know if there’s still any problem on your side.Hi @sskyau,
Thank you very much for sending the required files.
We are now currently investigating the logs. In the meantime, please check if there are any available pending Windows updates in the PC settings. if there is, please install the available updates and try installing spacedesk again.Hi @sskyau,
For further analysis, please also provide us the following files:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– setupapi.dev.log file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.
Looking forward to your feedback.Hi @lwerman,
Could you please go back to the latest spacedesk version 1.0.75 and send us the Diagnostic logs of this Issue?
Just follow the steps below:
– open spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer and reproduce the disconnecting issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button (if a message box appears, just click No to proceed)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @freakymood,
Unfortunately, The current version of spacedesk Windows 7 viewer doesn’t have the option to hide the ‘x’ button during full-screen mode.
For now, you can use the spacedesk UWP viewer (for Windows 10) since the full-screen mode in this viewer does not have the ‘x’ button.-
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
Hi @sskyau,
Thank you very much for providing information regarding this issue.
since you cannot install any MSI, removing the old drivers should now be done manually.
Please Go to chapter “UNINSTALL ON WINDOWS PRIMARY MACHINE” => “Manual Uninstall (Troubleshooting Only)” in the user manual https://manual.spacedesk.net/ManualUninstallTroubleshootingOn.html
Do all 7 steps (Step 1 – Step 7) mentioned in this chapter
Chapter “APPENDIX”=> “File List” states all executable files. After deleting all these, there should be nothing left to see any more.Note: these steps should only be done in exceptional cases if needed and if previously discussed with spacedesk support.
Thank you for reporting this Issue. Our iOS developer will investigate this iOS crash and will get back to you when there’s any news regarding this problem.
For the following users, could you please indicate your iOS device model and its current version?
– @st-destiny
– @makayla3
– @ovidius4318 10 月, 2023 2:52 上午 回覆至: The Documentation is missing one important thing AND rotation bug report #24217Hi @shrug,
We tried reproducing this issue; however, we can only reproduce the rotation issue at 90°. We have already forwarded that one to our iOS developer for investigation and will inform you once a fix is ready for testing since the issue is very similar.
BTW: Thank you for providing your current workaround, this is very helpful for other users as well.Hi @hngbr,
Your Phone/Main monitor:
Resolution: 1600×720, Aspect Ratio: 2.22: 1
What you want:
Resolution: 800×600, Aspect Ratio: 4:3You can’t stretch the game to fit your whole screen without getting those black bars because these two resolutions have different Aspect ratios.
If you want the game to cover your entire screen on your main monitor, you’ll need to adjust the game’s resolution to match your phone/main display’s aspect ratio, which is 2.22:1. So, instead of 800×600, we suggest picking a lower resolution with a 22.2:1 aspect ratio to make it fit better (e.g 800×360)note: make sure to set spacedesk viewer resolution to your phone’s native resolution too.
since you are only using mirroring mode, just go to spacedesk viewer settings > Resolution > uncheck the ‘Use custom resolution’Hi @robert-cooper,
spacedesk can support up to 16 viewer connections as long as your Windows 10/11 primary machine’s resources can handle all the connected displays.
If you have Windows 7/8.1 primary machine, it can support up to 3 viewer connections.Hi @hngbr,
In case of Desktop duplication (mirroring main screen):
Your main screen resolution and spacedesk Viewer resolution need to have same aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3). Example for 4:3 aspect ratio: Main display screen 1920×1440 and viewer display screen 800×600. You can change resolution of spacedesk Viewer in spacedesk Viewer app menu. Still the game might cause black regions on each side or top and bottom if it does not support this specific resolution.In case of Desktop extension:
You just need to select a resolution which is supported by the game. Change resolution of spacedesk Viewer in spacedesk Viewer app menu.Are you using Desktop duplication (mirror) mode or Desktop extension mode? In case of mirror/duplication Which resolution do you have on your main monitor? Which game are you playing? Which resolutions does this game support? Does this game adjust resolution automatically?
spacedesk Marcel 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
Hi @the_flue,
Could you try disconnecting and then reconnecting your Magic Keyboard from your Ipad?
if that doesn’t work, Please send us again the Diagnostic logs of this Issue.
Just follow the steps below:
– open spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer and reproduce the issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button (if a message box appears, just click No to proceed)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @omi221,
Which viewer are you using?
Zooming is possible in both spacedesk Windows 7 viewer and the spacedesk UWP viewer for Windows 10.
In Windows 7, you can zoom in/out using your mouse’s scroll wheel.
In the Windows 10 viewer, make sure to enable the ‘Scale’ option in the settings > display. Once enabled, you can zoom in and out on the spacedesk screen with your mouse’s scroll wheel.Hi @launchee,
Thank you very much for checking.
-Have you tried moving a window from monitor 1 to monitor 2? How did it go?
-What’s the current resolution for your Monitor 1 and Monitor 2?
-Is your spacedesk Android viewer app and spacedesk Windows Driver updated to the latest version? if not, please try to update them.Hi @launchee,
It is possible that you have a wrong arrangement of your Displays in the settings.
Could you please check and follow these steps below?
– Go to Settings > System > Display
– Check which number are your monitors by clicking ‘Identity’
– Drag and drop your Android monitor (could be display 2) to the right side of your display 1
– Under the Multiple displays section -> click on the drop-down list -> make sure the ‘Extend these displays’ option is selected.
– Click ApplyHi @daemonium,
iOS USB cable support will be available very soon! (expected late 2023)
While waiting for the Native iOS USB feature, you can use your iOS to connect to spacedesk Via USB tethering.
first, check if your iOS device supports USB Tethering.
if yes, Please check and follow the ‘Connecting a New Display Monitor Over the USB Cable’ -> ‘USB Tethering (iOS and Android)’ chapter in the user manual –
https://manual.spacedesk.net/USBTetheringiOSandAndroid.htmlHi @krakerino,
Have you tried connecting your tablet directly to your PC without the USB extender? is the issue still happening using that setup?
there is a similar bug present in the old spacedesk viewer app. Please make sure that your app is updated to the latest version 0.91.10 in the playstore.BTW: charging your phone while using spacedesk via USB cable at the same time should not affect its connection.
Hi @crucial
We can see the same behavior only with USB cable connection.
If it’s via Wi-Fi, it should reconnect properly upon power resume on your Android device.
Also, is your spacedesk viewer app updated? If not, please make sure to update it to v0.91.10 in the Playstore as well as your spacedesk Driver to v1075-
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Marcel 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
Hi @nhan,
Have you tried toggling off all three switches, including the Android Control as you did previously?
Could you please check if there are any errors in your Device Manager now?
please go to Device Manager, locate your Android device, and check for any errors (indicated by a yellow exclamation mark). If you see one, right-click on it > select ‘Properties,’ > go to the ‘General’ tab > take a screenshot > send it to us.Hi @jedi-cat-3,
It appears that this issue may indeed be related to Windows settings, as we cannot reproduce it on any of our devices with different spacedesk configurations. For other users who might encounter this issue in the future, could you please let us know once you’ve found the cause? We will continue investigating this as well and will also update you once the cause is identified.
Hi @merofabio,
We have now reproduced the same behavior you are experiencing. Unfortunately, as of now, this is an expected behavior with spacedesk. You won’t be able to use the actual mouse pointer as a hover pointer with your stylus. If you are using an active stylus (e.g. SPen), we recommend checking its pen settings to see if there is an option like ‘Hover pointer’ or ‘Show pointer when hovering’, if there is, please enable it.
Hi @nhan,
We are glad to hear that it is now working on your end. As for the other issue you’ve mentioned, we will continue investigating it on our side. If you encounter that issue again or have any questions, please feel free to let us know by creating a new thread.
Hi @joseaugustin,
User @nhan’s suggestion is a much easier approach. Assuming you do not have a router or switch available, you can use your smartphone to interconnect your machines as long as your smartphone supports Wifi Direct/Hotspot.
To do this: Make sure you have a SIM card in your phone > enable your phone’s hotspot > using your other machines, go to the Wi-Fi settings to find the name of your phone then connect.Note: cabled connection still offers better performance than wireless network. in this case, you can use a switch and LAN cables to connect your machines.
Hi @nhan,
Thank you very much for sending your diagnostic logs.
Are you using USB Hub or you are plugging it directly into your Machine’s USB Port?Could you please try the following:
-Uninstall your spacedesk driver > then reboot your machine > install it again.
-Restart your Android device.
-Try a different USB cable / plug your cable into a different USB port.
-If the issue still persists, please go to Device Manager, locate your Android device, and check for any errors (indicated by a yellow exclamation mark). If you see one, right-click on it > select ‘Properties,’ > go to the ‘General’ tab > take a screenshot > send it to us.Hi @mittens4958,
We tried reproducing this issue, but we still haven’t observed it on any of our available devices.
Not sure if they’ll work, but if you haven’t tried these steps yet, please try the following:
try reinstalling the spacedesk Android viewer v0.91.10 > reboot your Android device then recalibrate it again, make sure that the volume is turned all the way up.Hi @dvnlee,
Could you try the following?
– turn Server from On to Off in spacedesk Driver Console
– Restart your primary machine
– try reinstalling your Graphics Driver
for NVIDIA, You can download directly from their website:
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
Hi @nhan,
Thank you very much for sending your diagnostic logs.
However, some information was not captured by the logs you sent. Could you please send your diagnostic logs again? This time, while the diagnostic is running, try to reproduce the black screen issue.just follow the steps below:
– open spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer and reproduce the Black screen issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button (if a message box appears, just click No to proceed)
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @nhan,
Besides the instructions from that thread, you could try the following:
-clear spacedesk cache/data in your phone app settings
-Reinstall or update your spacedesk app to v0.91.10
-click ‘Clear spacedesk Settings’ and ‘Clear Windows Display Settings’ in spacedesk Console
-Restart Android deviceHi @dougw03,
Yes, indeed. -1 is equivalent to infinite which means your client display will not disconnect until the primary machine reboots. you could try setting your own limit (the default is 45 seconds) to make your client disconnect after the specific time.
Hi @the_flue,
We’ve recently released a new spacedesk iOS Viewer on the App Store. This version contains a potential fix for the non-working backspace and enter keys. Please try it on your end and let us know if it resolves the issue for you.
Hi @mittens4958,
Have you tried calibrating your SonarPen?
If not, please follow these steps: Go to ‘Input Devices’ > Pen > SonarPen Stylus > Calibrate SonarPen. It will then direct you to a Google Play Store page for the SonarPen app. Please download it and follow the instructions provided by that app. At the end of the calibration process, you will be able to test the pressure sensitivity of the SonarPen.
Please inform us if the issue persists after completing the process.Also, could you please let us know which other apps you have tried using the pen with?
Hi @yesiamanerd,
Are you using Extend mode? Could you please try hovering your mouse or a window far beyond your primary screen and check if it will be visible in your secondary screen?
Could you also check the status of spacedeskService.exe in the Task Manager under ‘Processes’ or ‘Details’ while the issue is happening?In the meantime, there are a few things you could try:
– Please make sure that your Graphics Adapter driver is up to date. If it’s not, please try to update it to the latest version.
– Could you please try the ‘Clear spacedesk settings’ and ‘Clear Windows Display Settings’ buttons in the spacedesk Driver console?
– Please note that we recently released new versions for the Windows 10 viewer and Android viewer. Also, make sure to update your spacedesk Driver to v1075.-
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Christian 於 1 years, 4 months ago 修改。
Hi @dvnlee,
Could you please check for any incompatible software, just run the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Incompatible Software Products.
if there is, please try to disable or uninstall it, restart your machine then try again with spacedesk.Hi @23ggg,
The fix for this issue has not been released yet, as it is still undergoing review and further testing.
Hi @crazynou,
No problem, Glad it worked out for you!
We will now close this topic. In case you encounter any spacedesk related issues, just let us know and we’ll be happy to assist you.Hi @dougw03,
A new UWP viewer has been released in the Microsoft Store. It includes a potential fix for the app hang upon power resume, also check if the viewer is still getting stuck in black screen upon waking it up.
Looking forward to your feedback!Hi @namanyakape,
Could you please check the following:
– open the Windows Display Settings on your primary machine and check if the spacedesk display is detached/grayed out, and if it’s detached just attach it by selecting extend or duplicate
– check for any incompatible software, just run the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Incompatible Software Productsalso, we just released a new spacedesk Driver V1075 (which can be downloaded on our website: https://www.spacedesk.net/ ) and Android Viewer on the playstore. Please make sure to update to their latest version.
Hi @dougw03,
Thank you for your feedback we will be checking this and update you again on the progress.
In the meantime, please try to wait a couple of minutes and see if the viewer will recover its connection.
you can also try to take control of the viewer by clicking inside the window and observe if the connection will re-establish. -