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  • 回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11991

    WiFi Direct raised, but due to the limitations of Windows 10, it cannot distribute You-Fi 5 GHz, only 2.4 GHz, which greatly limits the connection speed.
    For the test, I used several routers, including a separate router as an access point, to which nothing else is connected – a direct connection to a PC via cable and a 5GHz tablet – did not fix the situation.
    The tablet displays 150 Megabits / second – isn’t that enough? In this case, even on the minimum graphics configuration, a notification appears.

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11988

    On Low Bandwidth Notification:
    happens constantly, even when the network is free, there is no load, the load only from the remote monitor is about 80 megabits / second. Notifications pop up all the time, the network load does not exceed 10%.

    The AMD driver fails in the following order: 1. The low network bandwidth notification appears several times.
    2. Next, a notification about a network break appears.
    3. The configuration is automatically resumed several times.
    4. A message about an AMD driver crash appears.
    As a result, the display configuration fails, the frame rate is limited – you have to restart the PC to resume work.
    These failures occur 1 time per day, sometimes 1 time in 2 days.
    Notifications about low bandwidth appear every few hours (with no torrents or network load).

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11976

    Despite changing the image quality to the lowest (the quality slider all the way to the left, color 4.2.0, 16 bit, 30 fps), the network load is only 3-5 megabytes / second (it shows 12-13 on the full graph), it still appears notification of low network speed and unstable connection. Appears after several hours (sometimes minutes) of work. Although the load is minimal, the response of the wireless screen is high.
    Also, the AMD graphics driver crashed several times with an error. Before updating to the latest version, this was not the case. The problem with torrents persists.
    So the latest update:
    1. provides incorrect network bandwidth data (the error appears despite the high network bandwidth and stable operation of devices).
    2. Most often, after a bandwidth error, the wireless screen falls off.
    3. causes the AMD graphics driver to crash, after which a hard restart of the PC is required.

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11962

    Before that, it worked quite badly, with the last update it became almost impossible to use, dumps happen 5-8 times a day at a completely random time.

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11924

    For the last 4 days, from time to time (1-2 times a day, more often at night, when there is no load on the network at all), such a notification appears (low network bandwidth), it has never appeared before.
    1. the configuration of the network and devices has not changed (previously, even when there were disconnections, such a notification did not appear);
    2. as I wrote above – the network is 1 Gigabit / sec, according to Windows, the download does not exceed 70-110 Megabit / second, 10-12% of the maximum bandwidth, the Wi-Fi router is 5GHz, 887 Megabit / second, the tablet is connected to Wi-Fi 5GHz, shows connection speed is 150 Mbps, the current connection speed of 80 – 110 Mbps is displayed in the status bar of the tablet.
    3. After a notification about low network bandwidth appears, a break occurs (after a few minutes), then the connection is restored automatically.
    4. lowering the quality to 4.2.0, 30fps, 16 bit does not give any result (network load drops to 60-80 megabits / second), but there are also notifications a couple of times a day about low bandwidth and the connection is cut off. Changing the quality from maximum to minimum and vice versa – does not affect connection drops and bandwidth notifications in any way.
    What could be the problem?

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    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11890

    Thank you! Waiting for an answer from you! Unfortunately, I can not connect 2 tablets via USB, because. one of them is located a few meters from the PC, where the cable cannot be laid. Therefore, stable operation of the monitor over the network is very necessary.

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11879

    Uploaded the archive with logs to Yandex Disk:

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11878

    The size of the entire folder exceeds the allowable size, it is not possible to download the archive even with strong compression.

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11877

    I am sending you the diagnostic log as requested.

    回覆至: Lost connection when downloading torrents #11873

    Hi @spacedesk Lea,
    No, there were no such notifications. The only notification is an error: “lost connection to wireless screen”, which appears when the connection is lost. Up to this point there are no problems. After a few seconds (most often), the connection is restored without additional manipulations.
    With an active wireless monitor, downloading a torrent and other network activity, the network load does not exceed 100-120 Mbps, the entire network is 1 Gbps, i.e. throughput is 8-10 times higher than the current load.
    The fastest way to achieve connection loss is in the following scenario:
    1. The wireless monitor is active on the PC;
    2. PC is downloading 3-4 torrents;
    3. Connect to a PC via remote access (eg AnyDesk).
    In this case, the dump occurs in 99% of cases, sometimes it does not recover itself, you have to break the connection and reconnect.

    The router is powerful, with a bandwidth above 5 Gigabit / s, but anyway, I assumed that the reason could be in it and installed 1 more separate router, which distributes the network only for the tablet on which the wireless monitor is active, does nothing else.

    The problem persisted.

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